Реальность - металлический китайский шарик, звенящий внутри, металлический привкус трагедий и финала митингов. Последние события искусно переплетаются, завязываются, наталкивают на вопросы. Что такое подвиг? Зачем он нужен? Можно ли жить без героев? Какие же они сегодня? И имеют ли право сегодняшние "избранные" судить тех, кто на своих плечах вынес их счастливое детство?

Нам, конечно, не хватает понимания причинно-следственных связей. Brainwashed by propaganda, так сказать, opinion leaders ведут нас сами не зная куда. Нужно быть кем-то вроде Цыпкина, чтобы реально считать, что авария на атомной станции могла развалить империю, или что "любое нормальное государство обязано давать бесплатные медицину и образование". Герои нашего времени считают подвигом просмотр и обсуждение сериала HBO.

Массовая истерия нарастает; сценаристы сходят с ума - все, что они написали, может случиться.

А других героев - пишущих ли, читающих ли "нечто вроде правды" - обвиняют, сажают, вычеркивают из истории, чтобы забыли. Иногда наооборот - канонизируют до такой степени, что те превращаются в ничто. Или игнорируют. Новость-однодневка пролетит по ленте стремительно, да там и окочурится.

Флоренс Уэлч написала эссе для Vogue, в котором тоже рассматривала собственный вид геройства. Ну как геройства - типичной богемно-буржуазной истории, которая стала для нее откровением. Бунт превращается в стабильную сытую жизнь, потому что сама она становится чем-то вроде бунта в такое вот турбулентное время. Она, конечно, героиня, потому что смогла преодолеть роковую отметку "27" и остаться такой же талантливой и живой, как раньше. Иногда просто перестать ненавидеть себя - огромный подвиг для всего человечества. Иногда. Но разве это новость?

Некоторые подвиги обречены быть забытыми, замолченными, скрытыми под грифами и проч., и проч. Некоторые подвиги обречены быть маленькими, ежедневными, вроде мытья окон, никем не замеченными, но противостоящими энтропии вселенной. Некоторые подвиги обречены быть раздутыми, преувеличенными, загораживающими небо будущего. Является ли подвигом нормальная жизнь в 2019 году? Вот и увидим.

И если все вокруг так движется - может быть, пора действовать?

All this secondary life are falling into

Unbalanced beam, a step unseen, a phase

Falling ashes at my feet

Wasted up in shadows in between

The faces I know, I would die to keep them from harm

We stay inside, cause we believe we are surrounded

а ещё вчера я посмотрела чернобыль.
всё, что довелось прочитать о нём- правда- с первых кадров просто смотришь на знакомые места, на свой старый счётчик, дедушкину пепельницу и старую сушку для посуды, на людей, так не ожиданно действительно похожих на людей за окном.
а потом- замираешь. отмерла я только на 43 минуте, когда мой внезапный нервный смех перешёл в слёзы, и я сделала перерыв. не думала, что досмотрю даже первую серию, и в конечном итоге посмотрела весь сериал.
правда- он интересный, напряжённый, захватывающий, трагичный, аккуратный и качественный.
не знаю, что там по достоверности, (хотя, немного наверно уже знаю) но это художественное произведение, и сделанное хорошо, так что, хз, особо критиковать его… по крайней мере не мне.
но самая главная правда об этом сериале, что очень чётко видна, и на это хватает 40 первых минут- это правда про обесцененность жизни на постсоветском пространстве, про то, что мы здесь- только раб.сила, но даже как ресурс- человек у нас до сих пор не очень ценен, что кто-то там на западе (пусть даже очень хороший человек или профессионал) уважает нашу историю больше, чем мы- здесь. потому что здесь, человек- до сих пор ничто. и это самая страшная, самая безысходная и поганая правда, от которой иногда хчется биться головой об стену.
чернобыль от hbo, ействительно страшнее многих ужастиков. потому что что может быть страшнее и ужасней реальности.

