
my blueberry nights& mornings after

Дата регистрации: 11 ноября 2009 года

мне 17. я верю в Бога. я живу в сша. я стараюсь стать вегетарианцем. я уже, наверное, не стану архитектором.
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i wanna be free
i wanna be 18
i wanna be taller
i wanna be not as lazy as i am now
i wanna be strong
i wanna be more patient
i wanna be less jealous
i wanna be less selfish
i wanna be more polite
i wanna be interested in books as i used to be before
i wanna be a successful person
i wanna be better
i wanna everything between us to be like it used to be
i wanna be with you always and forever
and we can do it

i wanna be free with you, i wanna share my freedom with you allen

you changed…
i want my allen back, please give me my allen back, Dear God, please give me my allen back, i want my old allen, please, please, please, please give me my allen back, please God, please… Dear God thats all i want.. just bring it back to life.. everything seems so fake, oh why he went there, why did he change, i feel like its not me anymore, i feel like its someone else in this life now, i feel like im losing him, it seemsso fake…
God tell me what i do wrong? why is he always mad at me, or pissed at me, or annoyed?God what is wrong with my baby? God please can You do something about it? God i really need him in my life, but he changed so much, i dont know what to do…

i feel like its all my fault and it doesnt make it any easier. d.r changed him. i hope not forever. God, please change him back, help him to understand me.

thank You, kate

i actually got used to write my thought in this blog and not talk to you 24/7;
i used to tell you everything, it was hard but i did it;
it doesnt hurt when i think of you having fun somewhere else, ignoring me and not talking to me tonight anymore;
i got used to it;
you made me stronger;
all i have - your pictures, messages history, dreams about future and alot of memories.
11 months full of memories.
thank you allen javier noboa, you made me grow up.
and i still love you, always&forever.

paranoia guys
let me breathe
let me live
be with me, help me, love me, hug me, send me messages, send me pictures, talk to me, yell at me, kiss me, fuck me, lovemelovemelovemeloveme.

i thought you changed, i think you faked it
goodnight tomorrow will be new day
i have to open my eyes.
tell me one thing
how can you lie to me, when you know that i would give up my life for you?


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