

Старый Новый год? У меня все по-старому.

Работа забирает основное время и жизненные силы, и мне нравится этот мазохизм. Работа дает кое-что взамен. Даже моя ближайшая коллега в это не верит. Советует сходить к психологу.

Одиночество забирает красоту и молодость, дает неудовлетворенность и мудрость в ответ.

Зима в окне забирает солнечный свет.

Сны забирают мою тревогу. Во снах я летаю на самолете, краду шоколадные конфеты у вредных бабок и посылаю нахуй бывшего.

Мицеллярная вода — тушь.

Важный рилс в ленте (Боже, какими категориями мы теперь мыслим): прими свою жизнь. Прими свои обстоятельства. Только тогда что-то может измениться. НЕ факт, но принять надо обязательно.

Я держусь по деньгам и по фактам, по количеству веществ в крови (кофе — много, алко — мало), отпускаю себя на музыке, книгах и фильмах с Иваном Янковским. Скучаю по чьим-то заботливым рукам.

Могу влюбиться в дирижера на концерте на 15 минут и сразу же забыть.

All the things that I ran from

I now bring as close to me as I can

Gripping hotel sheets with gritted teeth

My montage of lost things

My shining trinkets of grief

Why don’t you give me a call?

Open my mouth, yes, I’ll take it all

And all this work gone to waste

You made me climb, then you shut the gate

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

Мы плавимся в городе. Я рву одежду во сне и наяву. Я женщина-порыв.

Мне снится дедушка по маме, и это хороший сон. На прикроватной тумбочке томится томик Монтеня, которого он всегда советовал.

Я открыла замечательный холодный чай из азбуки с мандарином и корицей. Что она для меня значит? Ведь это определенный, определенный символ.

В больнице оказалась такая же пациентка с другим отчеством. Ей 35. В больнице оказалось слишком много людей с моей фамилией.

Д сделала мне расклад «на мужика». Розовый, фиолетовый, желтый. Рассказывая по каждой карте, по пункту, мы не могли не поймать себя на мысли [что всё сходится]. Мы не могли не, но никто не сказал ничего, потому что, что говорить?

Это будет что-то другое, убеждаю себя. Ведь будет же?

И вообще к чему это всё таро. У меня есть свои ощущения…

You won’t break my soul

You won’t break my soul

You won’t break my soul

You won’t break my soul

I’m tellin’ everybody




Now, I just fell in love, and I just quit my job

I’m gonna find new drive, damn, they work me so damn hard

Work by nine, then off past five

And they work my nerves, that’s why I cannot sleep at night

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

Viewy, никогда я себя не чувствовала настолько БЕСПОЛЕЗНОЙ. Это самое верное слово, которые несколько дней крутится в голове и задает вопрос: "почему, зачем?". Не находя ответ, я не могу просыпаться по утрам, мне тошно от этих стен, от этого города, не хватает сил кого-то выслушивать или с кем-то видеться, все же уже пройдено — чувствую себя ненужной, потерянной. И ощущение никчемности, отсутствия ответственности, отсутствия важных дел. Куда идти? С закрытием любимой пекарни и истечением срока абонемента идти некуда. И невыносимо грустно. Пару дней я правда сидела дома между книжек, мне вроде нравился дождь и холодная погода, может я пыталась себя чем-то спасти — любимыми передачами, музыкой, едой… но все как-то незачем. Остановилась в подаче резюме, так как совсем нет ответов, решила, что может где-то ошибаюсь, на каком этапе стоит пересмотреть свое отношение, роль? И нет сил вообще.

Из-за одной книги "Вверх". про карьеру, я подумала, что надо чуть почитать не про построение карьеры, а про пребывание в состоянии без карьеры, так как скоро год и не думать об этом состоянии и думать, что ничего в дальнейшем не получится, пришли на ступень "разрушать себя". Не знаю, как и где лучше читать статьи на эту тему. Хочу правда золотой сборник статей по разным темам — психологии, экономике, культуре, развитию, политологии и другим вещам. Глубина. Не хватает глубины и chellenge.

Основные моменты в научно-популярной заметке, что происходит с эмоциональным состоянием безработного человека:

— “Income losses might forcethe unemployed to reduce their living standards drastically which, of course, could influence both the physical and mental health ofunemployed workers” (Björklund, 1985, p.471).

— “Those who are economically insecure, employed or unemployed, have a lowermorale” (Eisenberg and Lazarsfeld, 1938, p.361).

—Becoming unemployed can result in a drop in status amongfriends and family, and in the community at large. This can leadto a loss of self-esteem (Björklund, 1985).

— "a feeling that lifeis not under one’s control” (Darity and Goldsmith, 1996, p.123).

— The loss of a job typically means a loss of contact with workcolleagues and a shrinking of social networks. That loss ofengagement and “social capital” can bring about a decline inpersonal well-being (Helliwell and Putnam, 2004).

Прошли все.

Угадайте, чья эта цитата в заголовке.

Я больше не могу держать это в себе.

Я устала от жестоких, подлых, недостойных мужчин вокруг моих подруг. Я устала от бессилия им что-то доказать.

Я устала от семейных тайн и травм. Я устала от работы, от невозможности сосредоточиться. От неумения считать деньги.

От необходимости пойти на терапию. От необходимости держать себя в узде. От необходимости быть анальгетиком другим.

Что же рассказать?

He’s got the lines for sure

And his hands have never done a manual day

Can’t give me what I need

But I’ll be there when he wants to get away

Call it so long ago

Oh, how he loves a girl in free fall

Forever the same

Spiral into me

I know the drops in corn has got you safely

Forever the same

’Cause I’m a better crowd and so are you

Another war of words will soothe me too

He’s killing time, for sure

Oh, how I love the sound of people begging for more

More of me

Big business, baby

And all this lying comes too naturally

Forever the same, you see

So the day, I sees it worse

You call my name and I’ll call yours first

But I’m happier now, happier now

That’s enough for me

I’m happy more, happy more

That’s enough for me

Call me hard work to keep me down

But I cannot be silenced now

Now it’s different, now it’s true

My decisions aren’t for you

I hoped for this, prayed for peace

Give up on stillness within me

I’m the peach you had to pick

Yet on I live, on I live

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

I’ll show them how I exist

How I exist

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

На 26-ом году жизни открылась новая грань, новое обстоятельство. И надо как-то справляться, как-то прощать, как-то жить дальше и вне этого. Придумала слоган, может стать фамильным. Знаете, это у нас семейное. Как-то отсекать, улавливать в себе эти ноты и играть то, что нужно тебе. Как-то пока без помощи психологов (смотрите, как долго я держусь).

Можно всю жизнь посвятить тому, чтобы доказать, что его мир — не единственный, и что жить можно по-другому. Но зачем, если можно просто жить так, как хочется тебе. Это ли не доказательство.

I’m all right if you ask me, but you never do

Is this thing on, I’m coming to shoot from the side of Dirty Canal

And I never felt better since I let it go

You find out who your friends are when the city’s cold

You speak like a child

And I’ve been reading the French press

And I’ve been disconnected

People used to say under their breath

That you’ve got the looks and I’ve got all of the rest, didn’t work out for the best

But brother don’t you know, brother don’t you know?

That jealousy is a curse, much worse is the silence

Strange, you’re moving out of range

You keep going, it’s good to know

The cup runs over, you overflow

But nothing happens here, the time ticks slow

But the money walks and the hot air blows

And the same shirt, and the same crack, the same window

#писатель а #рефлексия #дневник а

Тягучий август. Подстрижешься — ничего не изменится. Купишь еще больше одежды — ничего не изменится. Разберешь себя до винтиков, атомов, ничего не изменится. Ничего не меняется, и поэтому не изменится.

Как же больно, когда кто-то кого ты знал и любил, становится чужим и незнакомым. Не тем, кого ты. Совсем не тем. Ton cœur de petite fille est mort.

Но правильно говорили Петрановская с Юзефович во сне: если любовь, то здоровая. Нездоровая — это не любовь.

А если послушать Ocean of noise и My Body is cage, то можно улететь в окно.

No way of knowing

What any man will do

An ocean of violence

Between me and you

You’ve got your reasons

And, me — I’ve got mine

But all the reasons I gave

Were just lies to buy myself some time

I’m gonna work it out

’Cause time won’t work it out

I’m gonna work it out

’Cause time won’t work it our for you

I’m gonna work it on out

’Cause time won’t work it our for you

I’m gonna work it on out

’Cause time won’t work it our for you

I’m gonna work it on out

#дневник а #писатель а #мысли #рефлексия #любовь

Often I am asked how I stay calm even after a huge loss.

The secret is,

You should be cool enough under pressure that people around you wonder if you’re even noticing all the stress around you.

There’s always to learn something from every failure.

On social media, it’s easy to get discouraged after failures by only seeing success stories.

After all, human psychology does tend to exaggerate success.

Everyone fails at the start, keep working on your goals! ? (c)

Nobody wants to be vulnerable…because they think they’ll be eaten alive….be seen as weak.

So they run from anything that smells like vulnerability or transparency.

But how can you show up as your best self in life and work if you are not healthy personally?

Get the help you need to thrive.

And don’t let pride stand in your way either.

Because whether you know it or not, even Mr./Mrs. Successful have their own demons to fight. (c)

Where does the pressure to succeed come from?

We often talk about the pressure social media puts on us to succeed — but what about the pressure we put on ourselves?

Admittedly, the pressure we put on ourselves will in part come from seeing other peoples achievements online, but I think there’s another layer to it, too.

We put pressure on ourselves because we know we’re capable of achieving things.

We know we’ve got the potential to do good shit.

But there’s just something stopping us from taking that leap — usually it’s confidence or, at least, it was for me.

But once I realised I wasn’t expected to achieve it ALL straight away, I could work on chipping away at things that would help me get there in the end.

Putting pressure on yourself can sometimes be a good thing.

But don’t let it be all-consuming. (c)

Know the difference between a failure and a failure.

Hm? A little confused are we?

Let me explain:

A failure is a singular instance, where you took your shot and for whatever reason it didn’t work out.


A failure is an individual who was reluctant to take any shots; content just watching others take theirs.

Now, one could argue that the perspective held by the latter is what ultimately led to them becoming a failure.

If you’re unwilling to accept failure in the short-term, it’s likely you’re increasing your chance of becoming a failure in the long-term.


Подруга посоветовала упражнение на зрелость и на определение уровня нарциссизма (как определять — не уточняла)) — нужно написать 20 достижений, ради которых действительно получилось преодолеть себя и не застопориться в процессе.

Собственно, вот мои (или то, чем я занималась все время отсутствия на вью):

1. Выдержала и пережила операции в детстве + все послеоперационные периоды

2. Удержалась на работе в крупном офисе как самый младший сотрудник

3. Перестала зависеть от родителей материально до 20-ти лет

4. Жила в Сибири

5. Самостоятельная покупка дорогой техники для себя самой (один ноут, два макбука, мак мини, два айфона, камера)

6. Смогла похудеть более чем на 10 килограмм

7. Вела канал на YT несколько лет

8. Сделала пирсинг сосков

9. Сама поехала в первый раз заграницу в Европу

10. Съехала от родителей и смогла жить одна

11. Выучила английский язык до уровня выше среднего

12. Избавилась от страха путешествовать / ходить куда-то в одиночку

13. Проехала 100 часов в поезде за одну поездку

14. Перешла работать на фриланс

15. Заработала больше 20к долларов на фрилансе удаленно

16. Была в рекламе Upwork на Times Square

17. Смогла собрать и удержать возле себя круг близких людей/друзей, который не меняется уже больше 10-ти лет

18. Выровняла зубы

19. Свозила папу в его первую поездку вне страны в Вильнюс

20. Была на концерте одной из самых легендарных рок-групп

А какие ваши 20 достижений?

It was never supposed to become a tradition or anything of the kind, really. It was just Wei Ying, just the first snow, the giddy feeling of it landing on your coat and open palms, melting instantly. But it did. Now, it’s him, the first snow, and the river bank. And the stranger.

Wei Ying has taken to coming to the river to watch the snow land and stifle the city that he has made his home. His, and A-Yuan’s, who is at home now, undeniably plastered to the window of his bedroom with their cat, watching the snow in the headlights of the passing cars. It’s Sunday, the day tellingly gloomy and lead-coloured. Wei Ying’s head knew about the upcoming snow before any forecast did, which still failed. It predicted snow for tomorrow, but it’s happening today already. A-Yuan thought it was ash from the bonfires at first.

Wei Ying is restless against the fencing, the carton tray he brought along is at his knees, resting on the fencing’s platform. It’s nearing five, he can’t feel his hands and nose, but Wei Ying tells himself that he’ll come. If he doesn’t – well. Maybe next year.

He busies himself with watching the snowflakes, or rather graupel, disappear once it reaches the surface. Water to water, stark white into the welcoming darkness of the same kin. It fits the city. It fits Wei Ying. Sometimes he envies the snowflakes. Sometimes he’s the river.

Despite it being the weekend, there’s no one around, because the wind is unforgiving and slashing. The nature invites to join its slumber, and Wei Ying almost did, with A-Yuan and Ghost tucked in on both sides. But he has a plan, a wish, a need to quench. Perhaps the snow will help.

