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"Не требуйте гарантий. И не ждите спасения от чего-то одного - от человека, или машины, или библиотеки. Сами создавайте то, что может спасти мир, - и если утонете по дороге, так хоть будете знать, что плыли к берегу"
Рэй Брэдбери "451 градус по Фаренгейту"
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SISTEROFYOURS — Это просто Вьюи блог
One vexing, extremely unpleasant and shameful thing happened to my family. When we were kids and something bad happened, our mama used to...
"somebody pushes the replay button for the sake of that bustard"
very fucking accurate
Lies, lies, lies…..
Sister of mine where can I take you?
I am one of them
Well, well, well! What do we have here? Right!- people again. those who never act, but always talk. those are good things they say, but s...
Loneliness is such a sad affair
And I can hardly wait
To be with you again
Here I am again!struggling with life again. I do enjoy su...
i do feel out of the life flow sometimes. seems like i got quite exhausted as i don't have enough energy to do anything, to talk to peopl...