Я полюбила летать, когда была маленькой на каруселях, я выросла, и я все так же люблю летать, но таких больших качелей мне уже не найти. Поэтому я научилась влюбляться.
Я полюбила летать, когда была маленькой на каруселях, я выросла, и я все так же люблю летать, но таких больших качелей мне уже не найти. Поэтому я научилась влюбляться.
rest of the night air on hidden corners of my lungs.
I breathe them
Do you really love rain. This gloomy weather, rain pounding on the windows, and you sit in a chair, wrapped in a warm blanket and sipping hot tea. In the stomach empty for several days, and bones make their way more and more like dandelions across the asphalt. Smiling, touching his collarbone. Leather soft as silk, hair slightly rastrepanny, your slender legs clad in warm stockings. You're always beautiful, despite the fatigue and weakness.
But suddenly in the stomach spun in his throat, and nausea. Hunger. He came. You just need to wait for 20 minutes and he will surrender. You sit there, mentally remembering all the reasons not to eat. You know what to distraction. You take the book, trying to read, but you can not catch a single word for nothing, if you look through the book. Maybe see a movie? Turn on "The Chronicles of Narnia." Which is all the same cute movie, you're in love with him since childhood. It is said that you can get to Narnia, having died in his world. So be it, believe me.
And here you sit, wrapped up even more, look, I remember my childhood. A hunger slowly dies down, and now you feel a warmth, weightlessness and spokoystvie.Vspomni, how long do you feel was. How many tears it cost. Now you're almost perfect. Almost. There's still a little bit.
You get up, dress up cloak Martins and choose the street. Right under the rain. You look up and catch raindrops, laughing, spinning. Are you happy. The rest just do not understand.
you talk about me in a whisper.
and in my presence to remain silent.
The man, prone to self-destruction, samotravmatizmu, tends to get maximum pleasure out of life and excitement. Expressed as often receive physical injuries (fractures, bruises, sprains, etc.), impulsiveness and determination, excessive courage and pride. People who are prone to self-destructive, often referred to as "rebels, " "malcontents, " they seek to transform all around, not having sufficient will and objective possibilities. Injuries thus acts as an atonement to yourself and the people around them for weakness.
Means of self-destruction can be different. For example, alcoholism and other addictions, delinquent behavior, deliberate conflicts at work and in other places.
Today I will try to adapt themselves to the life that surrounds me.
Today I will try to pay attention to the development of the mind. I'll look into something useful.
I'll do it today, at least, two things that I do not want to perform.
Today I'll be friendly to all.
I will try as much as possible like: will wear what I really comes, I will speak softly, softly, kindly behave, I will be generous with praise and kind words.
Today I am scheduled program of their cases and write down that I was going to do every hour.
not necessarily immediately follow this program, but I'll make it. it will help me get rid of two evils - hurry and indecision.
just today I spend half an hour alone and try to relax.
just today I'm not going to be afraid of.
I will feel happy, enjoy the beauty, love and believe that I also loved by someone.
Ваша национальность: русская
Обувь, которую вы носили сегодня: кеды
Ваш цвет глаз: серо-зеленые
Ваша слабость: крем для лица
Ваши опасения:
Первая мысль, которая возникла у Вас с утра: ну и как бы встать?
Первая особенность, которую Вы замечаете в Вашем поле зрения: уже 4 мая
Ваша лучшая физическая особенность: танцы
Ваше время сна: вечность
Курите: нет
Терпели неудачи: слишком много
Думаете, что были влюблены: да
Думаете, что Вы привлекательны: ну как бы сказать помягче
Живете с Вашими родителями: да
Играете на музыкальных инструментах: да
—---------— В ПРОШЛОМ МЕСЯЦЕ ВЫ —------------
Пили алкоголь: нет
Курили: возможно
Принимали наркотики: нет
Занимались сексом: нет
Ходили на свидание: да
Пекли печенье: нет
Что-нибудь крали: ой, да
—--------------— КОГДА-ЛИБО ВЫ —--------------
Летали на самолете: нет
Пропускали институт/школу/работу, потому что шел дождь: нет
Говорили парню/девочке, что Вы его/ее любите: да
Думали, что анимационный персонаж был сексуален: да
Стригли волосы: да
Орали на преподавателя: да
Играли в игру, в которой надо было снимать одежду: смешно, да
Громили что-либо в нетрезвом состоянии: да
Были побиты/избиты: нет
—--------------— БУДУЩЕЕ —----------------
Возраст, в котором рассчитываете выйти замуж: не выйду замуж
Количество и имена детей: я не хочу детей
Кем хотели быть в будущем: музыкантом, архитектором - дизайнером
Страна, которую хотели бы посетить: Англия
—-------------— КОЛИЧЕСТВО —--------------
Наркотиков, лекарств, принятых незаконно: достаточно
Людей, которым Вы доверяли в этой жизни: 4
Татуировок: 1
Шрамов на Вашем теле: огромное количество
Вещей, о которых Вы сожалеете: каждая 2 из 3
—---------— СЕЙЧАС ВЫ —--------
Одеты в: рубашку, трусы
Думаете: об Артеме
Слушаете: Молокососы
—------------— ВЫ ВЕРИТЕ В —------------
Себя: нет
Ваших друзей: нет
Санта Клауса: нет
Зубную фею: нет
Судьбу: нет
Ангелов: нет
— I have no wish to talk nonsense.
— Even if you have them and said it so quietly and it is important that I would take them for clever ideas.
(Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre)
Your naked body should belong to those who love your naked soul.
Wake up, survive and go to bed,
So your new place every day.
You do not look like any of them,
After all, you're a dead line in the book of the living.
Smile demon Tear my brain.
In Cognac, love me and cocaine McNee.
A huge number of terrible, false and vile things have been said about me. I can say only one thing… the best place - it is a success.
Kate Moss
I know that I can be the one I want, if I'm in exactly stick to the diet.
I know that I have this always happens.
Yes, I want to eat more than I allow myself.
But I do know that my diet meets all the needs of my body.
After a while my stomach volume is reduced, and I will be more than enough food.
I like what I eat. All I eat very tasty. And it is very useful.
My stomach like that kind of food. Of course, I think that I can not taste better, but it's only because "the forbidden fruit is sweet."
I like my life.
When I go in for sports, my body becomes healthier and more beautiful.
Laziness - my worst enemy.
I will not gain fat, lying on the couch watching TV, I'll go, I'll lose weight.
I know that I have a hard time, but I certainly can handle it, because I'm strong, I'm stronger than many.
I still do, but in general is difficult to change.
Also, I know tomorrow will be better.
I love the fact that I can not control myself.
Control your diet, control your life, control your life.
I like the useful low-calorie foods.
They help to feel the flavor of the food. To get hold of the perfect figure, I left quite a bit.
I feel relaxed and confident.
The more I'm losing weight, the better I feel.
Once again, gathering all the hate in his fist, ran out of the house I'm heading in the opposite direction from him, blaming all the troubles and disasters themselves alone.
And this is an advantage over others. I ended up busting his vice. And those who shift the blame to others - no.
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