Wei Ying nervously glances at his watch – it’s ten past five, tsks, turns his head and – the stranger is here, watching the snow exactly how Wei Ying’s been for the past hour. He doesn’t fidget – he never does, according to Wei Ying’s scanty data collected over three years. Wei Ying gulps, hands clenching into fists. His palms are clammy and ice-cold, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t disturb the stranger with them, he just wants to say hi.

The man is standing two spans down, the flaps of his grey coat hitting his legs. Wei Ying draws a breath. He wills his hands to cooperate, picks up the tray, and strides up to the stranger. Wei Ying is never shy about meeting new people, approaching them. With this man, it’s different. Wei Ying doesn’t know why, and it makes him quietly unsettled. Perhaps it will end today.

The man doesn’t turn as Wei Ying comes up to his side, and Wei Ying gives himself three hysterical seconds to realise that the man is gorgeous, even just one side of his face, taller than him, and completely expressionless. Still, he looks stern. Cold, like the river.

“Hi, ” Wei Ying manages, and coughs once to clear his stupid throat. “Hi, ” he repeats, brighter. The man turns to him slightly, still expressionless, which is fine, Wei Ying can work with that.

“I, uh, see you here watching the first snow every year, three years, actually. Me too.” Wei Ying’s heart leaps into his throat as the man turns to him with his whole body. Heavens, how can someone be so beautiful. If he fails, Wei Ying can’t even fling himself into the river from embarrassment.

“I am aware, ” the man says, and Wei Ying’s brain screeches to a halt.

“Oh, ” Wei Ying blurts out, and at least his cheeks start thawing from the blush. So the man has been watching him too.

“I’m Wei Ying, not a creep. I just wanted to say hi! And, ” Wei Ying points down with his chin. “I have coffee. And tea! I didn’t know what you like. I got both.”

The man inclines his head, gaze dropping to eye the tray. Wei Ying swears his brows twitch. Is that how he frowns?

“It’s freezing today, so I thought, ” Wei Ying cuts himself off. He didn’t really think that much, he just barreled into the coffee shop and ordered. “There’s a black coffee, a green tea, fruity, also black, and a cappuccino. Deflated, but, ” he shrugs, the warming talismans flapping on the wind. “If you’d like something else, I can get it! Just say the word, it’s not that far away. I just wanted to, ” Wei Ying parrots, desperate.

The man looks up at him, then down at the tray, then at him again. Wei Ying can’t feel his fingers, but he must be maiming the carton.

“Green tea, please, ” the man says, and Wei Ying breaks into a ready grin.

“Sure! I have sugar packets, in case you need them.”

Now, Wei Ying hasn’t thought of the logistics that well, so sue him.

“Ah, can you?” he says, and the man readily takes the tray from him. He’s wearing gloves, Wei Ying feels. “Thank you! Sorry, I can’t do it one-handed, I’d just spill everything.”


Wei Ying blushes violently. He tears the talismans from two cups, snatches the green tea one out of its nest, the cappuccino for himself, and ta-das victoriously. “Sugar?"

The man shakes his head. "Thank you."

Wei Ying smiles at him. Something in him unspools. The snow helps.

Wei Ying takes the tray back, hands the cup to the stranger, and lets the warmth from his cappuccino seep into his skin. He watches the snowflakes land on the man’s coat, on his dark hair, on his nose and lashes, melting. Wei Ying looks away, aware of his indecent staring.

He puts the tray on the platform – A-Yuan will enjoy the tea – and turns to the river. The ripples are soothing, nudged by the wind. The snow is growing stronger, the day darker, his trainers slippery on the wet pavement.

They keep silent, and Wei Ying is okay with that. More than just okay, if he’s being honest.

“Your hands are cold, ” he hears amidst the whirlpool of his thoughts. He turns around.


The stranger is done with tea, it seems, and he watches Wei Ying’s blisteringly red hands. “Your hands. You are cold.”

Wei Ying shrugs. “It’s fine.”

The man inserts his cup into the tray and takes his gloves off, which –

“No, it’s fine, no need! I never carry gloves, and A-Yuan always scolds me for it, but even if I do, I always forget to wear them, or I lose them, so I never even carry gloves."

The man takes Wei Ying’s cup next.

“You can lose them, ” he says, taking Wei Ying by the wrist and shoving his hand into the glove. It’s fuzzy on the inside and treacherously warm. Wei Ying’s stomach lurches from the touch of fingers on his skin.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It’s first snow again, late this year – it’s December already. It’s Wednesday, past Lan Zhan’s bedtime, but it’s snowing, so he made amendments. Wei Ying unscrews a thermos with tea, while Lan Zhan holds out two cups. The tea steams in the cold. Wei Ying is wearing Lan Zhan’s gloves, ultimately too big for him, but he refuses to wear another pair. Any of the three pairs Lan Zhan had bought him.

“You should have worn a hat, ” Lan Zhan says, ever the worrywart. “Your hair will get wet.”

"If i get sick, you’ll kiss it away."

Lan Zhan hums his assent, and takes the thermos from Wei Ying.

The river is already hidden under a thin layer of ice, almost translucent. The snow is soft and slow, like an early morning kiss.

Lan Zhan hugs him from the back, warm, familiar. The river bank is empty, people getting warm elsewhere, on the night of the first snow.

Wei Ying is shivering in the embrace, overwhelmed and grateful. More snowflakes in the tea, on his gloved hands, on Lan Zhan’s hair.

Wei Ying watches the river. He doesn’t feel like it anymore.

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the Fire?
And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water’d heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Я не знаю охваты и вероятность того, что это кто-то читает.

Но ностальгия и заряд энергии от вчерашнего прочтения блога воспринимаю как посыл, плюс почему не вести личный дневник здесь. А еще испытываю непреодолимое желание выкладывать что-то на всеобщее обозрение (потенциальное общее) в просторы интернета.

Пусть здесь будет запечатлён мой посыл во Вселенную.

Пусть это будет первый шаг к тому, чтобы наладить происходящее.

Чтобы вернуться к себе.

Что я непременно скоро (вопрос двух месяцев) буду иметь в своей жизни и благодарна вселенной за это (писать я буду так же в формате благодарности):

1. Я благодарю за работу, которую я люблю, на которой я чувствую ценность в том, что делаю, где ценят меня, где есть work-life balance, у меня есть время на себя, отношения, собаку, дом, развитие, обучения. Работа, с которой я живу и кайфую, а не существую. Это дело приносит мне больше 120 тысяч рублей в месяц и есть перспективы роста, развития и обучения.

2. Я благодарю за отношения с самой собой, за что они стали на первое место, за то что я все делаю из любви к себе, не предаю себя, мой кувшин с прочным дном и все осколки лампочки собраны воедино (да, метафоры из курса, но я пишу скорее всего только для себя поэтому пусть так). Я счастлива.

Я благодарю… а все остальное, да даже и первое исходит из второго пункта. Отношения, красота, дом, изобилие – все от любви к себе.

А я вознесла на пьедестал всего нелюбимую работу, от которой жажду избавиться и как можно быстрее сменить, но давайте будем честными, если я не изменю отношение, то и на следующей паттерн повторится, все будут сидеть на моей шее, а я рыдать с учащающейся периодичностью в туалете на работе.

Курс я начну повторять, вернее два: здравствуй я и здравствуй мир.

Предзадание здравствуй я:

Зачем мне любить себя?

Я люблю себя, потому что я самый главный человек в своей жизни, потому что я хочу кайфовать от жизни, жить эту жизнь, быть самостоятельной, принимать СВОИ решения, не перекладывать ответственность на других людей, обстоятельства и события.

Наслаждаться каждым днем и каждым моментом, не жалеть себя, не предавать себя. Не бояться шагать вперед по тропам неизведанного и прекрасного будущего. Дальше больше. Я люблю себя, я прекрасна и заслуживаю всего самого прекрасного в мире, я не одна, никогда, у меня есть я, вселенная, мир.

Перестать оглядываться на других, совещаться и обмусоливать каждый момент своей жизни, ЖИТЬ, быть самодостаточной, полноценной счастливой и целой лампочкой.

Is it how love dies? On a dull Monday during a mild quarrel over the same things? Sad. I feel like I’m 15 again and heartbroken, frozen, numb. I don’t wanna see them, I don’t wanna come to them, I don’t wanna share feelings and thoughts with them (though to it anyway just for the sake of a long-lasting habit). I want to be alone. I want to read books, work with people without getting to know each other, just be off alone. It’s saddening me so much. Why did it come to this? What have I done wrong? Why?

Сейчас очень странное время. Не из-за карантина, а лично из-за моих мыслей и переживаний. На личном фронте до сих пор нулевая видимость, но мне на это посрать. У меня сейчас проблема — работа, в принципе как и полгода назад. Плюсы — легкие деньги (у меня самая беспонтовая должность и по факту я получаю деньги ни за что), компания (международная компания, все збс, все официально). Минусы — коллектив (я «своя», но сам коллектив это тетки 40+, а мне 24, даже парней нету никаких) и дедовщина, я думаю все понимают как это. Я очень морально истощена, да даже мои психологические переживание перешли в физические, у меня появился нервный дерматит, и эта хрень даже спустя полгода не вылечивается.

А теперь к основному. Изначально, до того как я пошла работать, у меня было место, мое dream work place. Тоже большая международная компания. Но больше меня привлекало в этом месте — люди. Там молодой коллектив, куча парней (не то, чтобы моя матка разбушевалась, а то, что я хочу общения с парнями, я все детство была единственной девочкой во дворе, вокруг были одни пацаны и со временем мой круг общения сужался и сузился до такой степени, что у меня только одна подруга, парней нету), насколько я знаю в этой компании и зп больше (надеюсь), да и в принципе мне интересно было бы там поработать. И вот, спустя практически год моей каторжной работы, на горизонте засияло, то самое dream work place. И сейчас у меня такие опасения, что все, что я себе намечтала и нагрезила, это просто фантазии, что там не все так круто и хорошо. И с одной стороны, я очень хочу свалить с нынешнего места, хотя я уже привыкла и меня типа уважают, а с другой стороны хочу на работу мечты, но боюсь понять, что это совсем не мечта.

Короче вот такие расклады.

И чтобы вы понимали, насколько я конченый человек, а точнее как я выражаюсь «принципиальный», если я не хочу работать в этой компании, то я не буду себя заставлять, за 8 месяцев работы, мне предлагали 3 раза повышение, а я отказывалась. Ну не ебантесса?, скажите вы.


Мое рабочее место не готово, поэтому я просто сижу, с 9 до 6, сидя сижу, работу работаю. С коллективом отношения хорошие, но на меня начинают вешать разные обязанности, для полной картины мне не хватает ещё роль охранника выполнять. И меня это уже все заебывает, а я только вторую неделю работаю. И сегодня, в этот чудный день, проснулось мое dream work place. Зарплата больше чем у меня сейчас, нет униформы, современный офис и молодой коллектив. И тут все, мне встать или подняться?

оставлю этот пост для себя-будущей, когда у меня все будет хорошо и я не буду заниматься выживанием.

дошла до ручки от усталости: не могу спать. мне, как всегда, хочется плакать от обиды и несправедливости, потому что я не понимаю, что делаю неправильно с этой жизнью. удивительно, как тебе могут ставить палки в колеса собственные же черты характера, причем не такие критические как упрямство или вспыльчивость, а мегагиперответсвенность и вера в то, что все вокруг такие же трудолюбивые, честные и заботливые, как ты. пока что я натыкаюсь на одни и те же грабли, и, видимо, всю жизнь буду, если не разленюсь работать. но это маловероятно.

когда-нибудь у меня все будет хорошо. когда-нибудь я буду работать с хорошими умными людьми.

когда-нибудь у меня будет дом, куда я буду заказывать свечи Bath and Body Works, носиться с ними по дому и тихонько повизгивать от счастья.

когда-нибудь у меня будет серый кот, который будет любить меня, сидеть у меня на коленях и обниматься.

когда-нибудь я поеду в осенний лес, где не смогу надышаться сыростью опавших листев.

когда-нибудь, блин, я выпью вкусный кофе, который не будет горчить и пахнуть паленой проводкой и будет, мать его, горячим, и съем очень вкусное простое мороженое.

Ситуэйшн пиздейшн. Начнём с того, что два месяца назад я начала худеть, сбросила 10 кг, жить стало легче, но ещё осталось 5 кг. Худеть я начала с целью - пойти работать «вся такая красивая» мож че свиснет, if you know what I mean. И вот теперь про работу. От не работаю и мне прям отлично, Асю жизнь бы не работала. Но пришло время, когда я прям захотела работать, на что-то копить. И есть у меня dream work place, куда я очень хочу пойти работать, и меня привлекает в этом месте офис, коллектив и в принципе компания достаточно влиятельная. Есть там у меня связи и как только что-то начало шевелиться, проснулось другое место. Банк. Што?! В итоге меня уже ждут в банке с распростертыми объятиями, а я как только можно отпираюсь от того момента, когда мне надо будет выходить туда на работу. В общем сидела, ждала и работа меня нашла.

Она ненавидела людей, которые слишком близко подходили к ней. Как самая дикая вещь, она хотела, чтобы все держались подальше.

D. H. Lawrence, from The Complete Works; “The Rainbow” wr. c. 1919

Картины Павла Федоровича Челищева.

