OFFLINE – 12.09.2020 00:38

Это просто Вьюи блог

Дата регистрации: 01 октября 2011 года

Если б был я маленький, как Великий океан, - на цыпочки б волн встал, приливом ласкался к луне бы. Где любимую найти мне, такую, как и я? Такая не уместилась бы в крохотное небо!

A wall of self protection is the hardest one to build. What is so fucking special that has to be secured tighter than the most expensive diamond on the planet? Who are you when all of your principles, prejudices have been furiously peeled off? What is there hidden under so many layers? What's the core of the personality?

You don't even realize how much you've hurt me. Making me feel like I don't deserve you. Making me doubt my helplessly low self esteem. I should've been smarter than this and should've seen what would happen from the very beginning we started talking to each other. The moment we met you held me so tight, you kissed my head so gently and tenderly I wanted to stay in your arms forever. I was all yours, I was a slave under your power, I fell in love with you endlessly. But we were never exclusive and I wanted you all to myself. You took interest in me and lost it as soon as you saw what I'm about and telling me I'm a very special girl didn't make it any easier to let you go. I know time will heal these wounds and I'll become stronger. But right now, although it has been quite a while after we've talked for the last time, I just want to lay down and cry my heart out. Feeling pity for myself is one of the most pathetic things to do. School of life is so tough, no one can protect you from that.

Зачем ты держишь мою руку так крепко, зачем лезешь в душу, если не хочешь остаться. Скажи, зачем.

Твой голос в моей голове произносит мое имя вновь и вновь, вызывая волну мелких мурашек по всему телу. Все будет как всегда, ведь мы просто друзья, но я люблю тебя.


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В голове пусто, писать нечего, лечу в пропасть, а пропадать ведь и нечему


There was this one guy

You don't even realize how much you've hurt me. Making me feel like I don't deserve you. Making me doubt my helplessly low self esteem. I...


A wall of self protection is the hardest one to build. What is so fucking special that has to be secured tighter than the most expensive ...


What do I do when I just want to cry cry cry and never ever stop. Cause it hurts so much I feel like I'm bleeding on the inside.


Зачем ты держишь мою руку так крепко, зачем лезешь в душу, если не хочешь остаться. Скажи, зачем.


I'm afraid that very soon I will stop believing and follow the decending path that won't lead anywhere pretty.