огни святого эльма
Персональный блог ANDY-ROUGE — огни святого эльма
Персональный блог ANDY-ROUGE — огни святого эльма
"I don’t know how to answer. I know what I think, but words in the head are like voices underwater.”
— Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Aren’t the Only Fruit
Once, Picasso was asked what his paintings meant. He said, “Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” So, sometimes with art, it is important just to look.
— Marina Abramović
Your whole life can turn around. Upside down. In a flash. Sudden. Don't worry. Don’t worry now. This world can disappear. Everything you know can go.
Sam Shepard, A Lie of the Mind
lumière brothers - the serpentine dance (c.1899)
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