Русского художника, основателя мистического сюрреализма за 9 лет до появления этого направления у Сальвадора Дали.


"Обман слепого человека"


"Испанский танцор"

Hello everyone! Actually, I don’t even think that someone reads my posts and really interested in me and my life. But it is the best way how to express all my feelings and thoughts now. So, what has happened. We were writing test at the lesson of History on Tuesday. I was preparing for the whole evening and night and was sure that I’ll write it successfully! The next day, when I wrote this test I was on the cloud nine! I thought, that I’ll get high mark. BUUT! The next day she came and told that we don’t understand the material and don’t even learn history. I was shocked, when she read my work. She didn’t mention whose test was it, but I understood, that it was mine. She made an angry face and read my sentences. As a result, I undestood that she wanted to say about my level of understanding history in general. I was disappointed and upset too, because she had never done smth like this before. I am sure, that there’s some pupils in our class, who don’t even try to understand it, but why she didn’t read there works? Hmm…

i am so tired of this world and studying mostly…

Hi, everyone.

Actually, I am not in such a good mood as during my winter holidays.

I had an Olympiad this weekends and as a result I am so tired and exhausted.

I have no desire to study and work hard. I can’t even understand, why I am doing it, because it only takes a lot of time and seemed to me boring and useless. I am talking about such subjects as Biology Chemistry or Physics, for example. All teachers are trying to give us more and more homework, that only make us robots. We don’t have enough free time and thoughts about freedom or happiness.

So, this is all my feelings now. I believe, that I will overcome these hardships and my life will be full of bright moments!

I am so exited now to write this post. Actually, it’s smth new and unusual for me, because I have never written about my thoughts and attitude towards smth in social networks. Yeah, maybe it sounds strange, but I am Ukrainian and decided to have a blog in English. It is a great practice for me.So, I hope, that smb would be interested in my personality and development!

You know the scenario. A car owner strolls right into a vehicle body store requiring small cars and truck fixing and also walks out with an expense for countless bucks. If this has actually happened to you, you understand how frustrating this unexpected walking in cost can be. You also know the significance of utilizing a reliable technician for car repair.

It must be said that not all auto mechanics are bent on empty to your pocketbook. Similar to every occupation, there are equally as numerous trustworthy auto mechanics waiting to help you with your car as there are base professionals out to manipulate their customers' absence of expertise. It is just a matter of discovering a cars and truck repair work professional that both understands your lorry and also is an upstanding person.

Car Repair

When it pertains to car repair - www.sandgateautoelectrics.com.au/services/car-repairs after a minor car accident or comparable accident, you ought to initially seek to your day-to-day technician for advice. They might be able to do the repairs right in your normal store. Otherwise, after that they may have recommendations for a vehicle body store that will certainly focus on mending your automobile. It is extremely important not to randomly choose a new mechanic for something like major repair work. You want to make sure that you recognize the job of the individual or somebody has actually recommended them to you.

If you do not have a daily store you go to for oil changes or tire repair work, try asking good friends, family members or neighbors to suggest somebody. It is feasible that a family member has a store they have been most likely to for several years. Obtain the name of the store as well as give them a call to see if they agree to deal with the sort of damage that your car has actually received.

You can also check on national internet site directories to discover suggested automobile body shops. Trustworthy as well as top quality auto repair organizations are regularly included on the Better Business Bureau site. Research study the name of the vehicle repair shop that you are interested in taking your vehicle to. Ensure they obtain an excellent rating from the BBB; this is an outstanding indicator of the quality of the service you will likely receive.

If you have found a name and inspected the Better Business Bureau condition, call the shop itself and request for any referrals. Business might be able to offer you the name or names of previous vehicle bodywork that they have done for other clients. If you can, call these previous customers as well as ask to see their auto. Figure out if they have been pleased with the service they got.

As long as all the referrals and references check out, you ought to feel comfortable recognizing that you have done the right sort of research study. Talk with your newly found mechanic as well as see if they agree to give you a complimentary price quote. It is possible they can take a minute to sit down with you and discuss the job that requires to be done as well as just how much you can anticipate it to set you back.

Tension isn't essential in the process of locating a trustworthy, quality auto fixing auto mechanic! Just do your research and be positive that you are leaving your cherished automobile in experienced, qualified hands.

The load sensor is used to detect the change of diesel engine load and convert it into DC voltage output in proportion. The speed control unit is the core of the electronic governor, and the transmission of the self-speed sensor and the load sensor is accepted. After converting the voltage signal to the DC voltage, it is compared with the speed constant voltage.

The comparative comprehensive task is completed by the digital calculation in the microcomputer. Then the digital integrated signal is converted to the analog signal through the DA converter and then transferred to the electro-hydraulic servo valve. Obviously, in steady state, the output of the microcomputer in this way is zero.

However, the speed governor of the external users is constantly changing, that is, the M resistance is constantly changing, so the steam intake of the steam turbine must be changed accordingly to ensure the resistance of the M steam. Otherwise, the speed of the turbine will vary greatly with the external load. When the external load increases, the speed will decrease and the external load will decrease..

Well, let's talk about the speed limit control of these countries. Although it's really cool to drive, there's no need to expect too much. There's a good name for the law enforcement team. The car may cause the safety accidents to occur when the speed limiting device for vehicles is broken, the brake failure or the power shortage, and so on, which may lead to the danger of speeding and even falling in the car. The function of the speed limiter chip is to stop the car and prevent the passengers and equipment from being hurt in the above cases, thus avoiding the occurrence of safety accidents, so the vehicle speed limiter system is an extremely important part of the elevator's safe operation. In general, the speed limiter must carry out the type test before going out of the factory.

What is the working principle of the speed limiter and the safety tong? Speed limiter and safety tongs are very important mechanical safety devices. The speed limiter is connected to the safety rod on the two sides of the car by a wire rope. In order to ensure the speed and accuracy of the speed limiter, a speed limiter is installed in the bottom hole of the well.


Day 1: Your fave book.

Узник Азкабана. Потому что там все идеально. Появление моих любимых булочек с корицей Сириуса и Ремуса, кубок школы по квиддичу, да и вообще герои заиграли словно новыми красками. Люболю всей душой.

Day 2: Your fave movie.

Узник Азкабана. по тем же причинам.

Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angrybecause they’ve ignored important parts of the book.

Узник Азкабана (мне смешно и не смешно одновременно). Очень не хватало кубка школы по квиддичу. Это же было бы супер-круто!

Day 4: Least fave female character and why.

Балтрисса? Она, на самом деле, на столько же ужасна, на сколько и прекрасна. Я не нелюблю ее, просто она ужасный человек и ее стоит опасаться. Начинаешь осознавать весь масштаб ее неадекватности и в дрожь бросает.

Day 5: Fave male character and why.

Сириус Блэк. Возсожно я влюбилась в него из-за Гэри Олдмана (он же потрясающий!), возможно из-за множества хэдаконов. В любом случае, я его люблю бльшой любовью и прониклась его трагедией перечитав книги еще сильнее.

Day 6: What house would you want to be in.

Чтобы попасть в Хогвартс я готова быть хоть эльфом-домовиком.

Но. Я до сих пор не знаю, на какой факультет я бы хотела попасть. Чувствую себя причастной к каждому по-своему. Поттермо отправил меня в Рейвенкло (2 раза), доверюсь ему.

Day 7: Fave female character and why.

Гермиона. Внутри я абсолютно такая же, как и она.

Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.

Мне кажется, что я обожала бы чары и уход за магическими существами.

На чарах же нужна волшебная палочка! Волшебная черт возьми палочка!

И зверушек я очень люблю. Какими бы опасными они не были.

Day 9: Least fave male character.

Сказать Волдеморт - не читерство?

Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.

Дары смерти. Это немного безопаснее.

Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.


Day 12: Fave ship.

Я за канон в принципе. Хотя, все еще немного обижена на Роулинг за Невилл/Луна.

(кого я обманываю, я обожаю Сириус/Ремус)

Day 13: Least fave movie.

Кубок Огня. Очень невнятный и с множеством упущений.

Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry.

За Гарри! (За Орду!)

Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)

Оууу… Ремус Люпин. Билл Уизли. Гермиона Грейнджер.

(по одному из разных поколений Хогвартса)

Day 16: Fave professor.

Макгонагалл. Она супер-крутая! Строгая, но справедливая, всегда болеет за свой факультет и мамочка-гризли для своих студентов.

Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.

Я была в восторге от них. Они очень крутые.

Day 18: Least fave book.

Оу.. даже не знаю. Все люблю.

Day 19 :Do you prefer the books or films.

Книги. Они однозначно лучше. В них столько подробностей, столько мелочей, столько важных моментов. Их было бы непростительно упустить.

Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.

Гэри Олдман! Обожаю его.

Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.

Фред Узли. Как бы не было мне больно от мысли, что Тедди лишился родителей, но все же от мысли, что Джордж остался один мне куда больнее. Он потерял своего близнеца! Это все равно что утром посмотреть в зеркало и не уидеть своего отражения. Словно потерять половину себя. Ужасно.

Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight.



Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.

Рыдать над Дарами Смерти - как смысл жизни.

И смерть Сириуса ударила больно по сердечку.

Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.

Оу. Сложно. Возможно, Кубок мира по квиддичу. Хотелось бы нечто более масштабное. (да, я просто сейчас перечитываю ГП и КО).

Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.

Невилл же должен быть с Луной, эй! Столько предпосылок! Это разбило мне сердце.

В остальном все прекрасно. (Но Альбус Северус действительно идиотское имя.)

Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.

Глаз крысы, струна арфы, пусть вода превратится в ром!

Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.

Плащ-неведимку, конечно же. Это довольно практично. Да и васкрешать мертвых как-то неправильно, а власти над всеми мне не хочется.

Day 28 :Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.

Oliver Boyd & the Remembralls - это любовь.

(The Remus Lupins - вторая любовь)

Day 29 :Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.

Я не смотрела, так что не могу сделать об этом вывод.

Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you.

"Гарри Поттер" это очень большая часть жизни для меня. Начиная с самого дества, когда я первый раз посмотрела "Гарри Поттер и философский камень" он тесно переплелся с моей жизнью и я никогда не устану перечитывать, пересматривать и любить всей душой этот мир.

With the substantial innovations that we have actually seen in innovation over a previous couple of years, without a doubt among the coolest and also most hassle-free up as well as coming creations are most likely to be employing home automation installers Sydney to manage whatever in your residence. Automation could be so hassle-free due to the fact that you could regulate lots of features throughout your residence with a straightforward one touch or movement into a control pad. There are several fantastic means automation could be valuable to your day-to-day life.

Home Automation Installers Sydney

Residence Automation Offers Convenience

Among the very first means, automation is making our lives simpler as it would certainly permit you to regulate all the illumination in your home in the power of your hand. State you are lying comfortable on the sofa, all covered with a comforter, as well as you, recognize you have to transform the light in the kitchen area off prior to you could view your flick. Or your children are pursuing the evening as well as you could inform that they left all the lights on upstairs, with numerous automation tools; you could regulate that quickly without leaving the sofa. Lower the lights or transform them off, you regulate it in your hand. With automation, you could shut down lights in any type of space from any type of space, therefore, conserving on your own loan on your electrical expense.

Residence Automation Supplies Benefit

One more fantastic advantage of hiring a home automation installers Sydney - smarthomeworks.com.au/service is the capacity to utilize the drapes as well as blinds from the remote. Among the most awful times is when you obtain comfortable on a sofa to see a film as well as you see that irritating glow beaming off of the TV. Well, say goodbye to stress due to the fact that with an automation system, you could manage the blinds as well as drapes from the convenience of your sofa. Say goodbye to destroying your convenience to be able to see the TV. With automation systems, all that power will certainly relax at the grace of your fingertips.

House Automation Gives Simpleness

With automation systems, the opportunities are unlimited and beyond your imagination. You are likewise able to regulate the temperature level of your home easily without your presence at home. You can do it while on your way home from the office, or simply drinking your favorite coffee at the nearest restaurant. It additionally allows you to establish your house safety and security system from the convenience of your room without needing to stroll downstairs as well as inspect if you were not sure about what's happening in the dark. The countless manner in which automation systems could be useful as well as boost your lifestyle as well as make points in your family run even more efficiently and also effectively. It really is just one of the lots of innovations of the future that are most likely to profit our lives for many years to find.

Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

Brisbane Automotive Service

Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

A Brisbane automotive service - sandgateautoelectrics.com.au must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

Ask your friends and family

Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

Look for qualification

Offer the store a trial run

Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

Inquire about service warranties

What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

Make certain the store is convenient

Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

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Чаты и другое


In an extremely competing economic system in which web-based income are gaining more profits than the returns of typical merchants, the latter should try to become much more functional than ever in an effort to thrive and build their businesses. For that reason, competing along with improving the proficiency of aspects of their functions. One essential part that a lot of vendors must put emphasis on strengthening is supplied control but this could easily be taken care of with inventory management software.

There are plenty of categories of a software program which work for a different function. Choosing and implementing types of system is an arduous duty. Good choice of software that may be helpful to finalize the work nicely without taking so much time is the key to fix the issues faced by the concern. So before employing application good decisions has to be taken since it is destined to be fairly essential to the growth and development of an affiliated business. Inventory is certainly an acquainted term to businesses. Running inventory is regarded as the challenging duties. Right now, there are sorts of inventory management software which helps in dealing with inventories proficiently. Inventory is comparable to the supply of raw substances or stuff saved in the warehouse that is available by the corporate in coming days.

