11 августа 2011 года в11.08.2011 15:39 16 0 10 1

A little more about Tokyo street fashion :-) …

Street fashion is far from the classical canons and conventions of all sorts in every capital of the world, but it is in Tokyo, she reaches the maximum level of originality, eccentricity and outrageousness. Walking around the block Harajuku, you can easily meet a girl, dressed in a lacy dress the color of a ripe orange, blue shoes and an incredible platform canopies over a pound of accessories - from vintage silver to plastic trinkets. And her appearance does not cause condemnation of passers-by, it's the most fashionable district of Tokyo, with its wild colors and a cocktail of textures, styles and eras, a place where people come for inspiration renowned designers and creative people.

By the way, fashionable young men in the Japanese capital are also far from the stereotypes and freely use makeup, heels and stand up to dye their hair in fantastic colors, oblique views without fear and misunderstanding of the conservative townspeople Recently surprisingly loyal to such an expression.

In general, it is better to see once in person, than a hundred times - in the photo, but it is likely that once visited on this holiday of freedom of style, you will want to come back again and again.


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