10 мая 2013 года в10.05.2013 07:33 2 0 10 1

Do you really love rain. This gloomy weather, rain pounding on the windows, and you sit in a chair, wrapped in a warm blanket and sipping hot tea. In the stomach empty for several days, and bones make their way more and more like dandelions across the asphalt. Smiling, touching his collarbone. Leather soft as silk, hair slightly rastrepanny, your slender legs clad in warm stockings. You're always beautiful, despite the fatigue and weakness.
But suddenly in the stomach spun in his throat, and nausea. Hunger. He came. You just need to wait for 20 minutes and he will surrender. You sit there, mentally remembering all the reasons not to eat. You know what to distraction. You take the book, trying to read, but you can not catch a single word for nothing, if you look through the book. Maybe see a movie? Turn on "The Chronicles of Narnia." Which is all the same cute movie, you're in love with him since childhood. It is said that you can get to Narnia, having died in his world. So be it, believe me.
And here you sit, wrapped up even more, look, I remember my childhood. A hunger slowly dies down, and now you feel a warmth, weightlessness and spokoystvie.Vspomni, how long do you feel was. How many tears it cost. Now you're almost perfect. Almost. There's still a little bit.
You get up, dress up cloak Martins and choose the street. Right under the rain. You look up and catch raindrops, laughing, spinning. Are you happy. The rest just do not understand.


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Знаешь это очень трудно объяснить. И уж тем более доказать. Мне достаточно твоего взгляда, чтобы жить. И твоей улыбки чтобы дышать.


Мне хочется быть лучшей — для тебя. Быть самой ласковой, тобою быть любимой, Чтоб чувствовать, что я тебе нужна. не просто так "нужна...


Сигарета в нужную минуту лучше, чем все идеалы мира.


я люблю тебя

О Господи, как ты мне нужен


я механически существую в этом раю, где меня не видят ни мертвую, ни живую уже не рифмую слова, но держу обиду на каждого бросившего...


Я была лучшей, раздели со мной мою радость