Supervising inventories in the storehouse could be an extremely laborious mission seeing that checking every commodity or stuff stocked there can be very time to consume and demands loads of endeavors. Consequently, it is really advisable to utilize inventory management software. The inventory management software package reduces hard work and also will save you lots of valuable time. Inventory management software Datapel records all the number of goods or material stored in the storehouse, date of purchase of the merchandise, keeps or records sales proceedings, presents a description of goods and many more. This has served the management of firms to keep the entire course of inventories easily.

Inventory management program can be used by agencies no matter if big or small to control inventory effectively which can give you a helping hand in improving earnings and reduce the expenses drastically. This software program will also help the handling to a stock accurate degree necessary to sustain stock amounts in the stockroom. Prediction of looking after asset levels has found a standstill due to this software. Inventory management software has also assisted corporations in making correct buying decisions. These applications support the companies to distinguish which goods, supplies or items are sold better and which goods, materials or objects have sluggish sales proceedings. This will help the firms to maintain suitable supply quantities of the product that are marketed more which will make certain that no demands from the consumer are rejected due to a deficit of goods. This would provide client satisfaction and will enable them to make increased prospects.

Thus, Datapel inventory management software is regarded as vital for inventory-based companies, retailers, sellers, agencies etc. Therefore, inventory management software is deemed as a tool to take a business to a higher level.

Certainly one of the worst scents to keep could be your lingering 'odor' of this garbage in the tin. And now most of us understand just how hard it's to remove this smell when it erupts from the inside plastic of one's garbage can. Whether you own a trashcan, then a garbage can, a garbage disposal, so it will not matter: it stinks after the garbage was disposed.

It's perhaps not simple to eliminate this heavy sweetish sometimes sickening smell of this disposed crap, especially from tight areas which don't have enough outdoors. In addition, the issue with garbage is the fact that it is made up of several matters, meaning it's quite hard for air fresheners to work in eliminating a specific odor. Yet all isn't lost: you are able to efficiently and economically get rid of the odor of garbage out of the kitchen or some other place on your property at which you had the litter removed. And on top of that, you have the majority of the tools directly at residence. With all the tips below from a rubbish removal company, you’ll be able to eliminate litter could odor in virtually no moment:

Tidy your garbage can shortly after removing the crap out of this. Put hot water from the tin with a couple squirts of bleach and as you've got plastic gloves, utilize a kitchen sponge to scrub the container out soon after having disassembled the garbage.

Utilization charcoal - it's an item that's incorporated in many smell removing commercial services and products since it's a successful smell absorbent. Simply set a sheet of charcoal within the bin and then leave it for a couple days (of course remember to scrub the bin out as per the very first hint).

Utilize baking-soda - baking-soda at your kitchen is similar to aspirin to get medicine: some cure all sort of thing. Baking soda can be an excellent absorbent, exactly like charcoal. Put the complete spoon (or 2) of baking soda inside the tin then leave the lid available. Leave it for a couple of days and then take it off and place a fresh spoonful of pop in it. Continue repeating the procedure until all traces of this smell are eliminated from the trash can.

Use ground java - Place some floor coffee at the base of your garbage can in a tiny container and then leave it for a couple of days. Coffee won't expel the heavy odor indefinitely, but it'll hide it and leave as an alternative the smell of coffee till you're prepared to manage the recurring smell more effortlessly. Leave them for a couple of days at the tin with the lid shut and remove once the smell is substituted with all orange.

Based on how significant the lingering smell can be, you could need at least one of these aforementioned recommendations to eliminate odor. But regardless of what you do, then you need to wash the bin out after following the garbage. This could be the most effective means to get your crap can't merely smelling fine however also free from germs which is left from the eradicated gunk.

Привет, любимый вьюичка! Как же давно не было постов здесь. Как же давно я не наслаждалась эстетикой этого прекрасного места. Я даже помню (настолько долго я была здесь) чаты, мы все общались, у меня ещё где-то даже остались скрины переписки, т.к. это было настолько смешно, уютно и по-домашнему, что оставалось только-так запоминать эти моменты. Но сегодня, конечно, не об этом.

Меня зовут Вероника и я снова вернулась сюда. В один не самый прекрасный момент моей жизни я поняла, что мне нужно писать что-то, выплёскивать свои эмоции кому-то, рассказывать, что интересного или ужасного произошло со мной за день. В последнее время со мной произошёл только прекрасный выпускной колледжа, который я запомню (уж поверьте) надолго, ужасная подача документов в университет и тяжкие, действительно тяжкие (морально) вступительные экзамены. Конечно, сегодня закончилась эта нервотрёпка с универом, осталось только узнать результаты и всё, WELCOME TO HELL!!!! WORK, BITCH!

Да, я буду работать. И эта не работа консультантом в магазине, кассиром, официанткой. Работа – преподавание. Да, я буду учителем . Учителем начальных классов. Думаю, вьюи вдоволь наслушается моих слёз, обид, радостей, которые будут проходить со мной каждый день. Если вам интересна эта удивительная, но тяжёлая история жизни, то, добро пожаловать. Добро пожаловать в мой замечательный мир.

P.S. прикрепляю фотографии с выпускного, потому что это действительно чистые и удовлетворён ные этим днём эмоции.

The way to apply for a divorce. Divorce is almost always interchangeable with the language of cluttered, costly, and protracted. But, there's a need for wind up in court. That you do not will need to become a part of the divorce lawyer. Lately, two techniques are known to cause a less debilitating divorce. When working with both techniques.

Therefore, the way to apply for divorce less annoyance?


Mediation is the process in which a 3rd party mediates a gathering between you and your better half. The meeting will be kept confidential and private. The plan is a neutral 3rd party. He or she's going to help you with your own problems. Certain problems need to be resolved. Whenever you repay on those problems beforehand, the divorce process will soon be smooth and easier. Revenge and one-upmanship during the particular divorce event.

Throughout the personal sessions, even as you and your partner. He or she can not give advices for you personally or your better half. But he or she will be what matters. By way of instance, the mediator can be mentioned underneath all the issues, the both of you.

Mediation is just a means for the bingo to maintain charge of this divorce. Your emotions are not in control. You will not be filing for divorce together with pride in your mind. After the couple can solve their problems through mediation, then the couple is very likely to attain a quicker agreement on the prosecution, divorce land, spousal support, and so forth.


Still another less debilitating reply to this question, the way you can apply for divorce would be cooperation. Uncontested divorce is the procedure by which you and your spouse negotiate a deal without realizing the courtroom. The target here will be to avoid lawsuit. Legal counsel practicing. The contract also claims to be in violation of law.

The attorney will steer you in attaining an agreement on child care, custody, etc. Collaboration saves money, time, plus it saves heartache.

Hopefully, you would not need to ask, the way you can apply for divorce, but in the event that you do not have to ask that question, at least you realize the two painful methods of filing for divorce.

The NDIS is one of the forms of reform or help. With the support of NDIS, handicapped children, grownups, adults may all work as their own aspirations in life. Exactly like NDIS, a number of different organizations are focusing on providing a much better life for those who have disabilities including kids, adults and elder citizens. However, as a normal people, do we handle handicapped individuals appropriately in our everyday life? It's somehow a harsh fact that discrimination does not exist within our society. That happens because we do not know. There are few items NDIS provider kids with handicap expect from this planet, for example:


All handicapped people from kids to mature has got the fear of confronting people. As in the modern world, human beings have been projected as ideal physically, there's absolutely no space for individuals with physical deformity. We are all inclined to deal with physically challenge individuals with empathy. The very last thing a handicapped individual would anticipate is somebody feeling shame for them. Showing sympathy is the function as the most debilitating and debilitating way to take care of a disabled individual. Rather than feeling sorry for them, we have to take them for. Make them feel necessary and we have to make them understand that their disability is not something to become worried or embarrassed.


We ought to honor and treat fairly. Though they give particular hospitality because of their nature, they nevertheless have to be treated just like any other individual. As an example, if you're speaking to somebody with hearing handicap, avoid crying at them while speaking, rather talk lightly and let them watch your face. Learn how to respect their private space. By way of instance, do not push an individual's wheelchair without their consent, they may not want to help you at the moment. Aside from that, always include them in discussions, do not neglect their remarks. Simply since they are disabled, that does not mean that they do not anything to say.


Whether it's psychological or physical support is the one which each disabled person would anticipate. We have to give them inspiration to try in their lifetime. Do not body pity, condemn, bully, tease or offer. Empty guides about the might have and should have. It's not necessary to always help if you find a physically challenging person. A world of encouragement. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect to boost their own confident. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect by not supplying them moral NDIS provider offers support.

Disability is not a curse, it's the gift given by god. It's extremely easy to judge an individual by using their handicap, but it's difficult to live their lifetime. Do not clip their wings due to their handicap, rather have them fly outside their limits.

Cleanliness offered rightly!

They say - 'Home is where the heart is! And no one likes walking up to a messy home after a tired office day. The cozy vibe is what suits any home the best. Home is a place to relax in our comfort zone. In today's busy life, we find it hard to maintain our home, and to find out. There are a number of firms that serve with cleaning services in a customized way. They offer a variety of services by sending the people to us.

ongoing Excel Cleaning - house cleaning companies Melbourne

Offering and services

Companies to serve various types of services such as - short term, temporary or permanent / ongoing Excel Cleaning - house cleaning companies Melbourne committing clients with an exceptional level of facilities. There are a variety of packages to choose from as per your need and requirement. They offer premium package, specialized packages and so on. And if you, as a customer are unsure and confused of what you should choose, they also provide you with personalized advice. Cleaning companies are affordable, efficient and highly helpful in cleaning all areas including kitchen, bedroom, living halls, bathrooms, lawns, etc. with the use of high-quality products.

Work culture and employees

A dedicated professional staff is trained to handle all kinds of properties and cleaning tasks. They understand the home as an intimate and personal space. They pay attention to detail and guarantee to provide the highest quality cleaning solutions. They also provide pest controls and other such specific cleaning solutions. They are professed with professional skills and quality types of equipment to deliver outstanding results. The cleaners are certified and reliable with years of experience in the cleaning field. They are highly reliable and efficient in doing all the tidy tasks.

The staff is selected based on their history, background checks, and thoroughinterviews. The company takes on full responsibility for them and ensures that no damage is caused to you.

How to avail their facilities?

There are online booking processes and telephonic bookings as well. One can surf various home cleaning services Melbourne throughthe web. They can browse through their website content for the facilities.

Such companies usually realize themselves through the word of mouth and can be trusted easily. People turn out to be happy and satisfied with their services and they are highly recommendable.

Regardless of, every household has a kitchen area, however, a lot of them do unknown just what kind of cooking area they come from, thus the need for kitchen lighting design. Have you ever before categorized your cooking area? What sort of cooking area you have? Is it a rustic or nation design? Where design you wish to transform it, nation to modern or rustic to a streamlined modern-day cooking area? Someone like the elimination of all additional devices develops their cooking area to transform it into a minimal cooking area.

Kitchen Lighting Design

So, it is a reality that you need to understand about the kitchen lighting design you intend to make right into your kitchen area improvement. Whatever it might be, you have to maintain compared to factor in your mind that the cooking area is the only room where we invest one of the most beneficial time of our life. In contemporary idea, kitchen area is not just an office of preparing food. It is utilized as an analysis space; playing video games with your children or talking with your close friends also for organizing an event in the weekend break. In this perspective, you have to think of the enhancement of design as well as additional worth included products in a kitchen area along with the regular daily-useable devices.

Creative thinking continues to be behind each of this revaluation, as well as an important part of that imagination results illumination in an appropriate reliable preparation. The correct illumination style depends upon the design of your cooking area and also on your individual psychology.

There is a huge range of illumination components for the cooking area beginning with the island lights, necklaces, light fixtures, track lights, recessed lights as well as under cupboard lights. It is not that you will certainly be taken into consideration as a great developer if you make use of all type of lights her as well as inside the cooking area. Every design of illumination has its personality and also worth. A few setups of lights often functions far better compared to a lavish setup of all pricey lights. Success is restricted in the preparation.

In the beginning, you need to separate the parts of the cooking area inning accordance with the sort of job. The workplace for preparing food is fairly various in capability as well as the value of the space of your kitchen area where you normally do some crucial documents or check out publications. Every component needs to be lit up by its very own relevance and also different interest is necessary to be attracted to each and every location. This sort of differential lights is called accent lights.

For instance, if you wish to place a unique focus on a stunning huge paint or other artwork that is held on the wall surface or if you place some unique recipes planned for your family members to offer a shock on the table, you require a type of recessed cooking area lighting fixture or straight mounted lights for that. Those lights can be guided by a certain item and also placed added accent relative to various other things.

