
Depp.Judy Depp

Дата регистрации: 06 мая 2010 года

Персональный блог JUDYDEPP — Depp.Judy Depp

Theodor Bastard – Лилии

Я на дне лежу
Я в небо смотрю
По небу плывут корабли
Осыпаясь мне на руки

Словно белые лилии

Diary Of Dreams – The Wedding

You follow the path that you meant to avoid
A matter of time till an echo unfolds
what the next step might bring
You take a look back while your heartbeat is raging
to the song you sing

When silence evolves into a deafening noise
When the blackening coat weaves a ceiling of darkness

When I speak the words that you wish me to say
When voices of sound come to life all around

I could never say these words to you
I could never doubt the way you do
I could never trace the steps for you
I could never live the way you do

Adrenaline pumping in every vein
I must go now and look for a new place to hide

You will chase me again I am certain of that
but be sure that the next time you will not succeed

Theodor Bastard – Буду жить

Исчезну в сердце леса
Вспыхну можжевельником
Степной дорожной пылью в воздухе повисну
Мала земная доля, мала земная доля

Буду жить

Прольюсь водою во поле
Просыплюсь житом пожитым
В хмельной родной землице прорасту
земная доля, мала земная доля..

Vampire: The Masquerade – Fall No More

Find the end, let us start again
Feelings lost now surge as oceans
So grey she rises to the world
And her name shattered years ago
Scattered with the northern snow

Fragments hidden well within our minds

Till the rains fall no more
Till the nights no longer find us here alone

Till the rains fall no more
Till the night no longer finds us here alone

In death's eyes sorrow lingered once
Seeing her life torn apart
The shackles fell to see her free to walk the earth

In her eyes life is present still
Through the day I watch her sleeping
I hold her close forever more

Vampire: The Masquerade – Cruxshadows

She cries, children often do
When they're cold, and hungry too,
Come closer, look deeply in her eyes
So delicate, quite unlike her smile

Life clinging backwards,
In the fall of dread confusion,
Still this silence gnaws upon your fingertips,
All-yielding prayer, for instant isolation,
Far more sinister than the price of doubt,

Yet you remain,
Still you remain,

And she says:
Pray for daylight,
Pray for morning,
Pray for an end to our deception,

Pray for daylight,
Pray for morning,

Life clinging backwards,
In the fall of dread confusion,
Still this silence gnaws upon your fingertips,
All-yielding prayer, for instant isolation,
Far more sinister than the price of doubt,

Yet you remain,
Still you remain…

Lana Del Rey – She's Not Me

Lets Go!
When you got her in the back seat
Drivin' round the back streets
Trying to block me out
Do you remember my name?

Cruising down Santa Monica Boulevard
Does it light up the spark?
Do you remember my name?

Is she a Ride or Die Bitch?
Does she know I'm tattooed onto your heart?

You can try to fight it.
I have left my mark on you
There is nothing you can do…

When you think you're over me
And your bad baby is dead and gone
Remember I'm the ghost in your machine

I'm your real life suicide girl.

Би-2 – Теперь ты знаешь

Пути обратного верста
На позабытые места
Я ставлю триста против ста
Что опоздаешь

И под обломками любви
Опять ни неба, ни земли
На что похожи эти
Теперь ты знаешь

Оттого, что ты есть
Продолжается путь

Оттого, что ты здесь
Ничего не вернуть
Не откроется дверь
Там за дверью стена
И тогда и теперь
Это та же война

Do you believe in heaven above,
Do you believe in love?
Don't tell a lie
Don't be false or untrue
It all comes back to you

Send me an angel
Right now…

Zeromancer – Feed you with a kiss

Am I the queen up your sleeve
When you got no ace
Am I a slap in your face
Am I the boy in your bed
When youre feeling down
Am I your living dead

Would you die for me

It doesnt have to be like this

Feed you with a kiss
Oh no!
It doesnt have to be like this
Feed you with a kiss

The Rasmus – Night After Night

Heaven sent you, to bring the answer
Heaven sent you, to cure this cancer
For a moment I'm beating vultures
For a moment the world in my hands

Like an angel who came
Every time when I pray
Guiding me in my dreams

Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel who came
Every time when I scream

Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
Fool enough to fall again
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying

Still disconnected and unprotected
Still I'm haunted but unwanted
For a moment unbreakable stars
For a moment you stayed in my arms…

Stillste Stund – Die Teufelsbuhle

Unschuld weiß davon nicht,
Doch neulich Nacht sah ich sie sich wie auf Katzenpfoten davonstehlen,
Als sie uns alle schlafend wähnte.
Ich folgte ihr mit ebenso leisen Schritten
Bis hin zu einem seltsamen Brunnen.
Sie stieg über die Mauer und glitt hinunter.
Ich dachte nicht weiter darüber nach und kletterte ihr hinterher.

Ich folgte ihr hinunter in die Dunkelheit.
Unbemerkt immer tiefer in die Dunkelheit…

Ich weiß, sie ist schuldig, weiß sie ist schuldig,
Sie ist schuldig, schuldig!
Ich weiß, sie belügt dich, weiß sie betrügt dich,
Sie verbiegt sich. Unschuld belügt dich!
Ich weiß, sie ist schuldig, weiß sie ist schuldig,
Sie ist schuldig. Unschuld ist schuldig!

Und wenn Du das nächste Mal ihr in die Augen siehst,
Denk an die Worte, die ich Dir sage:
Ich weiß, sie ist schuldig, weiß sie ist schuldig,
Sie ist schuldig. Unschuld ist schuldig!

Lea Luna (HavocNDeed Remix) – Hearts Under Fire

Run for cover we are
Hearts under fire and then
Going under if we can’t be at peace
Pull the trigger we are
Hearts under fire and we
Hold our grudges
If we can’t just release


Shame it’s such a …
Shame….when hearts under fire
Shame it’s such a …
Shame….when hearts under fire

When hearts under fire…
We’re up and free

Angelzoom feat. Apocalyptica – Turn the Sky

If I was a bird in your hand
Longing for a new Fairyland
You've opened up my door
You've set me free
Always would return to your hand

If I was a Pearl on the Ground
Only deep blue Sea all around
But you would find my Light
You'll rescuse me
One day, when all my calls will resound

But if I was a Flash in your Daydream
One Day you'll see my Sign on your way

I turn the sky to dive into your dreams
I'd turn the sky to fall into your dreams
A million times for you
I hope, I beg and pray for you…


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