
Это просто Вьюи блог

Дата регистрации: 06 сентября 2015 года

Персональный блог RACCOON2905 — Это просто Вьюи блог

1) We were cooking with Americans!

2) We were watching movies and having brunches on our classes

3) Our crazy performances

4) Olya, could you please give me some water?

5) Where is the class?

6) where are you, guys?

7) I`m late

8) What should we do for…?

9) I want to eat

10) Go v Malinku

11) I want to sleep

12) Where is the open window?

13) Wednsday - the day of foureyes

14) 13th Friday - total black

14) Do we need my sheet for this concert?

15) 19 photos with people who are sleeping on classes

16) easy-peasy

17) idioms.lots of idioms.

  • Aladdin
  • Awake
  • Brave
  • The Devil wears Prada
  • Mr. and Mrs. Smith
  • Life as we know it
  • The breakfast Club
  • North
  • Angels in the outfield
  • How Marry met Harry
  • My big fat Greek family
  • Groundhog Day
  • Zootopia
  • Dead`s Poets Society
  • It`a a wonderful life
  • That`s my list of movies I`ve watched in this year, I wish it could be longer. But I have another list of movies I have to watch. If i don`t forget about my blog, I`ll write about all of them!

    My partner Popugaichik and I have visited a cafe called "Ёмаё". It was our project to visit a restaurant in our city and write a report about it.

    So, Yana suggested this restaurant and we went there. I really liked the atmosohere - dark colors, black leather sofas, wooden brown walls, old books on the shelves, mirror ceiling. Every thing reminded about old times.(I`don`t know why but for it is true). We ordered a big pepperoni pizza and as a gift we got a jug of mors. While we were waiting for our pizza, we took some photos, discussed our presentation.

    The pizza was SO tasty and spicy that I forgot about my diet and trainings for 20 minutes.

    I think I`ll go there one more time)

    It was very hard four days of the last week in this semester in my first year as a student of LUNN. Hmmm, what can I say… It`s gard to think and work when you slept only three or four hours.

    After all these test we wrote, we had a special surprise from our teacher Ms.Bradshow.She gave us a book she has translated. Also we draw our palms and each of us wrote someting nice and pleasant for a person. after that we made a collage from words which are describing out first year in the LUNN.

    Only after the end of the classes on my way home i realized it was the end. I probably won`t see my groupmates for two months, nobode would ask me some water or to eat. I really love you, guys even if had some quarrels. I`m gonna miss you!)

    How time flies! It`s the end of my first year in the LUNN and I`m shoked. I thought I would be dead till the end. But suprisingly I`m alive an have some strength to pass three exams: English, Liguistics and Latin. The hardest subject for me. But I have to be strong! I`ll survive!

    It`s the middle of the semester and it`s time to look back for the previous two months. The most important thing that happened to me is that I finally passed my British and American Studies. I`m so happy you can`t `even imagine! It`s my highlight of March

    Also i`ve started procrastinating less and spend more time on studying. Sometimes I send my home assignment earlier, sometimes after. I need to work more, I know that.

    April is doing to be a real test for all of us. First of all, Mid-Terms and 8 dialogs. I can`t imagine how I will be learning so many dialogs (but in summer finals we will be asked to write and learn 20 dialogs). Moreover Pleasure Reading. Ohohoh I`m gonna die on this week.

    But there is one highlight of April. I`ve started watching “Doctor House” IN ENGLISH!!!! Every evening, if I have enough time, I watch one series, Hugh Lauri` accent is amazing, the way he is playing awesome. The one problem that I have is difficulty of understanding medical terms. As for the rest, it`s easy enough for me to understand actors` speech.

    New goals for the last two months of the semester? I think I don`t have new. Work harder. Don`t procrastinate, and continuing watching “Doctor House” (and may be “Lie to me&rdquo ;)

    I really like the assignment that we got for Wednesday. We had to watch the pilot (the first episode) of one of the most famous serial “Doctor House”. I have never watched this serial before, but I knew it`s worth watching it.