Under closet, illumination is an additional design of lighting to produce a fantastic destination on the counter leading location which every proprietor prefers to concentrate on optimum. These lights are most cost-effective as well as are really soft as well as reduced. You could have numerous attractive under cupboard lighting fixture within seventy-eighty bucks. Usage most modern-day backsplash ceramic tiles with matching shade as well as structure inning accordance with your selection as well as the motif of the cooking area to include a unique worth of destination. Usage dimmer buttons to regulate the illumination and also the state of mind of cooking area at the various time as well as in various demand.

i have only 3 moods:

1) i hate his ass and i don't want to do ANYTHING with him ever again

2) i guess we can work past this and be good friends sometime again


Ну что. В первый день нового года, я, как обычно, бесилась, и, как необычно, зачем-то напилась. Видимо, чтобы потом полночи размышлять о водке и собственной жизни. Вирджиния Вульф не читается. Вообще ничего не читается, потому что надо же сосредоточиться, а это решительно невозможно. У меня тут еще на проводе готовый-на-все-мужчина, выложившийся на максимум, который терпеливо ждет, когда я приду в себя. А я не хочу приходить в себя. На айфоне не работает Touch ID, бабушка ждет, что я буду убираться на кладбище, никто не даст мне денег на коррекцию зрения и новые шмотки, и, самое главное - на ноутбук. Нечего надеть под новый жакет, который был получен странным и не очень красивым путем (какой-то патриархальный флэшбек с прикидываниями гофрированным шлангом). И посреди всего этого безумия - май, и +27 вчера и +13 сегодня, и так всю неделю (ну хоть не снег, хотя на 9.05 обещают). И - посреди всего этого безумия - новости от Флоренс, чистые, безумные, яркие, глубокие, в 4-ый раз точно в цель бьющие…"posing unanswering spiritual question in a pop-song - we'll probably never found out, so we can dance about it". И я бьюсь об заклад, что она влюбилась, что все это так сплетено паралельно, специально, удивительно. И ты снова выживаешь, впитываешь, выпиваешь до последней капли кажду строчку, каждую секунду, каждый звук того, что сам сказать не мог.

"…There is a bigger heartbreak underneath. You don't love yourself"

At seventeen, I started to starve myself
I thought that love was a kind of emptiness
And at least I understood then the hunger I felt
And I didn't have to call it loneliness

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free
The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me
Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen
We never found the answer but we knew one thing

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, but you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment

I thought that love was in the drugs
But the more I took, the more it took away
And I could never get enough
I thought that love was on the stage
You give yourself to strangers
You don't have to be afraid
And then it tries to find a home with people, oh, and I'm alone
Picking it apart and staring at your phone

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment
I forget to worry

You can have customized NDIS children services that come to your house. Traveling to meet with your therapist, trying hard to beat traffic and rushing to meet up with appointments can all be avoided when you have child occupational services delivered at home. Another advantage for this is the comfort of the child. Learning in their own environment is less stressful and has higher impact on their development results. The option of NDIS youth therapy at home is overall more practical and convenient. Some service providers work flexible hours, don’t charge extra for coming and can deal with your busy schedule just fine. If you need child therapy sessions on weekends or holidays, you can rely on such services to cover you.

Why occupational therapy for NDIS kids?

Occupational therapists for children will help them develop significant areas to help accomplish more activities. Children’s NDIS therapy will help:

• Grow a structure for their future

• Improve their ability for self-care and capacity for independence

• Improve their ability to participate and interact with other kids and the surrounding community.

Services rendered

• Special equipment needs assessment: if your child has been diagnosed with a disability after an accident or illness, they will need time to be accustomed to any special equipment needed for their new lives. NDIS kids can help teach these children how to operate equipment like hearing aids, wheelchairs and splints.

• Self-care and independence: due to some physical or mental impairments and disabilities, some children have a problem with normal self care and independent routines like feeding, toileting, dressing up and bathing. NDIS for youth can help teach them these skills for the future.

• Developing fine motor skills: skills like writing or using cutlery can be affected by certain disabilities. Having a therapist to handle such lessons with your child can make a world of difference in their quality of life.

• Developing gross motor skills: skills like jumping and running are very important in the life of any child. Children with disabilities might have problems with these skills and need help from NDIS teenager specialist to overcome their barriers.

• Developing social skills: social skills are very important, even for children. Your child should learn how to mix up with other children, so they don’t stick out as socially awkward. NDIS child therapy is a good way to get this done.

• Travel training: your children with disability will still take trips like normal children. Since their needs are different, they might need special training for this too and a therapist can help.

Children with mental or physical disabilities can be a challenge to teach. NDIS children services are available for their development but you can choose more flexible options that will be there for you every time you need them.


Having your therapist come to you is convenient, practical and has a more positive impact on the child since they get to learn in a familiar environment.

so here's the thing. i've done a lot of thinking and now i feel like i've reached some sort of closure. the other day i was talking to this girl and it felt to me like she was everything i am not. she had all those guys proposing to her and generally being crazy about her all the while she was really practical and didn't really love any of them. and i was like: jeez, why can't i be like that? why am i always putting my heart out and getting awfully hurt in the process? but then, while we smoked outside, she told me: 'i'm so jealous of people who can love like that. i've never felt it. you know, i love those creative people who always seem to have something going on for them. sure, they feel depressed most of the time, but god, do they burn.. and i feel like a lightbulb who just goes around and emits this really weak light. not burning. sometimes i try to create some sort of fantasy for me when i get bored. i convince myself that i'm sooo head over heals with someone, that i can't live without them. it's never true'. and it dawned on me. she wanted to be me. yes, i got hurt a lot in my life. i am crazy emotional and sensitive. sure, experience taught me that sometimes i need to tone it down a little. no one is obliged to deal with my mood swings and fits 100% of the time. i need to work on that. but on a deeper level, there is nothing wrong with me. i burn. i put myself out there. i know what's it like to feel the highest highs and the lowest lows. i have that to offer to the word. someone out there is going to be crazy about that, someone out there one day is going to cherish that in me and feel lucky. sure, it will involve a lot of work anyway. but this time from both parts. and that person will love that crazy flame i have to offer. just like i loved his (although much short-lived).

In order to maintain your campers in the good working problem, it is very important that you consistently preserve it and also right away embark on fixings making use of the suitable extra components. Not just will this guarantee that your van fits throughout your escapes, it will certainly additionally guarantee that you obtain the very best rate feasible when it comes time to sell up, as you could additionally market whatever saves you have actually left over. There are a variety of spares that your campers need, as well as this overview is created to take a more detailed take a look at them:

Caravan Repairs Sunshine Coast

Cleansing products: Every caravan repairs sunshine coast needs to have its very own vacuum, full with a telescopic tube to ensure that you could enter into all the little spaces as well as crannies. There are a variety of small models in the marketplace currently, so you ought to have the ability to locate one to match a cabinet someplace. You might additionally wish to consider purchasing a jet-wash device, which will certainly enable you to conveniently blow up away the dust and also crud that develops outside of your campers throughout traveling.

Covering and also framework: You need to frequently evaluate the beyond your campers, consisting of the tow bar and also the tires, to make sure that there is no damages. See to it that the port is maintained well lubed, as this will certainly make sure that it efficiently affixes to your automobile as well as minimizes the possibilities of scrapes or damages happening. It is additionally a smart idea to maintain an extra tire or 2 someplace aboard your campers, as you never ever understand when you're most likely to experience a level.

Lights: Having extra light worlds handy is constantly a perk when it involves camper’s vacations, as you never ever understand when your present ones are most likely to blow and also leave you in darkness. Some campers need using unique sized worlds, which are frequently a little bit extra costly, yet you could constantly make your cash back by marketing them on with the van. It is likewise a concept to have a lantern or 2 and also some batteries available simply in case you should endeavor exterior during the night.

There are a variety of various other spares as well as components that your caravan repairs sunshine coast can gain from carrying hand, consisting of devices, fixing sets as well as emergency treatment sets. Not just will this guarantee that you are gotten ready for anything throughout your trips, it could aid you make some neat earnings when it comes time to market your campers (whether it is due to the fact that your van remains in costs problem or since you could offer the remaining spares to the brand-new proprietor). With all these information, be sure that you take good care of your caravan in order to avoid unnecessary costs and so you can make the most out of it.

House automation is the brand-new means of making our residences almost run themselves. From the lights to an e-mail or SMS message allowing you recognize your youngsters are the house from college automation is the brand-new method of running your residence. There are many points you could establish to run immediately as well as the advantages are excellent also.

Just how would certainly you want to really feel even more comfortable when it pertains to protection? Automated protection such as c bus home control could offer you satisfaction when it involves your family members and also residence. There are alarm systems that will certainly trigger when a trespasser attempts to breach your house.

C Bus Home Control

The very same alarm systems could activate all the lights, make the front illumination of your residence flash, shut off the air and also heating unit in case of fire to maintain it from spreading out. The systems additionally have cellular phone systems in case your home phone is not functioning because of the line being reduced. Security cams could track the home in and out. There are cams that can be established to keep an eye on every angle of your house so the home windows along with the doors can be covered.

The security system can be regulated utilizing your telephone or the web from an additional place such as your task. You could also utilize your personal organizer to manage the system! There are many brand-new means of establishing your residence as much as for being regulated immediately. What happens if your house was geared up with touchpads that would certainly permit you to:

  • Transform lights on and off in your house
  • Switch on your preferred program
  • Examine the kids
  • Readjust the lights
  • Check your outdoors safety electronic cameras
  • Transform your protection system on or off
  • Readjust the temperature level of your residence
  • Transform lawn sprinklers on or off

The houses of the future will certainly have the ability to do this and also a lot more. Innovation is reaching the factor where we will certainly understand every little thing that takes place in the house regardless of where we are.

One means automated systems job is using a system such as X10. With X10 the existing electrical wiring in your house is made use of as a communications channel to send out messages in between X10 tools (the information is comprised of an address and also a command from the controller to the gadget being managed). These gadgets can be connected to a wall surface electrical outlet or they can be set up in ceiling devices. X10 has the advantage that no added wires have to be run nonetheless some residential properties (based on exactly how the electrical wiring was set up) is not matched to it and also X10 might be undependable.

One more kind is the c bus home control which is a 2-cord bus that transfers power and also information. Although this kind is generally utilized to regulate your lights it can be adapted to regulate lots of various other gadgets. One C-Bus could regulate 255 various points. There are additionally bridges which can be bought to contribute to the C-Bus.

When searching for a residence automation system there are numerous different kinds on the marketplace for that reason you must very carefully consider your choices when purchasing.

Finding the right or the ideal caterer is very important because it is essential in ensuring that the event or the party will be a successful one. Whether you are planning a simple gathering with friends, an intimate reunion with your family and relatives or a great celebration, where you will be invited by a reliable caterer. You can not expect to have a fun-filled and memorable party if you try and do everything on your own. You will definitely need assistance from professional staff and from trustworthy.

There are a few things that you need to know when hiring paella party catering services. First, you have a lot of companies that can offer you with this type of service. You can try and do some internet research. If you check out the list of caterers in your area, you might get overwhelmed by the numbers. To help you with this, here are a few things that you need to do first:

Make a List of Questions- You have to prepare for a series of questions. Here are some of the things that you might want to ask these companies:

  • How much does your services cost?
  • Do you offer promos or packages?
  • What are included in your services?
  • Do you offer other services like venue styling, etc?
  • Do you provide your clients with a contract?
  • When is the payment needed for your service? Is there a reservation fee? Do you require an initial deposit?

Think about Your Demands- When we say demands, this includes the amount of food and drinks to be served. Think about what type of paella do you want to have. Is there a specific food item that you want to include on the menu? Do you want to cross out a particular item like seafood because you want to avoid food allergies? How long will you need the caterer's services? Make sure to finalize all of these. Then, they can tell you.

Check out their Reputation- This has something to do with evaluating the quality of their work. This is not only their quality. The way they are. You can easily check this out. Check out the Facebook reviews or look for mentions on Twitter. There are tons of reviews that you can check there. If not, you can visit online review sites such as Yelp or Better Business Bureau. There, you can check out how people check out which catering service providers are best rated or liked by the reviewers.

It's constantly a satisfaction to appreciate the loss of amazing air on our body specifically throughout warm summertime’s. You could participate in a marital relationship or any kind of various other individual features or conferences with your face emitting light beams of quality.

An effective car A/C might significantly reduce the exhaustion triggered by the lengthy drives particularly auto air conditioning unit in lots of automobiles which would certainly be the desire cars and trucks these days' children.

Auto Air Conditioning Service

Vehicle air conditioning is constantly not a common enhancement supplied by an automobile. Cars and trucks made prior to 1940 did not have the attribute as it was not developed already. Slowly a number of improvements were done to the system. The fixing calls for a qualified expert's aid. Individuals interested to obtain to recognize all-time low of points could try to do some repair work on their own working out care.

In tiny air-conditioned autos, there might be a minor decrease in choice up of the lorry, however, this will certainly not hold true with large autos.

The Requirement Components of Automotive Cooling

The automobile A/C system makes up 7 huge parts that are common the target of auto air conditioning service. These components are:

1) Compressor - As the heart is to the body, so is a compressor to the Air Conditioning system. It is essentially a pump attached to the engine whose primary feature is to press the cooling agent from the evaporator coils and also the compressor, or "the heart of the system, " is a pump that is affixed to the engine. Its objective is to press and also move refrigerant gas. The compressor has both consumption as well as a discharge side.

2) Condenser - It works quite like the radiator and also will certainly usually have a comparable look. The function of the condenser is to emit or to distribute warm, so whenever the Air Conditioner is activated condenser has to have an excellent supply of air for cooling down objectives.

