19 ноября 2016 года в19.11.2016 15:32 36 0 10 1

the waves raging furiously against the white cliffs

the transparant veil of light illuminating the cold calm stones

the sea salt taste on the leaves of grass

the flat tops exposed vulnerably to the sun

the mysterious lavander blossoms among the sharp blinding green

the shadow of a stray strider

the smell of a jasmine bush

the quivering surface of the sea, agonizing, exalting glare

everything whispers in your voice

everything breathes with your presence

everything sings the song of your unequalled existance

everything heralds you

everything pauses in dead silence

everything shrieks

everything is you

you are unfolding in me

i am unfolding in you

the world is a devine interlacement of us

i cannot see the cliffs, and the blossoms, and the salt, and the sea anymore

i see

the tears raging furiously against the white face

the transparant veil of love illuminating the cold calm eyes

the sweet taste of apple wine on your lips

the insides of your mind exposed vulnerably to my touch

the mysterious lavander blossoms of your veins under the glowing skin

the shadow of a doubt

the jasmine smell of perfumed hair

the quivering, agonizing, exalting flesh under my hands

you are unfolding in me

i am unfolding in you

the world starts and ends with this devine interlacement of us


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