22 сентября 2013 года в22.09.2013 14:08 10 0 10 1

For my boy.

U r the biggest happiness in my life. I couldn't even imagine that I can like someone as much as I like u. I never had the feelings like these before.

Thank u for all our days/nights/parties. U were a big experience for me. Thank u for all ur words. U've teached me how to live in our unfairly world. Fucking time doesn't want to give us a chance to be together as long as we want, but it's fine, it's life.

I'm more stronger than u think, honey. I can stand everything. I promise I will not hurt myself anymore, I will eat not once daily, I will not drink as much as before. U can be proud of me as I am proud that u r mine. I will not judge others, I will judje just myself and try to be better. I will remember every ur word, 'cause u r one of the smartest people in my life. U have a great meaning for me, that's why I will never forget u.

I want to apologize for all our quarrels, for my improper behavior. I have often been wrong, thank u that u forgave me and gave a chance to be back with u.

I never lied to u, believe me. And I never will. When we were together, I was the happiest girl on earth. I didn't look at other guys, I wasn't looking for another boy, 'cause I had the best man in a whole world.

U will have a wonderful life, u r lucky one. All ur dreams will come true. I wish u good luck, enjoy the every moment of ur life, although I know that u already know how to do it.

I really don't know how to live without u. How to sleep without u and wake up in my bed alone. I must learn to do it again.

I still like u as before, u r still my honey boy, my best football player, my captain. Nothing has changed.

One day we will meet again, I'm more than sure. And who knows what can happen 10 years later.

I like u, baby and will miss u.


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