
Fashion & Poetry

Дата регистрации: 26 июля 2011 года

Персональный блог STEYSFP — Fashion & Poetry

Японцы решили обжить Луну?

moon12 (450x451, 2498Kb) Японцы решили обжить Луну при помощи роботов ?

Недавно прочитал статью на эту тему. Не удивился особенно. Японцы решили взяться за ум. Недостаток территории подталкивает, наверное, их к этому.
Так вот, в Японии разработали план освоения луны с помощью роботов.
По мнению ученых, запустить первых роботов на поверхность спутника земли будет возможно уже к 2020 году.
Пока все упирается в финансирование. Что самое интересное, то роботов хотят сделать человекоподобными.
Уже более 5 лет эта тема вертится в научных кругах, но лишь теперь это приобрело стратегический масштаб, и ее называют важной и текущей.
Японские исследователи убеждены, что от теперешней космической программы нет никакого проку. Япония, говорится, должна сделать прорыв в космосе и заняться масштабными исследованиями Луны.
По мнению ученых Японии, современные космические роботы должны обладать радио- коммуникационной системой, которая может напрямую взаимодействовать с центральным пунктом управления на Земле.
Вот такие грандиозные планы у Японских ученых.

moon12 (450x451, 2498Kb)

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Akadzome Emon

In the beauties of nature there is no owners, and because there are no obstacles delight of my heart.

Kamo But Temey. Notes from the cell.

Curriculum Vitae

Akadzome Emon (second half of X century - after 1041). In fact the years of birth and death Akadzome Emon is uncertain, known only that in 1041 it was already over 80 years. It belongs to the so-called "thirty-six immortal poets" of the Middle Ages. Was of noble birth. In his youth, was first in the retinue of his wife Chancellor Fujiwara Mitinaga (966 - 1027), and later - in the retinue of his daughter, Empress Ceci. We also know that Akadzome Emon was married to Masahiro Oe (governor Owari Province). They had two sons. The literary heritage of the poet is an anthology of her home, "Akadzome Emons, " which includes over 600 pyatistishy. Her works are found in many classic anthologies. In addition it is considered the author of the historical novel "The Tale of the prime" ("Eyga-mo-nogatari"), written in the XI century.

Of creativity

In the old days for the flowers
People took the snow.
But this spring -
On the contrary all - flowers
Appear to be snowflakes.

(Translated by T. Sokolova, Delyusin)

These flowers
I wanted to see the branches,
In full glory,
But alas, I return empty-handed,
Walking in deep snow…

(Translated by T. Sokolova, Delyusin)

At flowering cherry
I did not have time to look -
Crumbled at once.
Nalyubuyus as a consolation
At least the spring moon.

(Translated by T. Sokolova, Delyusin)

Summer rainfall
Otshumel, and now in the sky
Shining moon.
Only the rain of my tears
Pours and pours endlessly.

(Translated by T. Sokolova, Delyusin)

Waking hardly
Look out into the garden - Chrysanthemum
In drops of dew.
Moonlight golden waves
Accumulates, unsteady flows.

(Translated by T. Sokolova, Delyusin)


Japanese poetry. St. Petersburg, "North West", 2000.
A Thousand Cranes. Anthology of Japanese classical poetry. St. Petersburg, "ABC Classic", 2004.

Scene in the interior.
XVIII century. Fragment.

delete edit

excerpt from "Ode to the West's throne, " Zhang Heng (Art. 223-232), in which everything is based on a play of meanings, including contradictory (such as "prostrate soar"), a small number of characters.