про чернобыль я знаю в общих чертах.
и хотя, эстетика мёртвого города сама по себе интересна, и почему для людей привлекательна- вопроса не вызывает, думаю это не моё, так что ничего такого я особо не читала и не смотрела. особенно что-то в жанре триллеры и ужасы.
сейчас думаю, что наверно не делать это буду сознательно, потому что теперь это всё вообще вызывает у меня один вопрос: а не на костях ли этот глупый, зачастую совершенно несмотрибельный фарс. не снимаем же мы, в конце-концов, развлекательные ужастики про геноцид (может и снимаем, хз).

Небо может оставаться чистым, но если рядом находится вулкан в стадии активного извержения, вы можете стать свидетелем свидетелем одного из самых красивых природных явлений — грязной грозы.

Частички золы и пепла, опускающиеся в воздухе, имеют отрицательный заряд, а поднимающийся им навстречу из жерла вулкана вулканический газ — положительный. Разность электрических потенциалов и вызывает многочисленные электрические разряды.

К гулу извергающегося вулкана примешиваются десятки одновременных разрядов молний — зрелище поистине страшное и впечатляющее!

Фильмы года:" Три билборда на гринице Эббинга, Миссури", "Величайший шоумен", "Парни не плачут", "Долорес Клейборн".

Сериалы года: Определенно это "Очень странные дела". Любимка моя. Еще понравились "13 причин почему", "Леденящие душу приключения Сабрины", "Острые предметы".

Мультфильм года:" История игрушек". Вот буквально перед Новым годом пересмотрели все три части, обожаю. Мультфильм моего счастливого детства.

Открытие года: Книга Фанфиков

Ссылка года: пожалуй, это будет сайт Айрекомменд, на котором я стала зарабатывать чуть больше)

Знакомство года: бля, в этом году я даже ни с кем не познакомилась в реальной жизни, зато познакомилась с обалденными девчонками из моего сообщества по интересам, потрясающая Марина, Таня, Настя, Лена, которые пишут фанфики по моему фэндому, очень крутые девушки!

Лучшее воспоминание года: как я иду в магазин по осени в любимой джинсовке, а в наушниках любимая музыка. Такие простые вещи очень радуют)

Разочарование года: фильм "Веном", разочарование в моей специальности и в некоторых государственных службах, а также в моей работодательнице (бывшей)

Сбывшаяся мечта: купила качественные дорогие черные кроссовки на небольшой платформе, huh

Исполнитель года: The Score, The Neighbourhood, In This Moment, Marilyn Manson, Lana Del Rey, Hollywood Undead

Песня года: пусть будет несколько:

Hinder - Lips Of An Angel

Staind - Outside

The Neighbourhood - Cry Baby

Marilyn Manson - Blood Honey

The Score - Miracle

Hollywood Undead - Cashed Out,

In This Moment - Black Wedding (feat. Rob Halford of Judas Priest).

Настроение года: физически постоянно то одно, то другое недомогание, а морально еще держусь, но учеба конкретно все портит

Интерес года: обзоры

Традиция года: это не совсем традиция, но я научилась, конец, соблюдать режим сна и теперь с этим все норм

Вывод года: ничто не вечно.

Вообще, 2018 - это какой-то год утрат. Я потеряла работу. Бабушка умерла. По учебе полный абзац. По идее, 2019 год станет переломным (ну, я надеюсь на это). Посмотрим. Зато в нашей семье ожидается пополнение: моя старшая сестра скоро родит сына. Как-то так.

You know the scenario. A car owner strolls right into a vehicle body store requiring small cars and truck fixing and also walks out with an expense for countless bucks. If this has actually happened to you, you understand how frustrating this unexpected walking in cost can be. You also know the significance of utilizing a reliable technician for car repair.

It must be said that not all auto mechanics are bent on empty to your pocketbook. Similar to every occupation, there are equally as numerous trustworthy auto mechanics waiting to help you with your car as there are base professionals out to manipulate their customers' absence of expertise. It is just a matter of discovering a cars and truck repair work professional that both understands your lorry and also is an upstanding person.

