08 апреля 2016 года в08.04.2016 03:24 9 0 10 1

This is Doctor House.He is too brilliant for introductions.

I really like the assignment that we got for Wednesday. We had to watch the pilot (the first episode) of one of the most famous serial “Doctor House”. I have never watched this serial before, but I knew it`s worth watching it.

Before watching it we had to translate the subtitles for the trailer. It was interesting to find the meaning for words and phrases that every American uses in his everyday life. Then in class we did simultaneous translation.it was really fun to hear others subtitles. My weren`t very good, but some phrases I`ve translated in good way.

Back to the serial. I enjoyed Hugh Lauri`s play. His accent, voice, emotions, jokes. He hates people, but at the same time he wanted to help them. He doesn`t like his boss, they don`t see eye to eye on some moments that are connected with threating. She, his boss, can`t fire him because he is the best doctor in her clinic.

Some new words:

  • Brain tumor –опухоль мозга
  • To bubble – лепетать
  • Tapeworm – ленточный червь
  • Larva – личинка
  • Cripple – калека
  • Bloodsream – кровоток

Interesting phrases

  • Truth begins in lie
  • Everybody lies
  • You can`t always get what you want
  • If you try sometimes you get what you need.


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