The king built a gazebo
Cypress balusters,
but railing carved masterpiece
delivered a fiery attack.
And then the priest yuesky -
victims of a fiery catcher -
presented to the king recipe
how to partition the edge and center
as the size of a precise plan -
the sky and land balance
(Calculate their shadow and light)
so clog from harm.
That's the scale - and that's Palace -
new fat giant.
Monolithic Sample
twice exceeded the Wei-yang.
Reference Architecture
Regalia and Sagittarius
Quarter face,
Novogodovogo Tour
man-made attribute.
At the gate of his growing
cyclopean steam
cylindrical columns,
viewing peaks tiara,
buried in the heavenly throne.
Gemini parade portal,
tiled roofs, zubchatok;
a pair of mountain memorial
with the isthmus between the sites.
And to them on statue
metal heat-birds
toli vzmyvshih to the ground,
soared to the heels down,
toli high overthrown
but always deployed to the winds.
delete edit
May Showers
Waterfall buried -
Filled with water.


How tender young leaves
Even here in the weeds
I was forgotten at home.

May rain is endless.
Malwa drawn somewhere,
Searching for the way the sun.

From branch to branch
Quietly escape the drop…
Rain spring.

Do not have time to take away your hands,
As has been the spring breeze
Settled in the green shoots.

On a spring rain!
On the roof of streams running
Along the wasp nests.

Spring morning.
Over every hill ring
Transparent smoke.

Акадзомэ Эмон

У красот природы собственников нет, оттого и нет никаких препятствий усладе сердца моего.

Камо–Но Тёмей. Записки из кельи.

Биографическая справка

Акадзомэ Эмон (вторая половина X века – после 1041 г.). Собственно годы рождения и смерти Акадзомэ Эмон точно не известны, известно только, что в 1041 году ей было уже более 80 лет. Она принадлежит к так называемым «тридцати шести бессмертным поэтам» Средневековья. Была благородного происхождения. В юности состояла сперва в свите супруги канцлера Фудзивара Митинага (966– 1027), а позднее — в свите его дочери, императрицы Сёси. Известно также, что Акадзомэ Эмон была замужем за Оэ Масахира (наместник провинции Овари). У них было двое сыновей. Литературное наследие поэтессы состоит из ее домашней антологии «Акадзомэ Эмонсю», которая включает в себя свыше 600 пятистиший. Ее произведения присутствуют во многих классических антологиях. Кроме того её считают автором исторического романа «Повесть о расцвете» («Эйга–мо–ногатари» ;), написанного в XI в.

Из творчества

В старину за цветы
Люди снег принимали.
Но этой весной —
Наоборот всё — цветы
Кажутся хлопьями снега.

(перевод Т. Соколовой–Делюсиной)

Эти цветы
Хотела увидеть на ветках,
В полной красе,
Но увы, возвращаюсь ни с чем,
По глубокому снегу ступая…

(перевод Т. Соколовой–Делюсиной)

На цветущие вишни
Я и взглянуть не успела —
Осыпались разом.
Налюбуюсь же в утешенье
Хотя бы весенней луной.

(перевод Т. Соколовой–Делюсиной)

Летний ливень
Отшумел, и вот уже в небе
Сияет луна.
Только дождь моих слез
Льет и льет бесконечно.

(перевод Т. Соколовой–Делюсиной)

Проснувшись едва,
Выгляну в сад — хризантемы
В каплях росы.
Лунный свет золотыми волнами
Набегает, зыбко струится.

(перевод Т. Соколовой–Делюсиной)


  • Японская поэзия. СПб, «Северо-Запад», 2000.
  • Тысяча журавлей. Антология японской классической поэзии. СПб, «Азбука-классика«, 2004.
  • Моромаса. Сцена в интерьере. XVIII в. Фрагмент.

    Сцена в интерьере.
    XVIII в. Фрагмент.

    Майские дожди
    Водопад похоронили -
    Залили водой.


    Как нежны молодые листья
    Даже здесь, на сорной траве
    У позабытого дома.


    Майский дождь бесконечный.
    Мальвы куда-то тянутся,
    Ищут дорогу солнца.


    С ветки на ветку
    Тихо сбегают капли…
    Дождик весенний.


    Не успела отнять руки,
    Как уже ветерок весенний
    Поселился в зеленом ростке.


    О весенний дождь!
    С кровли ручейки бегут
    Вдоль осиных гнезд.