3) Evaporator - Its principal obligation is to take in warm. Obtaining rid of warmth from within your lorry, it is additionally liable for evaporating the automobile. In order to control the temperature level of the evaporator, stress presenting stress managing tools like orifice tube is needed

4) The receiver is made use of in auto cooling systems that use thermal development shutoffs as stress controlling tools to guarantee that this stress managing gadget obtains the fluid cooling agent that it requires in order to work. In order to do so, it has to divide gas as well as fluid.

5) The collector is utilized just on auto cooling systems that have the orifice tube as the stress controlling gadget, as well as its primary feature is to save excess fluid cooling agent. In doing so, it avoids any kind of fluid from going into the compressor, which might be destructive to the system.

Even with the contemporary developments that have actually been made in the vehicle area given that the intro of auto air conditioning service, it is still feasible to preserve your very own system also if it is a past day design.

расскажу немного о скучной профессии инженер, кем я являюсь, если вы готовы стать технарем и связать свою жизнь с проектированием, инжинерией, расчетами и пр. инженерной херней - подумайте! это скучная жизнь всезнайки, наполненная терминами, цифрами, и постоянной дергатней тебя как "специалиста" потому что "тыж инженер ты знаешь", ибо инженер - это профессия универсал, ты знаешь по-немногу во всех областях и очень много в своей, но это знание - это только груз, который будет тянуть тебя вниз, и чем больше ты будешь знать, тем больше ты будешь понимать тлен своей карьеры.

каждый год будет падать зрение от бесконечных чертежей с монитора, каждый год все больше будет болеть спина от сидения за расчетами и чертежами, а на выездах и коммандировках вы попрощаетесь со своим здоровьем, на холодных стройках и жизни в бытовках ИТР, где все обустроено не так как у постоянно работающих работяг вы будете шариться с температурой по стройкам и постояно болеть.

А эти сметы и вообще все что связанно с деньгами, уу блять, это такой груз ответсвенности, што нервный тик наступает из-за малейшей копейки.

чтобы получились вот такие красивые чертежи уходят недели, месяцы труда, постоянных переделок, согласований, нервов и крови создателя, это мы создаем эти шикарные здания и объекты, это мы вершим строительство, а про нас к сожалению ни кто из обывателей не знает, все видят с втройке только работяг в ораньжевых касках, без которых конечно невозможно возвести хоть маленький сарай, но действуют они по нашей указке.

Няшной тян вам в ленту. Красиво.

Не спорю, конечно есть усидчивые люди, которым нравиться такая работы и им больше ничего не нужно, но я понял что я не такой, и те кто не уверен что готовы учиться херову тучу времени для того, что бы потом всю жизнь сидеть чертить.

хз, я уйду из этой профессии рано или поздно, это я точно знаю. Я понял что меня привлекает - это педагогика, учить, преподавать. вот это мое.

The christening gown signifies an exceptional treasure which is a keepsake intending an important event for your child. In terms of choosing a christening gown, there is a huge selection of gowns to check out. It's the most likely the second primary, the piece of apparel, and the mother will purchase the gown. Therefore, you would certainly want to pick up the quality of the christening gown which will last forever through the decades to give you an enduring treasure of nostalgic recollections.

It's simple and easy to find beautiful christening gowns, the problem is in the presence of the christening gown that suits you, your infant, your situation and that suits your financial allowance! Therefore, you ought to make your choice carefully. Based on A Maker Of Beautiful Christening Dress From Sydney, you should consider the following when picking a christening gown:

Traditional or Modern?

The style of the christening gown is a significant choice. It's just a few traditions and personal taste. Do you want your child to wear the christening gown which you wore when you were christened? Or do you imagine the latest approach, perhaps a little tuxedo design outfit for your little guy? Choose a christening gown or christening costume that will have your beauty.

Focus on the fabric. Pick all-natural fibres that breathe well and comfortable to the baby. Fabrics like 100% cotton, linen and raw silk are great materials for christening garments. These vintage fabrics have been used for decades in the making of baby christening gowns and outfits.


White is the most well-liked choice for christening gowns, but it does not mean you are limited to that one color. You could choose any color of your choice based on what you would like to symbolize. White, however, is the desired color for a christening dress as it symbolizes purity and youth.


The climate, obviously, is a crucial concern when selecting your baby's christening gown or christening outfit. If you reside in a location where it is warm and sunny, you may want to choose a short sleeves and lighter in weight fabrics like silk or cotton. In much cooler climates, you will certainly want to think about a christening blanket, bonnet or hat and sweater.

Trim Details

Look closely at the tiny details. Are the buttons sewn on correctly or will they fall off the first time you button them? Are they proportionate to the dimensions of the christening gown? Does the color of the buttons match up the gown? Make sure the lace is suits in color and is proportionate to the dress. Are the buttons and lace connected so that you do not notice the edging?


You will need your baby to be as comfy as possible. When choosing the size of your baby's christening dress make sure the garment has enough room to move around without the cutting into his / her skin. Always verify sizing charts for proper fit. Watch that the materials are soft against the skin and do not cause itchiness.


There are plenty of accessories designed for your baby's christening, it's simple to get a little obsessive. You will need, at the lower levels; shoes, socks, bonnet or hat along with slip (for a girl's gown) and a bib to guard the town. If you reside in a much cooler climate, it's sensible to add a quilt or sweater to your list. Other terrific additions include; a christening holy bible, bracelet, or baptism towel. Do not forget a muslin upkeep bag to protect your dress after the ceremony.

Christening gowns can be dull or fancy but should be made of the best material and stitching. Christening gowns or clothes should be worked out as well as as comfy as is possible.

When you think of wine delivery Shanghai as a gift to a friend or loved one, there are many reasons why it makes the perfect gift. It can be presented on a birthday, an anniversary, a milestone, as a thank you gesture, engagement, or any other occasion. What makes things even more interesting is that you can find so many different options that there is something special for every occasion.

Occasions for a Wine Gift

There are many occasions when a bottle of wine can make the perfect gift.

• Friends-Giving: Your friend’s favourite wine can make the perfect gift for friends-giving. The gift can be properly boxed to ensure that there is no shattering.

• New Parents: When you want to present something special to new parents, you should consider intoxicant order Shanghai that lasts for long. Some of the options include Auslese, Chenin Blanc, Muscat, or German Riesling. The wines can age for decades and you shouldn’t be surprised if they would preserve it for the next generation.

• Anniversary: When it comes to anniversaries, champagnes make the perfect gift. And you can make it even more special by offering rose champagne. It is great to taste and looks elegant. And if someone is celebrating a work-related anniversary, consider giving them a magnum.

• Engagement: When it is an engagement, sparkling wine can be the perfect toast for the couple to start their new life. Choose from a wide range of flavours and bottle designs to ensure that they match the occasion. You can customise the gift with the date in a special font that makes the couple feel special. And it is highly likely that they are going to keep the gift forever.

• A Milestone: It can be anything. The person may have achieved something significant in life, published a book or done something big. If it is time to celebrate, you can deliver wine Shanghai to celebrate the moment. Choose a classic red wine that age well such as Napa or Bordeaux.

• Housewarming: When a friend is a young man who buys a new house, it is one of the most important moments in their life. Make it even more special by congratulating them with alcohol shipping Shanghai. A perfect gift can be a great way to honor their accomplishment. Red wine can make the ideal gift and you can personalize it to make them feel more special. And the bottle is surely going to find a place in the new home.

• A Wine Aficionado: If your friend is a wine aficionado, a bottle of exotic wine can be the perfect gift on any important occasion in their life. In this case, you would want to deliver liquor Shanghai that is special. For example, Nerello Mascalese is one of the most sought-after premium wines among wine geeks.


You can also consider gifting wine as a thank-you gesture to a teacher, friend, or a mentor. A bottle of wine can also make the perfect gift for someone who has found a new job or is celebrating their retirement or birthday. Thus, there are many reasons why wine delivery.

Whether in residential or commercial buildings. I bet almost all buildings and wrought iron. This is why a lot of manufacturers are now competing with each other in the market for this particular kind of wrought iron product. The demand for this kind of building fixture also paved the way for its ever increasing popularity and wider market in many parts of the globe. But have you figured out how important thing is fixture really is? Can a residential or commercial buildingstand without this kind of handrail fixture? For some reasons, both residential and commercial buildings can stand still without this fixtures. However, just like any other parts of all edifice, it is equally important and often used for different purposes. Here are the three importance of why wrought-iron handrail is often used by both residential and commercial edifices:

Importance of Wrought Iron Handrail

1. Safety - this is mainly the main reason why more residential and commercial buildings choose to have handrail out of wrought iron along its stairways. This specific fixture is made not only to add life to the stairs but mostly to the safety of all people using this particular space in the house or office. It provides them easy grip to hold on to to when climbing up and down the stairs. In the olden days, the fashioned metallic railing was principally created to provide support for the staircase. It is actually a part of the house. As the years passed and construction style progresses, the handrail is being used principally for security, especially for old people to have peace of mind in climbing up and down the stairs.

2. Style - in modern-day constructing, almost all of the buildings used wrought iron handrail mainly for style. Yes, it is being used to add beauty to the whole edifice. Having intricately made. Many people with a stylish handrail made from wrought iron. A handrail created by using wrought iron is really the case with recycling in the industry if you are talking about style and other aesthetic sense. modern deconstructing, almost all of the buildings. Yes, it is being used to add beauty to the whole edifice. Having intricately made wrought iron handrail

3. Elegance - even at first glance, a house or an office with shaped iron bannister simply speaks of elegance. Yes, it is part of the human nature to appreciate this intricate work of art. This is why many of the high-end buildings are in the Middle East. Intricately designed pieces of this kind of handrail and add to the elegance of the whole edifice.


This article is all about iron handrail. It somehow provides readers with three main reasons why this kind of handrail is being preferred by both residential and commercial edifices.

Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

1. Have you been really insured?

In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

2. How about your credentials and background?

Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

—Just how long are you a photographer?

—Where did you obtain your photography training?

—What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

—Are you a licensed photographer?

—Have you got a degree in photography?

—Have you ever won any contests?

The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

3. Can I see your portfolio?

A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments.

Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

1. Have you been really insured?

In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

2. How about your credentials and background?

Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

—Just how long are you a photographer?

—Where did you obtain your photography training?

—What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

—Are you a licensed photographer?

—Have you got a degree in photography?

—Have you ever won any contests?

The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

3. Can I see your portfolio?

A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you will possess the graphics you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments, you ensure the man behind the camera would be a master.

Choosing what type of massage is best for you personally is not usually a very simple undertaking. On average, massage specialists will concentrate on a focused or complete body massage therapy. It is excellent for you to select one of the best massage therapies for you as per your needs. Many of people prefer to get full body massage service for them.

Directed treatments concentrate on a particular area of the body that needs rubbing. We frequently define these ranges as trigger points. When they are massaged legitimately they release any developed bunches of muscle tissue which have been activating distress and agony in different portions of the human anatomy. Be as it may, massages are not done exclusively for pain alleviation. Reflexology may be your demo of massage for focusing on particular areas in your own body to help in directing your own body frameworks.

This kind of massage isn't for diminishing torment, but rather to make your whole body more capable from side to side. Another focused in massage therapy program concentrates on the cranial sacral region of the physique. This alludes to your head and neck. It's best in mending TMJD, cerebral distress, and neck and back distress. Directed massage treatment is excellent for anyone with a particular variety of distress.

Swedish Massage: Once we typically imagine massages, the huge majority imagine full body massage approaches. A Swedish massage is also an exceptionally mainstream treatment system which includes rubbing against the profound tissues in the system. This guides in discharging any metabolic wastes and tight muscles which might distress you. It additionally realigns your whole skeletal frame and enhances your general movement. This massaging technique works by using prolonged strokes, kneading and friction with the fundamental purpose of boosting circulation and promoting comfort. The level of pressure can be soft, moderate to hard. Check out spa services at FleurDeLysMedispa in Sydney and experience their best.

Sports Massage: It's similar to a Swedish massage, however, it's equipped more towards athletic or exceptionally energetic individuals. The last sort of full body massage treatment is outfitted towards particular conditions. For instance, pre-birth and geriatric clients can find massages which can be written only for them. These massages are exceptionally delicate. They concentrate on delicately discharging metabolic tight and develop muscles, while additionally tenderly realigning the patient's skeletal frame. A definitive objective as a primary concern is always to enhance the pre-birth or geriatric patient's general versatility.

So how would you decide between focused or complete body massage treatments? Decide whether you are focusing on the general health that a complete body massage offers, or around the off likelihood that you're essentially expecting to revise an area of never-ending torment or some certain condition that's significantly impacting your quality of life. Particular locales of your own body are regularly better treated through a system like reflexology. in case that you are yet uncertain about which treatment procedure is ideal for you personally, then stop into your local massage parlour and request a specialist. This expert ought to really have the capacity to figure out which procedure will be best for you personally.

Even though a huge portion of earth's population drinks wine, a lot of us haven't any clue what’s actually inside the jar in front a person. But the simple fact is that there are over ten thousand unique grape varieties which may be made to wine, and heaps of countries producing wines of every shape and size.

… and color.

Wines, you notice, don't just come in white and reddish. In addition they arrive in sorted colors of pink and also orange and brownish (but we're getting way ahead of ourselves).