Car Repair

When it pertains to car repair - www.sandgateautoelectrics.com.au/services/car-repairs after a minor car accident or comparable accident, you ought to initially seek to your day-to-day technician for advice. They might be able to do the repairs right in your normal store. Otherwise, after that they may have recommendations for a vehicle body store that will certainly focus on mending your automobile. It is extremely important not to randomly choose a new mechanic for something like major repair work. You want to make sure that you recognize the job of the individual or somebody has actually recommended them to you.

If you do not have a daily store you go to for oil changes or tire repair work, try asking good friends, family members or neighbors to suggest somebody. It is feasible that a family member has a store they have been most likely to for several years. Obtain the name of the store as well as give them a call to see if they agree to deal with the sort of damage that your car has actually received.

You can also check on national internet site directories to discover suggested automobile body shops. Trustworthy as well as top quality auto repair organizations are regularly included on the Better Business Bureau site. Research study the name of the vehicle repair shop that you are interested in taking your vehicle to. Ensure they obtain an excellent rating from the BBB; this is an outstanding indicator of the quality of the service you will likely receive.

If you have found a name and inspected the Better Business Bureau condition, call the shop itself and request for any referrals. Business might be able to offer you the name or names of previous vehicle bodywork that they have done for other clients. If you can, call these previous customers as well as ask to see their auto. Figure out if they have been pleased with the service they got.

As long as all the referrals and references check out, you ought to feel comfortable recognizing that you have done the right sort of research study. Talk with your newly found mechanic as well as see if they agree to give you a complimentary price quote. It is possible they can take a minute to sit down with you and discuss the job that requires to be done as well as just how much you can anticipate it to set you back.

Tension isn't essential in the process of locating a trustworthy, quality auto fixing auto mechanic! Just do your research and be positive that you are leaving your cherished automobile in experienced, qualified hands.

“I certainly believe we all suffer damage, one way or another. How could we not, except in a world of perfect parents, siblings, neighbours, companions? And then there is the question on which so much depends, of how we react to the damage: whether we admit it or repress it, and how this affects our dealings with others.Some admit the damage, and try to mitigate it;some spend their lives trying to help others who are damaged; and there are those whose main concern is to avoid further damage to themselves, at whatever cost. And those are the ones who are ruthless, and the ones to be careful of.”
Julian Barnes

Do you have to send reports or ship things for your exchange frequently? On the off chance that this is the reason, at that point you should make a legitimate research of the administration choices that the messenger organizations give in momentum days. All the organizations chiefly utilize rumored administrations of package conveyance that charges overwhelming rates. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you need to guarantee protected and opportune conveyance, you should dependably pick an administration as indicated by the conveyance needs that you have. The dispatch organizations, nowadays, for the most part accompany shifted administrations. In any case, dependably consider picking an organization that offers numerous conveyance choices at pocket-accommodating rates. Here are some factors for you to remember before hiring a delivery or courier company for the business according to Clear Publicist, a popular business blog:

1. Type of Delivery Service

Being a business person, you should choose the sort of administration that proficiently meets the transportation needs that you have. In any case, this significantly relies upon the volume and the tally of bundles. Plus, you should consider the separation and pick an administration based on how far and where you are exchanging the packages. On the off chance that a man is shipping the materials having extensive volumes over a long separation, you should pick national or else the provincial cargo transporter administrations. Then again, for single day conveyance inside 24 long stretches of light bundles and little records, select the confided in neighborhood dispatcher or messenger benefit.

2. Security

Prior to choosing a dispatch office, watch that the organization has the permit to direct exchange the particular territory. Additionally, ensure that the organization protected and fortified.

3. Speed of Delivery

Conveyance speed is a pivotal factor and the exchange holders primarily think about the speed of administrations before agreeing to an organization. Now and again, the business visionaries run over specific circumstances where they need to surge the requests. In this manner, they should pick an organization that offers various conveyance administrations like medium-term administrations, single day administrations, crisis administrations and significantly more. Picking such an organization can spare the exchange notoriety that you hold.