    Весенне утро.
    Над каждым холмом безымянным
    Прозрачная дымка.


    There is only one moon, but there are thousands of reflections, each body of water in each drop of dew.There is only one ultimate experience, but there are a thousand ways of expressing it. It is in the culture of ancient Japan, a special emphasis was placed on the expression of different emotions of the soul, through the picturesque and poetic metaphors and awakening love lyrics.

    In Japanese poetry, keen ear and sharp eye. The poet hears the rustle of a dress of his wife, you want to leave, going on a long journey, sees between the wings of geese flying in the sky, slid to the ground white frosting. Of special importance of poetry gives a precise gesture to his eyes pinned sleeve favorite in a moment of parting, melting snowflake on a cheek or a mysterious old man's opinion.

    Traditional Japanese poetic style grew out of daily life, celebrations, struggles, and ceremonies of hunters, fishermen, farmers, ancestor worship and the forces of nature. All living space of time has been deified.Gods themselves were the mountains, roads in the mountains, trees, grasses, rivers, and lakes. Powerful cheerfulness, reverence for nature-giver of the harvest, the fruits of the earth and the sea was filled with a Japanese song.

    These properties are inherited folk melodies first anthology of Japanese poetry "Manesyu" - "Meeting the myriad leaves". (The Japanese have long been identified with the word leaves of plants). "Manesyu" is the most vivid expression of culture Nara period. It is the name this time in the history of Japan, named its first permanent capital. Created "Manesyu" about, for decades the VIII century. The exact time of its completion is unknown. In "Manesyu" twenty books, scrolls (containing 4496 songs). Some compiled in chronological order, in other songs of various lands in the country, the third-containing songs of the four seasons. Here in the complex unity coexist more than four years of the poetry of ancient Japan, according to many scientists' Manesyu "are songs of V-VIII centuries. It is in this anthology is formed, but not always strictly maintained, given the size of the verse in the century and major poetic forms depending on the number of verses: nagauta "long song" with an indefinite number of five-and seven-syllable verses, sedoka "songs rowers' shestistishiya-built scheme syllables. And finally, the tank" short song ", pyatistishiya where the alternate verses in syllables. Tanka is a very ancient poetic form. Five poems, perhaps, in their old magic even, the possibility of which instinctively guessed the national genius.

    A new era. At the end of VIII century capital of Japan was the Heian (Kyoto). In the literature, about one hundred years reigned poetry in Chinese. However, the influence of "Manesyu" not dying. The creators of this anthology of poetry in opposition to the Chinese national. Custodian of its spirit has become a tank. Although the theme of "moon", for example, in Japanese poetry was inspired by Chinese culture and has become one of the major in classical poetry.

    Poets of the IX century produced a new flowering of Japanese poetry, which became the embodiment of the anthology "Kokins" ("Kokin Vacas"). It was created by decree of the emperor by the Committee of poets, headed by poet and scholar Key Tsurayuki but one of the biggest figures in the history of Japanese culture.

    " Kokins" - "Izbornik old and new songs Yamato"-is, as "Manesyu" of twenty scrolls. His word is preceded by Tsurayuki about the meaning of Japanese poetry.

    The tank was not only high art, it was part of everyday life. The Japanese love poetry contest, utaavase. Tank during this period was the universal way of expression, love madrigals, a joke, just a note, but the true poets knew how to breathe life into the familiar words. The pinnacle of classical poetry of the tank were found fascinating and touching Sikisi-naysinno, Fujiwara Sadaie, along with poems Saiga. Sadaie, chief compiler of an anthology of the last great tank "Sinkokinsyu" ("New Kokins").

    Many of the tank late classical era censorship resistant sharply divided the poem into two hemistichs: three and two lines. As time evolved the custom of folding a poem together. Next to these three-line couplet, and began to attach all the new ones. Thus was born the renga.

