08 декабря 2014 года в08.12.2014 21:51 1 0 10 1

a new day comes
with brightest suns
leaves injured with napalm
reel slowly
a man observes no harm
but why do i see flowers
venenating starving bees
i’m not a random gossip
i live here inside of a tree

black rats had left this land
then black tanks moved away
but when i chew a door
or i creep through the wall
i still can smell a death
i am a little white ant
alas, i’m cursed to crawl

they told it’s safe to dwell here
but turned their backs upon
our little lukewarm rivers
and plants working thereon

we wake up here without eyes
we fall asleep and die
attack ! attack !
and rack with fire !
use more napalm ! and we still die
we die and die and die and die
100 hundred times we die and die
it’s not enough for you
wild flies
are hiding venomed weapons
but they are always ready
to kill you too someday.

- Ксения Ат


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