4. Reliability

At the point when a business person guarantees a conveyance, he or she, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way tend to offer reliable service. In this manner, the exchange holder must pick an organization that promises him or her to offer tried and true administration. Get some information about the bundle of the conveyance benefits before thinking about an organization. Additionally, look at the survey and appraisals of different messenger organizations on the destinations through the Internet.

Alongside this, you should likewise realize that the aggregate methodology of a courier company that incorporates the appearance and introduction if the staffs, drivers' vehicles mirrors the business to an incredible level. Accordingly, pick an organization where the drivers are sufficiently adequate and similarly keep up the perfect methodology of vehicles.

Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

Brisbane Automotive Service

Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

A Brisbane automotive service - sandgateautoelectrics.com.au must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

Ask your friends and family

Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

Look for qualification

Offer the store a trial run

Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

Inquire about service warranties

What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

Make certain the store is convenient

Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

These days, rubbsih removal is emerging as a significant action to guarantee you a pleasant environment for healthier living. To meet this growing demand, many rubbish removal businesses have arrived at the marketplace. Every one of these businesses promise you to provide exceptional quality functions in the cheapest prices. They promise you that they'll clear unwanted clutter and crap carefully and efficiently. But, you'll discover a difference in what they say and do in fact. A wrong decision could lead to wasting of money and time. This is the reason why finding an expert rubbish removal organization is a challenging task. But, following a few helpful ideas may assist you in finding out a expert crap clearance firm.


This is definitely the main point to think about in the time of picking a corporation. So as to do it, you want to study about the neighborhood rubbish removal businesses. You may ask your friends and family regarding the very best service supplier in your region. Taking the support of the world wide web is a fantastic idea. You may look online with different search phrases that are most applicable to rubbish removal. With this technique you can readily discover the title of those firms supplying rubbish clearance service in your area. Create a list of those firms. Once it's completed, begin searching about the businesses one by one. Proceed to their official sites. Carefully examine the testimonial and support segments. In case the provided services match your requirements, it is possible to mark the business as your preferred option. Now it's your turn to experience the reviews and testimonials posted on several sites. If you find the majority of the reviews are favorable testimonials, you can choose the business under consideration.


Pricing comes only after standing. Request a few rubbish removal firms to deliver you their estimates. Today earn a comparison of their costs and the services supplied by the firms. Try to select one, which will be offering the highest quality services in the cheapest prices. Here you have to examine the prices and the amount of services provided under a service. Only considering costs isn't great constantly. There are various additional variables to take into account. You have to be aware of the grade of the service along with also the expertise of the business. You need to be well conscious of the rubbish removal techniques and recycling policies of an agency supplier.


Justifying the ability of the business is consistently excellent. It ought to be taken under consideration. An individual has to be quite clear about the potential of the provider. You ought to be aware of if the corporation may give you quality functions in the competitive rates. Assess whether the business ensures healthy cleaning by employing many environmentally friendly cleaning stuff. Know if the business has implemented a broader array of functions. Attempt to acquire a firm specializing in the service which you're searching for.

These are the 3 major facts to think about prior to employing a specialist rubbish removal firm.

A water heater is not something we consider frequently. It is only one of those minions that operates in the background and maintains your house in sync with each day to day actions.

gas water heater NZ will collect sediments

Whether you're cleaning or cooking, you expect the water to be hot once you turn the tap into the desired temperature. The exact same is anticipated when you turn on a light switch in a space.

Regrettably, the water heater is not usually given any idea until it is too late. Water which is not heated, or even worse, a cellar filled with water.

The cellar circumstance looks pretty tame in comparison with water heaters which are stored in the loft. Our neighbor was discovered firsthand as she cleared her feet. She was only bought the townhome next door and had the house with all appliances.

Listed below are some of the components that may break and require repair during the Lifetime of your water heater:

The pilot light goes out

The electrical circuit breaker is triggered

A broken thermostat

A faulty heating component

A stuck valve

All those things can be repaired and can not be helped.