The simple fact is that the area of wine is unknown and misunderstood by the typical wine consumer.

What exactly is an aspiring wine lover to accomplish when faced with mountains of drinking options from your wine shop?

Here is a suggestion from Dawine: don't stay on your rut. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those grape varieties. However, in the event you'd like to find a happy medium between the ignorant wine consumers, and also the Know-it-all wine snob, then here's what you need to do:

Know some basic rules

It's commonly known that white wines go with fish and white meat, and that red wines choose red meat. But that is merely the start of narrative. Wines that are created to move along with food have a significant selection of capabilities. In fact, it is possible to come across excellent pairings that totally go against the conventional wisdom and old school rules. So rather than pairing predicated on color, try contemplating dominant tastes in the weight and texture of a certain dish… and then find wines that work well in combination with those traits.

What does that mean? Well how about pairing an earthy, soulful salmon and mushroom dish with and earthy, soulful Pinot Noir? Blasphemy? Not in the modern wine world.

Know it is ok to not know

Too a lot of us feel as we will need to posture concerning our wine wisdom and wine encounter. You notice that sommelier heading toward the dining table and you also start grasping for wine words that you see in a magazine or attempt to impersonate a spectacle you saw in a picture.

Look, not many people are anticipated to be conscious of wine. And the sommelier isn't there to quiz you on your knowledge. They have been there to assist you in making great decisions that fit your taste and budget. So do yourself a favor and small up and get several questions for those who will need to.

Love the experience

Wine does not have to be approached academically by most people. So don't be concerned about studying up, and focus on appreciating the wine experience.

Observe those characteristics you prefer and what that you do not like… and utilize that new knowledge to maximize your potential pleasure by researching more and new wines that fit your preferences.

If your doctor says that you have varicose veins, it means that your blood veins have become dilated and blood has overfilled them. They, therefore, look swollen and develop a bluish-purple color and in some cases red color. This condition is common in women and appears on the lower legs. The good news is that the condition is not severe, but it can lead to other complications in some individuals. Before you start wondering how the situation came up or the remedy for it, let’s help you understand the condition, its causes, symptoms, treatment and everything related to the disease.

  • The causes: Varicosities are as a result of weakened veins in the legs. It means that they fail to work usually resulting in the accumulation of blood and pressure in the affected area. As such, these vessels become not only weak but also large and twisted. Some people develop this condition because it’s in their family. Other causes include aging, being pregnant or overweight or spending most of your time standing or sitting. Standing or sitting for long periods causes pressure to build up in the legs and ankle region. The symptoms of varicoses are readily detectable because the dilated veins are visible and at times discolored. Some patients experience pain and burning sensation around the affected area. In severe cases, the vessels bleed and may lead to ulcers.

  • Diagnosis of the condition: Doctors examine the varicose capillaries when the patient is either seated or standing. They also enquire about other symptoms such as pain in the affected area. In some cases, doctors perform ultrasounds to assess the blood flow around these veins. The severity of some patients’ condition may call for a venogram to make a further assessment of their veins. The venogram is more or less like an x-ray; the only difference is that a particular dye must be injected into the legs. The ultrasound and venogram tests are conducted by theveininstitute to ascertain that the swelling of the veins is not caused by other disorders such as blood clot.

  • Treatment of varicose vessels: Before employing advanced procedures of removing the swollen veins, most doctors recommend a lifestyle change in the form of regular exercises to enhance blood circulation, losing weight for the obese and eating a healthy diet at all times and most importantly, avoidance of standing for too long. In other cases, doctors recommend the wearing of compression stockings. These techniques prevent the swelling in non-patients and prevent the formation of new ones in those who are already affected.

  • Advanced treatment procedures: the severity of the varicose veins determines the kind of treatment one receives. Therefore, if the condition becomes severe, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the swelling. Other forms of treatment include laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation therapy.


After the choice of an appropriate method for the removal of the varicose veins, it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions on the after-care treatment keenly.

Constructors and construction builders who undertake leading ventures such as building commercially made or possibly home attributes, home remodeling or even roof recognize how essential security requirements are for workforce who work on heights. Thus, their main concern is being sure the protection of their staff. You could possibly demand making use of either a ladder or maybe some sort of scaffold device dependent on the purpose of labor. When standard scaffolds may be uncomfortable and even not easy to steadiness and stabilize, there is a reliable and even less difficult solution.

Vital facts related to scaffolding towers, an exceptionally secure as well as flexible type of scaffold, which is suitable for working around the typical house, is pointed out here below:

Scaffolding Towers

Constructed from aluminum or steel, scaffolding towers are notably constant, flexible and then simple to operate. A portable scaffolding structure gives numerous benefits of a limited scaffolding method. Scaffolding mobile towers are easy to remove as their feet happen installed with casters. This proclamation is particularly true for systems which are made out of lightweight aluminum. Just in case, you anticipate using a tower for many jobs, scaffolding towers is going to be especially economical. It might be wise to get a scaffolding site entirely in comparison to hiring one each and every time you may want to work on a level for an extended time. Make sure to consider scaffolding sites of mrscaffold mainly because an alternative to conventional scaffolds or even ladders to make sure that you total your tasks successfully that requirements managing heights. They are generally safer, inexpensive and simple to handle.

Advantages of Scaffolding

Standard scaffold techniques typically make use of several help across which a horizontal scaffold is set. Nevertheless, there are ported onto be mentioned here is the much higher the construction, the additional wavering it becomes. Scaffold sites are sturdy and methodically set up and down frameworks that have ladders or perhaps internal stairways employing which consumers might naturally climb and climb down. The structure’s high portion is a powerful system that is definitely usually outlined on just about all several borders by a guardrail. The surface area that is functioned upon could be reached by the part that stay open. Necessary substances and resources might be mounted on the platform as it has got sufficient space.

Be it real estate plan or even commercial and even industrialized tasks or even undersized to huge mining tasks, scaffold methods as well as extras supplied by us are popular throughout Australia. We have a huge choice of items including scaffold stairs and even ladders, Kwikstage modular and even aluminum scaffold and also equipment, scaffold furnishings, tube lights, parts and even gear. Irrespective of where you might be situated in Brisbane, we are able to help you get started in relation to your own scaffolding demands for the venture site.

Аннотация: Китти Логан так мечтала о карьере телеведущей! Но она совершила роковую ошибку, обвинив в отвратительном преступлении ни в чем не повинного человека, и все ее надежды рухнули. Китти стала притчей во языцех, от нее ушел бойфренд, старый друг обвинил в эгоизме, того и гляди ее уволят из журнала, в котором она проработала десять лет, и в довершение всех бед умирает Констанс — близкая подруга и наставница. Констанс задумала для журнала что-то очень интересное, однако рассказать о своей идее не успела. У Китти есть только список ста неизвестных ей имен и две недели, чтобы разгадать замысел Констанс и написать статью для номера, посвященного ее памяти. Она находит нескольких людей из списка, но никак не может понять, что же их объединяет. Чтобы проникнуть в тайну, Китти предстоит разобраться в себе самой, и тогда ее жизнь изменится…

Мнение. Эту книгу подарила В. нам с Д. на новый год 2017. Все это время с сомнением поглядывала на нее, считая, что так и не дойду до творчества Ахерн после "Где заканчивается радуга". Но нет.

Мне понравилось легкость слога автора и сюжет романа. Книга отлично подойдет для зимних вечеров, потому что она полна тепла, такого, который согревает душу. Напротяжении всей книги я ломала себе голову, чем же все-таки связаны эти герои, ведь они настолько не похожи друг на друга, настолько уникальны, что невозможно найти звено, которое бы объединяло их всех. Но все просто и в то же время - гениально. Спасибо С.Ахерн, за напоминание о той простой истине, что она раскрывает напротяжении всей книги (без спойлеров).

We all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but none of us is perfect.

He was comparing you to the butterflies that you both adore and cherish, and he said you were special for the same reasons: you were rare, exotic and entirely you. He said you’re beautiful exactly the way are now.

Some people say that you shouldn’t operate from a place of fear, ’ Constance went on, 'but if there’s no fear, how is there a challenge?…’

I said to myself, I cannot get through this day. But I did. Somehow. And then that day was over and I was facing the night and I said to myself, I cannot face this night. But I did. Somehow

The heart knew that something was missing and it was having to work extra hard to make up for it.

Every single person has an extraordinary story. We might all think that we are unremarkable, that our lives are boring, just because we aren’t doing ground-breaking things or making headlines or winning awards. But the truth is we all do something that is fascinating, that is brave, that is something we should be proud of. Every day people do things that are not celebrated.

Cecelia Ahern in One Hundred Names

gifs x x

В России постепенно учатся не стыдиться говорить о психическом здоровье и не стигматизировать людей с психическими расстройствами, но информации по этой теме по-прежнему мало. Например, у нас редко говорят о психогигиене — профилактике психических заболеваний, — хотя общеизвестно, что болезнь проще предотвратить, чем лечить. Одно из самых простых и доступных средств профилактики психических расстройств, которое также повышает эффективность лечения от них, — это ведение дневника

Ведение дневника кажется задачей, не требующей каких-то объяснений: многие читали записки деятелей из прошлых эпох, чтобы лучше понимать историю, многие в школьные годы прятали в своей комнате тетрадку, в которой прилежно фиксировали события и впечатления. Повзрослев, мы чаще всего бросаем это занятие: времени постоянно не хватает, и ведение дневника кажется лишним обвесом. Мне было лень вести даже школьный дневник, а на личный не хотелось тратить время — казалось, есть куча вещей интереснее, полезнее и важнее. Сейчас я отношусь к этому совершенно иначе.

Я выяснила, что ведение дневника — крайне полезная штука, если хочешь выкарабкаться из депрессии, справиться с приступами паники, стать менее чувствительным к стрессу и перестать быть жертвой своих же загонов.

У меня было две депрессии (вторая перешла в полугодовое биполярное расстройство), и на второй я твердо решила, что как следует разберусь в вопросе, приведу себя в порядок и буду делать всё возможное, чтобы рецидив не повторился. Кроме научных статей, книг и личного опыта других людей с депрессией я стала изучать тот сегмент англоязычного ютуба, пользователи которого рассказывают о своих психических проблемах и рассуждают о психическом здоровье.

Таких пользователей в избытке. Все они делятся своим опытом преодоления расстройств и жизни с ними. Одни рассказывают про свои попытки суицида, другие — о неприязни к тому, как психические проблемы изображают в поп-культуре, третьи — о непонимании со стороны друзей, и т. д. Оказалось, что многие ведут дневник, и это помогает им не только ускорить выздоровление, но и держать себя в форме, то есть меньше переживать и тревожиться, избегать ловушек, в которые нас загоняет собственное не всегда адекватное восприятие реальности, и отслеживать то, какие обстоятельства и как влияют на настроение и самоощущение. Существуют рекомендации, что и как писать, чтобы это было по-настоящему эффективно.

Вести дневник нужно всем, и вот почему

Одним из первых о пользе ведения записей для психического здоровья заговориламериканский профессор Техасского университета в Остине Джеймс Пеннебейкер. Во время собственной депрессии Пеннебейкер исповедовался бумаге во всем, что привело его к болезни, и постепенно это помогло ему выкарабкаться. Личный опыт побудил ученого заняться исследованиями о связи между эмоциональным состоянием человека и ведением записей о себе.

Подопытные Пеннебейкера писали о событиях, вызвавших у них сильные эмоции или даже травмировавших их психику. В результате у них улучшались показатели физического и психического состояния: они начинали чувствовать себя счастливее, исчезала подавленность, снижалось артериальное давление.

Пеннебейкер продолжал заниматься этой темой, в том числе и в связи с терактами 11 сентября 2001 года. Появились и другие исследователи, разработавшие различные способы ведения дневников, чтобы сделать этот инструмент более эффективным. Сейчас в интернете можно найти отзывы людей, использующих дневники, чтобы справиться со стрессом или депрессией — вбивайте запросы journaling или journaling for mental health.

Согласно исследованиям, какая-либо форма расстройства психики есть у каждого третьего россиянина, но большинство готово обратиться за помощью только в тяжелых случаях. Дневник особенно необходим тем, кому уже поставили диагноз «депрессия», «посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство», «тревожное расстройство» или «биполярное расстройство». Он также нужен, когда вы переживаете стрессовую ситуацию прямо сейчас, например потеряли работу или у вас умер кто-то близкий (даже если вам кажется, что вы хорошо справляетесь). Дневник стоит завести, если вы чувствуете себя подавленным, много прокрастинируете, у вас случаются приступы паники, вы подолгу не можете заснуть из-за роящихся в голове мыслей, вам сложно принимать решения, вы осознаете, что ваша жизнь могла бы быть лучше, но не понимаете, что для этого нужно сделать.

Дневник не заменит хорошего психотерапевта или правильно подобранные медицинские препараты, но он может быть профилактикой тревожных расстройств или легких депрессий для тех, кто постоянно живет в стрессе.