    Before watching it we had to translate the subtitles for the trailer. It was interesting to find the meaning for words and phrases that every American uses in his everyday life. Then in class we did simultaneous translation.it was really fun to hear others subtitles. My weren`t very good, but some phrases I`ve translated in good way.

    Back to the serial. I enjoyed Hugh Lauri`s play. His accent, voice, emotions, jokes. He hates people, but at the same time he wanted to help them. He doesn`t like his boss, they don`t see eye to eye on some moments that are connected with threating. She, his boss, can`t fire him because he is the best doctor in her clinic.

    Some new words:

    • Brain tumor –опухоль мозга
    • To bubble – лепетать
    • Tapeworm – ленточный червь
    • Larva – личинка
    • Cripple – калека
    • Bloodsream – кровоток

    Interesting phrases

    • Truth begins in lie
    • Everybody lies
    • You can`t always get what you want
    • If you try sometimes you get what you need.

    Yesterday I watched a very famous American TV show, a pilot of it, “Lie to me”. I`ve heard about it before but I`ve never watched it. And now I had an opportunity to watch in English.

    The first thing I noticed was that the main actor, Tim Roth, had a strange accent. It was a mixture of British and American accent. But it was easy enough for me to understand what actors were speaking about.

    The main idea of this show is that every person tells lie and if you want to tell something truthless, you can learn how. As Cal Lightman said “The average person tells three lies per 10 minutes of conversation”.

    I really like this show, and think that I will continue watching it.

    New information from the show

    - When you`re lying it`s hard to tell the story backwards.

    - Body language tells the truth.

    - We are in the world, bit not of the world.

    - The average person tells three lies per 10 minutes of conversation.

    Two years ago, in 2014, there was one of biggest sport event in the history of our country – Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Everyone was talking about it. People tried to guess who would be the best in every sport. I remember that I wasn`t very interested in this event. Of course I knew about Adelina Sotnikova and Yulia Lepnizkaya. They were talked by everyone. The became very famous after the Olympics. And today I visited the website https://www.olympic.org/sochi-2014-winter-olympics where i found an interview with Adelina, where she was speaking about her victory.

    Also I visited this website https://www.olympic.org/news/what-s-new-for-sochi/218742 and learned about 12 new sports events that debuted at the 2014 Winter Olympics. There is the discretion of several of them:

    1. Biathlon mixed relay – Mixed:

    § Competitors – 19 nations

    § One team, 4 biathletes – 2 men and 2 women

    § Format – 4 leg relay held on a 4 km loop; each leg comprises skiing and shooting. For women – leg 1 and 2 over 6 km course, for men – race 3 and 4 over a 7,5 km course. Relay style transition in the handover zone

    2. Figure skating team event – Mixed

    § Competitors – 10 teams

    § Six skaters per team – 1 lady, one man, 1 pairs skating couple, 1 ice dancing couple

    § Format – 10 teams compete in short programme / short dance. The best 5 teams progress to free skating/ free dance.

    3. Luge ream relay – mixed

    § Competitors –12 nations qualify

    § 4 members per team – men`s singles, women`s singles, doubles either

    § Format - 3 sleds go in any order; 1 run each competitors hit a touch sensitive pad to open start gate for team mate. Team with the fastest combined time wins gold

    § Course length – 1384 m, 125 vertical drop, 16 curves

    4. Ski halfpipe –Men`s and Women`s

    § Competitors – men`s event (30 skiers) and women`s event (24 skiers)

    § Format – 2 phases + qualification final. 2 runs per phase. Best run counts top 12 skiers advance to final

    § Course – length 234 m;

    width – 18,3 m;

    18,4 degree pitch;

    6,8 m walls

    5. Ski slopestyle – Men`s and Women`s

    6. Snowboard slopestyle – Men`s and Women`s

    7. Snowboard parallel slalom- Men`s and Women`s

    8. Women`s ski jumping

    After visiting the website about winter games, I found a video about last summer Olympics games in London in 2012. This video is amazing. While I was watching it, I saw some moments that I watched on TV.