The life expectancy of a traditional water heater is a a 6-year warranty. We analyzed our own lately and recognized it had been 14 years of age. We arrived at the consensus that 'our water heater had been living on borrowed time'. Through the year's gas water heater, NZ will collect the sediments at the bottom of the tank which can not get flushed out any longer. Your device will use a lot more energy, whilst heating less water, along with the corrosion.

Tank-less vs Traditional - After speaking with all of our neighbors and friends. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.neighboursand friends, as we were, decided to go with tankless unit. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.

For your tank-less water heater to operate properly it requires a 3/4 "gas line coming to the apparatus." Our gas line was a mere 1/2 "and we had to update. The expense of the installation. Only the radically jumped up and we'd be left with a mess.

Replacing the older gas water heater NZusing a traditional one was not just the most sensitive to your own house, but it was also much easier on the pocket.

The upside - Due to technological improvements newer versions of traditional gas water heaters are not only more energy efficient but are assembled in this manner that they are inhibited.

You need to weigh your choices and discover which sort of unit. Cost-efficacy versus your upfront cost. It surely does not hurt to find a couple of different kinds of quotes for the occupation out of local plumbers.

Routine maintenance pays off at the conclusion - here is a small tip that will add to your own water heaters life and its own performance. Flush your water heater yearly! This involves shutting up the unit and hooking up a normal garden home to it. By flushing your water heater you'll be eliminating the most of the mineral residue that could corrode inner pieces.

Do not allow the 'out of sight out of mind' habit.

A busted down water heater. By being proactive you can budget for this price and with the annual maintenance, you will be able to guarantee that the very best functionality and long life expectancy.

таки решилась попробовать засесть на тамблере. не знаю зачем оно мне надо, но решила.

кому интересно, то найти меня можно вот тут my-obliviate

Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie | THE 90TH ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS

девчонки выглядят так, будто они только что обвенчались и в спешке покидают церемонию, потому что не могут дождаться начала медового месяца хдд

Finding some of the best massage Sydney especially for men is now a lot easy to find. Yes, this is because of the fact that this kind of pampering is now becoming a trend among men and now is very much available at Fleur de Lys Medispa . While it is true that massage regardless of its type are more popular among women there are now a lot of men who are also open to their cravings for this kind of personal pampering services. Due to its popularity, more and more spas and massage parlors are now sprouting like mushrooms in different parts of Sydney and the neighboring places. But the question is how you are going to pinpoint which of the many salons and massage parlors catering to this kind of service are really the best for men. How are you going to find it out? That is actually an easy task for anyone to deal with. For you to be able to find some of top massage-centers Sydney is to set some parameters for it. Here are some of those that you need to take note:

  • The reputation for quality service – this should be the very first area of concern whenever you will be looking for the best salon that offers different types of massage especially for men. Make sure you will only get this kind of personal service from a provider known for the kind of services they offer. For you to ensure getting the best pampering that will surely relieve you of muscle tensions entrust yourself to a massage salon known for their real good quality service. You will know it according to the feedback and reviews from their previous clients. This is one of your guides to be able to get the best choice.
  • Pool of licensed and experienced therapists – the next important thing that you need to make sure when looking for the finest massage Sydney is the skills and expertise of their therapists. You must only choose a salon with a pool of certified and truly experienced therapists. Make sure they will be able to provide you with one that can literally address men’s passion for hard pressure when deciding to pamper yourself with this kind of pampering need.
  • The kind of pressure – because of the fact that most men would prefer hard pressure for massage, it should also be among your parameters when choosing some of the excellent massage in Sydney. It is therefore among the many essential things that you need to consider when deciding which of the many service providers for this kind of massage should you choose. The best massage around Sydney for men is one that also has a pool of masculine massage therapists who are truly an expert on this kind of service. Indeed it would also be a lot important to request for a therapist who can truly afford to provide hard pressure for men to be able to truly appreciate awesome massage Sydney at Fleur de Lys Medispa.
  • Summary

    This article centers it discussion about best massage Sydney especially for men. Readers are somehow guided to get the right choice on it.