Инструкции по применению

Дневник можно вести аналоговым способом на бумаге, в любой текстовой программе, в формате аудио, представляя себя агентом Купером из «Твин Пикса», или записывая видео. Полезно потестировать каждый способ несколько дней, чтобы понять, какой вам подходит больше. Если хотите, клейте внутрь стикеры, билеты в кино, распечатки статей и другие подобные сувениры прожитых будней. Каждый сам решает, показывать кому-то свой дневник или нет, хотя некоторые форматы ведения предполагают, что даже автор не перечитывает то, что написал. Хоть крестраж из него делайте, как сделал Волан-де-Морт в саге о Гарри Поттере, это ваше дело, и только ваше.

Единственное, что действительно важно — не бросайте писать, даже если чувствуете себя хорошо, потому что это «хорошо» может неожиданно пройти. Можно начать писать реже (не каждый день) или меньше, но регулярность должна сохраняться.

Чтобы не теряться и быстро закрепить новую полезную привычку, можно воспользоваться готовыми методиками. Вот некоторые из них.

Дневник по Пеннебейкеру

Главный исследователь пользы дневника вывел такие правила:

  • писать нужно ровно 20 минут (ставьте таймер, если он вас не нервирует);
  • писать нужно об эмоционально затронувших вас событиях прошедшей недели, месяца или даже года;
  • писать нужно только для себя, думать о пунктуации, орфографии, связности текста или красивом почерке не нужно;
  • не нужно перечитывать или хранить эти записи, их можно просто выкинуть;
  • цель такого дневника — излить свои невысказанные мысли и избавиться от них, чтобы они вас больше не беспокоили.
Утренний дневник

Вторая жена режиссера Мартина Скорсезе, писательница, исследователь природы и проблем творчества Джулия Кэмерон, прежде всего известна как автор книги «Путь художника». В ней Кэмерон предлагает ряд занятий-заданий, которые должны помочь творцу преодолеть свои блоки и сомнения, развить способности и найти вдохновение.

Одно из предложенных упражнений, Morning Pages, заключается в том, чтобы каждое утро первым делом выдавать свой поток сознания на три страницы формата А4. Это могут быть даже незаконченные предложения или бессвязный текст. Нужно просто писать всё, что приходит в голову: чувства, переживания, страхи, планы на день, рефлексию о прошедших событиях, мечты.

Сначала это может быть трудно, и первые страницы придется исписать фразами вроде «Я не знаю, о чем писать», «Мне ничего не приходит в голову» или «Я всё еще не написал ничего толкового», но со временем станет проще. Кэмерон также советует не перечитывать записи. Такой дневник стоит вести ежедневно хотя бы 12 недель (на это время рассчитана книга «Путь художника» ;), потом можно писать два-три раза в неделю или сократить число страниц до 1,5–2. Англоязычный ютуб по запросам morning pages или journaling выдает довольно много роликов тех, кто регулярно практикует это упражнение. Обычно эти люди рассказывают, что регулярные утренние записи помогают им быть более сосредоточенными в течение дня и меньше переживать, а также вытащить из подсознания мысли, которые иначе просто забылись бы.

Рабочая тетрадь для тех, у кого депрессия

Американская исследовательница Мэри Эллен Коупленд получила ряд наград за вклад в разработку программ помощи людям, страдающим психическими заболеваниями. Она написала более дюжины книг на эту тему, но ни одна из них не выходила на русском языке. Среди ее работ есть «Рабочая тетрадь для тех, кто в депрессии: гид по жизни с депрессией и биполярным расстройством». На Amazon второе издание этой книги можно купить за 17–25 долларов, она также бывает в американских библиотеках. В России она, скорее всего, есть только у некоторых психологов и психотерапевтов.

ПОЧЕМУ НУЖНО МЫТЬСЯ ТОЛЬКО РАЗ В НЕДЕЛЮБританский активист-эколог Доннахад Маккарти оправдывает грязнуль — они спасают свое тело, кошелек и планету.

Однако можно смастерить собственное подобие такой рабочей тетради и выполнять в ней некоторые наиболее важные задания из книги Коупленд:

  • напишите причины, по которым вам нужно и хочется жить;
  • составьте список воспоминаний, которые вызывают у вас улыбку;
  • перечислите все ваши самые большие достижения в жизни (это могут быть и награды, и вещи вроде «начал сдавать мусор на переработку» ;);
  • подумайте и составьте список того, что может спровоцировать у вас приступ паники, тревожность или начало депрессии, постарайтесь определить свои триггеры;
  • сделайте список того, что обычно помогает вам почувствовать себя лучше;
  • опишите, какой вы, когда вы чувствуете себя хорошо, какие ощущения вы испытываете, что думаете о мире и о себе.

Рабочая тетрадь придумана таким образом, чтобы помочь человеку научиться контролировать собственное психическое состояние. Зная свои триггеры, проще научиться их избегать или придумать, как с ними справляться.

Иметь под рукой список своих достижений удобно в моменты, когда ощущаешь себя полным неудачником. Во время суицидальных мыслей можно сразу же заглянуть в список причин для того, чтобы жить.

Выполнив все задания, тетрадь стоит время от времени перечитывать.


На нашу психику влияют контакты с другими людьми, а некоторые конфликтные ситуации мы не можем пережить годами и порой ведем с их участниками постоянный мысленный диалог. Для того чтобы не копить эти эмоции в себе, можно завести тетрадь, в которой вы будете писать письма. Эти письма так и останутся в тетради, их не надо никуда отправлять.

Напишите вашим родителям то, что никак не решаетесь сказать лично. Напишите той хамоватой чиновнице, которая испортила вам день. Напишите потерянной любви или человеку, которому вы так и не решились признаться.

Если у вас намечается встреча с человеком, который вас обидел или раздражает вас, то напишите ему перед этим письмо. В общем, если кто-то вызвал в вашей душе волнение — напишите ему самое честное и искреннее письмо, какое только можете. Опишите, что вас задело, что вы почувствовали и как это повлияло на вас. Лучше всего, если в этом письме вы сможете простить и отпустить адресата, но вовсе не обязательно, что это получится с первого раза.

Список достижений

Многим людям, а особенно тем, кто находится в депрессии, свойственно зацикливаться на том, что не получилось, а не на том, с чем они справились. Такое мышление отнимает силы и часто заставляет откладывать или вообще отказываться от всяких планов.

Заведите записную книжку или тетрадь, куда каждый день или хотя бы раз в неделю будете записывать свои достижения за 7 дней. Помыли окна, сдали проект раньше или просто сдали его, помогли инвалиду, не наорали на хамоватую чиновницу, нашли в себе силы извиниться, сходили на пробежку — пишите всё. Как вариант, если вы уже ведете дневник или ежедневник с задачами, можете записывать свои достижения туда, а в конце недели подводить итоги.

Советы другу

Мы часто относимся к себе строже, чем к другим, и можем простить кому угодно то, что не прощаем себе годами. Человеку в депрессии особенно сложно адекватно оценить свои неудачи и трудности, и любые мелочи раздуваются до размеров слона. Из-за этого становится сложно принимать адекватные решения и порой хочется вообще ничего не предпринимать, чтобы не ошибиться. Да еще и бывают случаи, когда рассказать кому-то о своей проблеме психологически трудно. Тут и может сработать эта тактика.

Максимально абстрактно опишите на бумаге ситуацию, требующую разбора, то есть не указывайте имена, организации и прочие детали. Теперь представьте, что даете совет другу или отвечаете на письма читателей в специальном разделе какого-то издания (как Лидия Маслова в GQ). Затем сделайте всё согласно своему совету.

Посоветовать приятелю извиниться или подкатить к понравившемуся человеку всегда проще, чем сделать это самому.


Я узнала всю эту информацию уже после того, как прошла моя вторая депрессия. Во время нее я вела дневник, потому что мне нужно было куда-то сливать одолевавшие меня в то время мрачные, а порой просто агонистические мысли, чтобы не утонуть в них с головой. Эти записи были довольно хаотичными, тогда я не понимала, как они могут помочь, хотя постфактум могу сказать, что они позволили разобраться с тем, что лично у меня провоцирует депрессию, вызывает тревожность и мешает жить лучше.

Еще я узнала, какие психологические проблемы бывают у других, а также много историй о чужих депрессиях, и именно это побудило меня изучить больше о дневниках, потому что это определенно нужно не только мне.

Сейчас моя главная цель — избежать возможного рецидива и избавиться от остатков того мышления, которое появляется во время депрессии и становится привычкой. Для этого я постоянно веду утренний дневник по рецепту Джулии Кэмерон.

Мой текущий результат — мне проще сосредоточиться на работе, я быстрее расслабляюсь, больше не переживаю подолгу из-за любой ерунды, мне легче общаться с людьми, даже с заведомо конфликтными, и я не помню, когда у меня последний раз был приступ паники. Так влиять может не только дневник, но сейчас я не принимаю никакие медикаменты и определенно чувствую себя спокойнее сразу после того, как заканчиваю писать.

Еще одна вещь, которую я делаю регулярно, — фиксация всех моих маленьких и больших успехов на бумаге, потому что мне свойственно забывать о них или обесценивать. К другим способам я прибегаю время от времени, когда возникают требующие этого ситуации. Возможно, я могла бы обойтись и без этой писательской канители, но, исходя из опыта, так я справляюсь с собственными психологическими трудностями гораздо быстрее.

Does anybody really know when it’s right? And how do you know – are there signs? Fireworks? Is it right when it feels comfortable or is comfortable a sign that there’s no fireworks? Is hesitation a sign that it’s not right, or is it just a sign that you’re not ready? In matters of love how do you know when it’s right?”

Чуда не произошло, и магия вьюи подвела.)

Это так жестоко сначала давать человеку крылья, а потом резко их обрубать. Я около трех недель ходила самая счастливая, ибо наконец-то! аллилуйя! - появился парень, с которым мне хорошо, который прекрасен и интересен и имеет со мной много общего. Я даже вспомнила, что такое поцелуи! А потом он исчез, как делают все мужчины, которым я мало-помалу начинаю доверять. И сиди, Маринина, страдай…

Да, тот факт, что он молча и некрасиво исчез, перекрывает все его многочисленные плюсы. Хочу немного о нем написать.

Его зовут Саша, он на два года и на два курса старше меня. Он мой товарищ по несчастью - заканчивает у нас уже пятый курс и учителем себя, как и я, не видит. Мы познакомились полтора года назад, но почему-то не обращали друг на друга никакого внимания до сентября-октября. Я всегда думала, что он слишком хорош для меня и вряд ли на меня посмотрит, причем так думать мне позволяли только его красивая внешность и опыт работы в Америке по Work and travel. Ой, дууууура.)) Но спасибо моей работе на кафедре: мы стали видеться чаще, здороваться, улыбаться и строить друг другу глазки. :) В начале ноября он поставил лайк на одну из моих записей, я в ответ - два на его фото, слово за слово, и вот мы уже договорились погулять. В день назначенной прогулки виделись в универе, а вечером, когда его друг увидел нас вместе, сказал: "Я так и знал, что увижу тебя с женщиной. Я же видел, КАК ты на нее смотрел". Эти слова сейчас не дают мне покоя, так приятно было. Мы гуляли по Набережной, много разговаривали, он проводил меня до общаги, мы обнялись на прощание… Только я зашла в здание - начала улыбаться, как последняя идиотка. Через пару дней мы увиделись снова, и этот день я не забуду, наверное, никогда. Позже я напишу, почему. И вот только в конце третьей встречи у нас случился поцелуй. :) ) Он, как обычно, провожал меня до общаги, мы стояли, обнимались, он сказал, что мои волосы очень приятно пахнут… Потом чувствую - его губы уже в районе моих щек и мысль: "Ну же!". Я поднимаю губы - ииииии.))) Затем еще две встречи, но уже не вечером, а днем. Я убегала с работы, мы гуляли, немного целовались, я возвращалась на работу влюбленной и счастливой дурочкой и до конца дня ходила с глупой улыбкой. И это просто потрясающее чувство, по которому я скучаю.

Мы не виделись больше недели. В пятницу, перед разлукой, мы договорились, что в субботу, он позвонит, если сможет увидеться. Он не позвонил, молчал целый день, а вечером я написала сама. Я, кстати, во время нашего нормального общения первая написала один раз и то, после того, как он сказал, что я пропадаю. Он сказал, что заболел, лежит с температурой. Через день я написала снова, он сказал, что все еще плохо себя чувствует. Все. Занавес. Больше мы не общались. Ну что за нахуй в очередной раз?

Мне сейчас дико, дико больно, потому что он прекрасный, интересный и искренний. Именно такой мужчина мне и нужен. Он как-то тянул меня вверх, к саморазвитию. Мне все время хотелось что-то интересное прочитать, посмотреть, попробовать. Этим летом он путешествовал по России автостопом и весной хочет повторить. Я успела начать мечтать путешествовать с ним. А еще он веган, но такой нормальный веган, которому все равно, что едят другие. Мне необязательно надо было бы становиться веганом тоже, но мне почему-то сейчас часто противно смотреть на что-то мясное (но все норм - это до первого шашлыка, хахах).

Я понимаю, что скорее всего он разочаровался в общении со мной… Да, сначала все было хорошо, но в последнюю встречу мы как-то пару раз замолкали на пол минуты и вообще разговаривали о какой-то ерунде… А еще мне не нравилось, что видеться - мы виделись, целоваться - целовались, но как пара себя не вели. Я все же хотела бы хотя бы частые звоночки.

И как же хочется все вернуть.: ( (Мне очень сейчас больно, но вряд ли можно что-то исправить.