09 февраля 2012 года в09.02.2012 20:33 1 0 10 2

самой плакать хочется

Male group MBLAQ’s youngest member Mir cried in front of his leader Seungho.

During the recent recording of fourth episode for KBS Joy ‘MBLAQ’s Hello Baby, ’ MBLAQ has visited the child consulting expert with their children. The main goal of this counsel was to open the heart of their daughter Dayoung who has very timid personality.

Mir broke in to apologetic tears and started crying in Seungho’s arms while watching Dayoung through the monitor who was telling how she felt when she cried at third episode because of Mir.

Mir soon got himself together then made truth with Dayoung and got even close after. This episode will be aired on Feb.9th midnight KST.


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