    I also found the song from this video –“If This is It” by Newton Faulkner

    And about the highlight of the year 2016 - Olympics in Rio, i really like this video!


    The second semester started more then a month ago and there is something I can say about this time I spent in the Linguistic University.

    Firtst of all, I almost passed my finals. Next week I`m going to retake my British and American Studies. I hate it. I think these two weeks will be the worst in my life.

    Fortunately, I passed my exam in English, not really good I think. I wish I could work better. The results are not very good.

    I watched somemovies in English - "The groundhod Day", "Angels in the Outfield" and 'Awake". It was a surprise for me that I understood almost everything what actors were telling in "Angels in the Outfield" and there weren`t subtitles for this movie. In "Awake" actors` speech was clear for understanding.

    Speaking about my blog, I can say that I`m writting here more often then in the first semester. But I didn`t wrote here for a week because I was snowed under with my studies and trainings.

    The goals are still the same:

    • work harder
    • don`t procrastinate
    • pass my last exam (did i say that I hate it?)
    • watch more movies in English

    Today we`ve learned a new song)

    Swimming Lyrics:

    Swimming swimming, in the swimming pool.
    When days are hot, when days are cool,
    In the swimming pool.
    Breaststroke, sidestroke,
    Fancy diving too.
    Oh don’t you wish you never had anything else to do but

    Swimming swimming, in the swimming pool.
    When days are hot, when days are cool,
    In the swimming pool.
    Breaststroke, sidestroke,
    Fancy diving too.
    Oh don’t you wish you never had anything else to do?

    Oh floating on the blue
    With no schoolwork to do.
    I’ll do a lazy crawl
    Or a splashy cannonball.

    Swimming swimming, in the swimming pool.
    When days are hot, when days are cool,
    In the swimming pool.
    Breaststroke, sidestroke,
    Fancy diving too.
    Oh don’t you wish you never had anything else to do but

    Swimming swimming, in the swimming pool.
    When days are hot, when days are cool,
    In the swimming pool.
    Breaststroke, sidestroke,
    Fancy diving too.
    Oh don’t you wish you never had anything else to do but swim?

    And I found a video)


    Yesterday I visited a website about sports. It is called NCAA. There are lots of information about last games and competitions.

    In the chapter "Sports" you can find 24 names of the most famous sports. In every chapter you can find the last news about this sport. For instance, here (https://www.ncaa.com/news/bowling/article/2015-09-02/michael-fine-starts-role-ncaa-secretary-rules-editor-bowling) you can read about Michael Fine who starts role as NCAA secretary-rules editor for bowling.

    Then, in the chapter “Schools” you can read about the most trending schools in the US. For instance here (https://www.ncaa.com/schools/north-dakota) I have read about the University of North Dakota. As I understood you can become a part of hockey team.

    https://www.ncaa.com/video/icehockey-men/2016-03-01/di-hockey-top-5-plays-umass-lowell-notre-dame-rit-north-dakota - worth watching it.

    I also watched some videos about gymnastics and Swimming&Diving. And I really liked them. The funniest was about Athletic Director Greg Byrne and Associate Athletic Director John Mosbach. (https://www.ncaa.com/news/gymnastics-women/article/2015-10-29/arizona-athletic-director-participates-gymnastics)

    • Kyle flies kites high, so high they're out of sight. When a bird flies by, they sigh and wonder why the kite's so high
    • Clowns around town never frown even when they're down. Want to be a clown around town? Then never sound down and never frown.
    • Roy and the boys toiled and made noise as they hoisted and joined the joists. They didn't loiter, and they weren't coy.

    New words and phrases:

    watercolor = акварель

    daily hassles = daily business

    to weed = полоть, пропалывать

    weed = сорняк

    to shutter = заикаться

    shutter = заика

    unanimously = единогласно

    New phrases:

    a rock buttom = ниже плинтуса

    lazy bones = лежебока

    to keep your lips sealed = держать язык за зубами

    good old days = старые добрые времена


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