something obnoxious and pretentious
Персональный блог ROCKTHENIGHT — something obnoxious and pretentious
Персональный блог ROCKTHENIGHT — something obnoxious and pretentious
he loves me but he's not in love with me anymore and he wouldn't get back together
we keep talking but he doesn't know if he wants to see me this summer
should we help others while we're suffering ourselves?
it hurts all over my body and i want to cut myself to give the pain one place
i just saw him
we laughed and cuddled on the couch together watching movies
i cooked for him and made cakes for him
he made tea for me
he kissed and hugged me a lot
he didn't want me as he used to
he never said he loved me first to my face anymore
sometimes i woke up to him holding me
it's been five years and i will never be able to let him go
what do i do
i´m not back
i have been on a trip around Europe for 20 days and then had a stopover in Amsterdam. I decided not to go to Moscow and stay in the Netherlands a little bit more. Now i´m alone in an apartment and he will be back on monday. I have no make up, underwear or change of clothing because my baggage is at the airport. I feel like i´m about to have a panic attack when i go outside alone but this july and august is the best time i´ve had in a while.
me and my roommate did xtc a couple of times recently and wow, i want her now
dancing and kissing was great
lights out
also, still very much in love with my dutch boy and cannot wait to see him again
going to get high and make pumpkin soup now
i hope you're all having a wonderful time
males are evil, and girls are forever
please love girls
you'll never find anyone better than your girlfriends
я очень хочу свою соседку, когда я пьяна или накурена
Стоит вообще пытаться уехать в Голландию, и насколько это реально? Что делать? Чего я вообще хочу?
Я сам это испытал: хочется просто бросить всё, лечь дома в постель и ни о чём не слышать. Но, конечно, глупее этого ничего быть не может, да и в постели тебе всё равно не будет покоя.
Франц Кафка
действительно, какая разница, если дискомфорт чувствуешь везде: будь ты среди людей или в кроватке
Именно тогда Я и понял, что все влюблённо-брошенные ужасаются не одиночества, а приобретённого количества времени, о существовании которого никто ранее не подозревал.
Ребят, вы лучше выберите умного или доброго человека? И почему?
Please let this girl come by levi's again when i work. I'm in love and need to see her again wow
i was literally shaking after she left and she smelled so good and had kind of a deep voice and she looked so cool and please, date me
meanwhile i had sex with my roommate who is a lesbian but dating a guy at the moment when we had xtc on my birthday
went to the lesbian club with her and danced all night and opened her cafe at night to get more beer
had more xtc with her and her boyfriend and kept touching each other
fell in love with a girl at work today, i was literally shaking after she left, she smelled so good and had a really nice voice
still love the boy
what's happening to me??
When my roommate was leaving for work, me and her bf got up to see her off. He offered some hash though first saying good morning. I smoked too much and it made me weird and we slept till four pm. Good morning indeed.
не хочу преувеличивать, но я больше никогда не влюблюсь
боже мой
отправьте меня в Гронинген
Men describing women’s appearances and bodies in literature is universally traumatic
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