    Ниже я уже говорила о том, что постоянно нахожусь в погоне за красивым телом. Недавно, в очередной раз покоряя просторы инстаграмма, я наткнулась на рекламу профиля девушки 29-ти лет. Её результаты ДО/ПОСЛЕ были просто потрясающие, при том, что она занимается исключительно дома. И как всегда я делаю в таких случай - пролистала я весь её профиль до самого его начала. Почти каждый день она выкладывала свои домашнии тренировки, которые изначально проводились без какого-либо инвентаря. Меня удивили сами упражнения, давно я уже не видела ничего новенького. Прочитав посты под её видео я открыла для себя такое имя из мира спорта и фитнеса как Шон Ти.

    Шон Ти (Шон Томпсон) - американский тренер и хореограф.
    Наиболее известен среди любителей фитнесса благодаря двум программам - Hip-Hop abs и Insanity, которые были выпущены для компании Бичбоди(Beachbody).

    И вот 22 января 2018 года наступил тот самый для меня понедельник!) Ура! Моё утро началось со стакана воды. Из верхнего шкафчика на кухне я достала графин (1 л) и обязала себя в течении дня выпить 2 таких. Мне хотелось поскорее начать занятия, так как ещё в ночь на тот самый понедельник я облазила все форумы, посмотрела видео этого супер-тренера.

    Таким образом я создала на рабочем столе папку "треня", куда сохранила себе программу тренировок Insanity Max 30, расчитанную на 2 месяца.

    И вот первая неделю мною пройдена. Сказать что это убойная программа, ничего не сказать. 1 тренировка идёт 30 мин. При чём на видео вам предлагается два варината: усложнённые упражнения или, как их называет сам Шон Ти, модифицированные (в упрощённом варианте). Я пока делаю только в упрощённым и то, не все могу повторить. После первой тренировки мне было плохо - кружилась голова, появилось чувство тошноты, на следующий день болело абсолютно всё. Но это стоило того, потому что это необыкновенное чувство, когда болят те мышцы, о существовании которых ты и не подозревал раньше. Я никогда раньше не могла добиться того, чтобы болели именно внутренние поверхности бёдер. Ни один тренажёр в моей жизни не давал такого эффекта. На видео все участники тренировок в конце валяются в собвственном поту, как собственно и я. Поэтому теперь я начинаю свой день со стакана воды, в обеденное время (обычно около 2 часов) занимаюсь по видео с Шоном Ти, после чего принимаю контрастный душ, а потом втираю в свой жирок различные кремушки. В питании пока ничего не меняю, кроме ограничений на жратву по ночам, что я так люблю " город засыпает, просыпается Кристина-обжора". Хочу иметь все силы на тренировки, очень хочу пройти этот курс целиком и в конце каждого месяца проделывать все тренировки от начала до конца на одном дыхании и в самом сложном варианте их исполнения. Очень советую всем тем, кто находится как и я в погоне за красивым телом, присоединиться к Шону и его команде.

    Забросайте меня камнями)))

    Так сложилось, что сегодня я начала пересматривать сериал моей юности - Клон.

    Мыльная опера, да бла-бла-бла, скажите?

    Сейчас я смотрю на многое другими глазами. На самом деле из всех "мыльниц", эта - уникальна. Сколько мудрости в выскзываниях, как глубоко копнули сценаристы в тему различия религий, не говоря уже о клонировании и наркомании.

    И, спустя почти 15 лет, сейчас я понимаю, как же прав был Дядя Али, насколько мудро он рассуждал.

    Чувства, которые испытывают главные герои - это та самая взрывная первая любовь, которая всегда живет внутри каждого. Но они, увы, в силу своих характеров, так и не смогли включить разум.