    In the XVI century renga became "shuteynoy", sometimes parodic. Shuteynuyu renga (Haikal-renga) love in the circles of the Third Estate. The initial stanza renga is the first tercet "haiku" healed their own lives. Haiku was on top of a low genre. The lyrical hero genre of poetry were Haikal citizen, a joker or street wit.

    In the XVII century wandering monk Matsuo Basho created a new style tercet, it became a mix of the best achievements "shuteynoy" serious and haiku. He drew a lot of the classic tank. The poet-wanderer Saiga was his teacher in poetry and life. The wisdom of Confucius, the high humanity Du Fu, a paradoxical idea resonated Chuang Tzu in his poetry. Basho was a Zen Buddhist. The doctrine of "Zen" had a great influence on Japanese art at the time. According to this doctrine, the truth can be grasped as a result of a push from the outside, when suddenly the world is seen in all its nakedness, and any individual part of the world, gives rise to the moment of realization.

    Love for all living things, the deep sadness of separation and sorrow, all the earthly world with all its everyday life, rituals, taboos and jokes are still material for haiku poetry.

    Yamato songs! You grow from one seed - the heart, and grows into a myriad petals of speech - in a myriad of words.

    People who live in this world, enmeshed in worldly affairs are overgrown, and all that lies in their hearts - allthey have expressed in connection with what they hear and what they see.

    And when you hear the voice of a nightingale singing among the flowers, my songs when you hear the voice ofa frog that lives in water, it seems: what of all life, of any living thing does not sing his own songs?. .

    Without any effort she moves heaven and earth; captivates even the gods and demons, invisible to our eyes;refines union men and women warriors alleviates severe heart … This is the song.

    Street fashion is far from the classical canons and conventions of all sorts in every capital of the world, but it is in Tokyo, she reaches the maximum level of originality, eccentricity and outrageousness. Walking around the block Harajuku, you can easily meet a girl, dressed in a lacy dress the color of a ripe orange, blue shoes and an incredible platform canopies over a pound of accessories - from vintage silver to plastic trinkets. And her appearance does not cause condemnation of passers-by, it's the most fashionable district of Tokyo, with its wild colors and a cocktail of textures, styles and eras, a place where people come for inspiration renowned designers and creative people.

    By the way, fashionable young men in the Japanese capital are also far from the stereotypes and freely use makeup, heels and stand up to dye their hair in fantastic colors, oblique views without fear and misunderstanding of the conservative townspeople Recently surprisingly loyal to such an expression.

    In general, it is better to see once in person, than a hundred times - in the photo, but it is likely that once visited on this holiday of freedom of style, you will want to come back again and again.

    With the increased number of public and fashionable brands in the last week in Tokyo Fashion Week kicked off "Fall-Winter '08-'09" with collections from leading Japanese designers.

    [Hiroko Kosino (left) with the model at the opening of Fashion Week in Japan, where she delivered a speech on behalf of all designers in Japan.]

    A positive point is the fact that this event is officially included in the government's budget for fiscal year 2007, which ends this month. Nevertheless, the joy of this somewhat overshadowed by the growth of ideas, that «Tokyo Girls Collection», show that focuses on consumers, which was held in Tokyo in the same week may be even more influential in the machinations that determine the ultimate fate of the Fashion Week in Japan.

    Fashion Week "Fall-Winter '08-'09" was held from 10th to 16th March in Roppongi and other locations throughout Tokyo. In some ways it was the most successful ever since, as was held here in 2005, twice a year.
    A total of 44 was held a fashion show, including the Fashion Week "Spring Leto'08", the total number of participants who made man 18100-19100. Still, there are a number of problems. Source of frustration for many visitors is the lack of former headliners, such as «DressCamp» and «mercibeaucoup». The first brand chose Paris Tokyo and the other held his show on Tuesday, but separately from Fashion Week.

    This event has been criticized for lack of quality labels. In the words of Jean-Francois Soler (Jean-Francois Soler), director of the Association news from the world of fashion «Station Service» (France): "Some have demonstrated a very innovative and fun ideas, but others do not have enough energy in comparison with the designers, which we see in the other world show. " To combat this, the outcome of the organizers of Fashion Week in Japan have decided to use strategy to attract young designers.

    This year, to participate were invited to 11 labels, including "It Motonari» («Motonari Ono» ;) and "Aguri Sugimori» («Aguri Sagimori» ;), named after the designers, without paying a regular contribution to the mandatory 1.7 million. ¥.

    Some brands were not up to par

    Despite the overall positive moment attempt to revive, the reverse side of such actions is to focus on youth, which may give the event a raid dilettantism. This could be a problem and writes by e-mail 31-year-old Seitiro Ito (Soichiro Ito), who chose to participate after one of Fashion Week in 2005, when designers are not willing to participate in Fashion Week in Japan - in terms of quality and originality of their product - then they should not participate.

    Responding to a question, Nobuyuki Ota (Nobuyuki Ota), president of «Issey Miyake Inc.» (One of the organizers of the Forum of fashion strategy that deals with the device in Japan Fashion Week since its inception in 2005), agrees, saying that he also believes that some brands were not high enough and ready.

    [Akira Amari, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, at the opening of Fashion Week in Japan.]

    " Some do not even bother to show samples to buyers so they could give their assessment", - he said during a recent interview. In addition, it is logical that there can be problems for designers, they arise from the organizers and with customers.

    Paul Everitt (Paul Everitt), the buyer of the British trading house «Shinshi», complained: "We had problems getting information about the show, in fact we do not know until then, until it passed. "

    This lack of information in English - not to mention Chinese or Korean - there is, despite the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI) and its partners in the management of the foreign trade of Japan (OVTYA; Japan External Trade Organization, JETRO). It will be recalled that until 2005 Japan Fashion Week did not exist as such. Under the authority of the very liberal fashion (Tokyo), each label showing pursued when wanted, resulting in seasonal collections were stretched over several months.

    Within three years, says Ota, "Council of Fashion Designers did not have any money, so we do not promote our activities abroad." In 2005, METI has made quite an unexpected attachment, resulting in all the separate events were combined into a single saturated activities per week, and were organized by the relevant press conference with foreign journalists invited to cover events (all of the costs offset.) However, none of the invited journalists were not returned at the next fashion week in Japan on their own.

    This in turn suggests that at least one of the objectives set by METI - to make Tokyo the center of the fashion industry in Asia - as apparently was not achieved. Currently, the Fashion Week held in Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Mumbai and comment Ota, who, perhaps, is taste of defeat, is nevertheless quite true: "In this world, entangled in a web of the Internet, no longer is the question of a single place - the "center". What really is important is your identity. "
    With this past Fashion Week in Japan was included in the budget for fiscal 2008, which will begin in Japan on 1 April. 29th February this year, when the LDP draft budget dragged through the Lower House, Japan Fashion Week officially became a national business. So part of 600 million yen and perepadet her.

    However, the reality is that these funds represent a reduction in funding of Fashion Week in Japan, which is now "will get much less money than in the past, " says Ota, adding that organizers are now on their shoulders the responsibility to find more fashion than in the past.

    Other changes include the renaming of the Forum of the Organization Strategy Fashion Fashion Week in Japan. Although this sounds like a bureaucratic detail, this fact actually reflects changes in the legal status of the group from being able to just be a "group of individuals" to the company. This fact is an indication that the government apparently hopes that this group would one day become an independent corporation.

    A revolutionary type of show

    " In this show you could see the mannequins from top to bottom", - said Ota, a revolutionary new type of show might be able to fundamentally change the way the demonstration models

    [Catwalk by «Mintdesigns» Fashion Week in Japan.]

    In 2005, when the METI has agreed with the Council of Fashion Designers of the Week fashion in Japan, an online seller of fashion Girlswalker.com sold clothes for teens and young women in the amount of 10 billion yen. Encouraged by this success, the owner of the site «Xavel Inc.», Organized an ambitious show «Tokyo Girls Collection». They basically invited local, cheaper labels on one-day show, held at the stadium with a capacity of over 20,000 people.