    На сегодняшний день - 6 серий. Из них мне запомнились цитаты:

    "Если Господь дал нам один рот и два уха, это значит, что нужно меньше говорить и больше слушать"

    "Если ты обманула меня один раз - виновата ты. Если обманула второй - виноват я"

    "Добро - это женщина. Зло - это женщина"

    Так же мне нравятся споры Али и Альбьери на тему клонирования, религии и обычаев. В 13 лет мне это было не интересно..

    Всё же, с годами многое меняется.

    С этого сериала началась моя любовь к восточным танцам, я решилась записаться на кружок, познакомилась там со Учительницей, а когда выступала на сцене, впечатлила Вику - Белку… И она сама решила со мной познакомиться. А так как она дружила с Женей… В общем, так мы четверо (Я, Кристина, Женя и Вика) и начали дружить и наши жизни переплились.

    Мы росли и становились женщинами вместе, ссорясь и примиряясь.

    Они же меня и привели в театральную студию… Вместе попали в компанию…

    Всё самое интересное в моей жизни насалось с этого сериала. Я начала меняться именно с этого. Из замкнутой, тихой девочки, считающей себя гадким утёнком, я раскрылась, почувствовав себя личностью.

    Музыкальное оформление задевает струны моей души и я снова хочу танцевать.

    With the increasing development of transportation, all countries are closed and their time standards can no longer meet world-wide requirements. Therefore, in 1880, a legal form of the United Kingdom established the Greenwich Standard Room (GMT). Since then, all countries in the world have agreed. Divide the world from east to west into 24 time zones.

    Watch timer

    The general table, continuously indicates the passage of time. The chronograph is different Chronograph is a professional name, of which chrono means "time" in Old English and Latin, and graph in English means "recording tool.", It is free to record the length of any period of time. Standard chronograph has 30 minutes or 12 hours of timing. Central seconds hand, usually stopped at the zero position. In order to show the timepieces are walking, most of them are equipped with a small moving second hand. Chronograph divided into two kinds, the first one is only an ordinary chronograph measurement object, and the other is a two-second hand measuring objects segmented chronograph.

    Watch calendar

    The "calendar" is an exaggeration of Chinese people, but the British more exaggerated, called "permanent calendar" form (Perpetual calendar). In fact, the so-called "permanent" only means that there is no need for manpower adjustment. If it is put on a daily basis, it does not need adjustment to indicate the correct date. That once every four hundred years, a leap year in February only 28, most of the calendar table can only accurately indicate that by 2100, IWC launched in 1985, "Da Vinci" can automatically be directed to 2500. The calendar is a complex mechanical watch that can indicate the date, month, week, and even can indicate the year and automatically adjust leap year.

    Wrist watch average time difference

    The so-called "time difference" refers to the difference between the average solar time and the stellar time based on real celestial bodies. The average solar time is commonly used time indicating the time, also known as the average time. In fact, the length of the day is not equal. The elderly have 24 hours 14 minutes, the short only 23 hours 44 minutes. People take the average 24 hours a day, for the convenience of everyday life. Stellar time does not measure the sun as the standard to another fixed star prevail, a day and night time is 23 hours 56 minutes and 41 seconds. This method is more accurate, suitable for astronomy and space science, but for the daily life will be out of touch, a lot of inconvenience.

    The average time and star time are exactly four times a year, with differences for the rest of the year. Breguet studied outdated indications in the eighteenth century, adding dials on pocket watches and counter clocks that indicate the difference between the average sun and the stars.

    In addition there is a time difference, known as the regional time difference. With the increasing development of transportation, all countries are closed and their time standards can no longer meet world-wide requirements. Therefore, in 1880, a legal form of the United Kingdom established the Greenwich Standard Room (GMT). Since then, all countries in the world have agreed. Divide the world from east to west into 24 time zones. To zero at the Greenwich Observatory near London, call meridian through the zero line, which divides the Earth into two hemispheres. The whole world is divided into 24 time zones from east to west with a longitude of 15 degrees in each zone and an hour difference with neighboring areas. This is the regional time difference.