    Given the focus on customers, all represented by the model were distributed immediately through the Internet, and this fact, as they say, hit the mark. For example, last week demonstrated a model that will be relevant only after six months, and «Tokyo Girls Collection», meanwhile, is selling the model in spring-summer season, which may put women customers today and tomorrow.

    " I« Tokyo Girls Collection »There is a certain tension, " - says Ota. - "If brands are not satisfied with the good shows, sell them immediately affected." A similar situation occurs with consumers either buy something now or next week it will no longer fashionable. This tense situation on both sides creates a «Tokyo Girls Collection» a fuss, which is absent in the Fashion Week in Japan.

    " The show of Fashion Week all those sad and gloomy, there's no emotion" - recognizes Ota. Interestingly, he notes that the hype «Tokyo Girls Collection» reminds him of the desperate battle of brands in the Paris collections, which are fighting for the attention of international media and buyers. Realizing this gap, Ota during an interview in 2005, NHK did not forget to offer «Tokyo Girls Collection» (TGC) and Fashion Week to do something together.

    " You should have seen this reaction!" - He says. - "The people from the fashion industry thought I was crazy.They looked at it as a joint team from the league with the students. "

    [Model of the «Tokyo Girls Collection» Fashion Week in Japan.]

    Nevertheless, TGC is growing every day (for example, at the end of this month will be held on their show in Beijing), at least, some players in the world of high fashion began to notice it. The result is two sites that offer special models with girlswalker.com, and it nuan.gr.jp visport.jp, which visitors can buy the products of permanent members of the Fashion Week in Japan, such as «GVGV» and «kamishimo Tinami" ("Kamishima Chinami » ;). Perhaps even more troubling sign for the Fashion Week will be the fact that the style of «TGC» «from business to consumer" is distributed widely over the age range of 15-24 years.Catwalk Tokyo

    Famous Brand «mercibeaucoup» decided to arrange a showing this season outside of Fashion Week, since the current format does not allow her to spend two fashion shows - for representatives of domestic industry and to consumers directly. Acting alone, she took a place in Ebisu, and lottery method has invited its 500 regular customers. Meanwhile, in the mark the construction of its new building in the heart of Akasaka Sacas Tokyo television network TBS has organized event on the catwalks of Tokyo, which is scheduled for today.Headlining this event will address a number of brands with fashion week, both old and new, including «ato» and «DressCamp».

    [Catwalk by «Ato» Fashion Week in Japan.]

    In the past, no TV company did not provide funding Fashion Week shows and just some of at least given some publicity. Now one of the most influential companies alone is skipping the show. In any case, Council of Fashion Designers and their patrons in the METI should take notice. This is because the venerable organization continue to make attempts to make the semi-moist and fashion shows, arranged for manufacturers, not only commercially successful interventions, but also a new form of mass entertainment.

    The next fashion-tour will move us across the continent from Copenhagen in faraway Japan. Everyone who was in Tokyo, say that this whole universe, independent and sovereign, like nothing on earth. There is a different culture, different food, different language, different traditions, different architecture, but fashion is everywhere. True, a touch of the Far East fashion mentality is taking new forms - not just designers around the world inspire this city bows Tokyo.

    Japanese fashion quite distinctive and diverse, it is difficult to classify the individual trends for each imageridiculous many different styles: the more the better. So the surest way to organize your bows - by color.

    Hello my friends! Today we will talk with you just about fashion :-) Every day starting for today's, I'll write about fashion, the next day, about poetry, and then will combine these two themes into one grand theme of F & P.Stay! ! It will be very interesting !!! :-)

    Poetry and Fashion… It would Seem these are completely not compatible things. :-) But between them is thin gran :-) Cross which can only crazy :-) by Scientists it has been proved that all dandies who are putting on in fashionable boutiques, are an expert not only in a fashion, but also in the qualitative, poetical literature!!! So that here!!!


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