19 января 2013 года в19.01.2013 06:36 6 0 10 3

You have to read it!!!

Надеюсь найдутся люди, чей уровень английского позволит понять эту историю, потому что если я начну переводить то снова разревусь… Написал это мне мой знакомый из Америки - Метью, пару дней назад мы познакомились на фейсбуке и общаемся и почему то я чувствую что нашла родственную душу, не знаю чем, но я уже к нему привязалась.. Надеюсь вы проникнетесь его историей как и я..

Well…All my life I have had a very high level of respect for wimen. I do not know how it is in Russia where you come from, but many men do not reat women very good. Many boys have lots of sex with lots of girls, and many girls have lots of sex with many boys. I had always been different in that regard. I was 17 by the time that I had my first kiss. I never dated any girls or went out with any girls because the way I see it is that going out with someone is used to see if you want to marry that person. I had never found a girl that I felt that much emotion about. Well, there was a girl that I had grown up with. We met each other when I was seven years old and she was five years old. We lived very close to each other, seven houses apart in my town. We always played when we were young, then when I got a bit older we grew apart. When I was in my 12th grade of High School, this girl started writing me love letters and leaving them in the door to my house. We began talking and we fell deeply in love.

Well, I was still a virgin at this time. My virginity was my most important thing for me. I promised myself that I would never give it away, unless it was to the woman I would marry.
So I ended up really loving this woman and we made love. Not soon after I found out that she was being unfaithful to me… being with other men…
this broke my heart completely… she apologized to me and I forgave her but my heart was still damaged…
so we went on as lovers and about six months later I found out that she was being unfaithful to me with another man, once again. And once again, this tore my heart out… she apologized and I forgave her again…
well, then I decided to go into the United States Marine Corps and become a Marine.
So I left and became a warrior for my country. My logic was that if she really loved me, she would still be there for me when I returned home.

Not soon after I found out that she was still being unfaithful to me as I was training for war. Once again, what was left of my damaged heart, was torn out again by this girl… Once again I forgave her… I loved her, I loved her more than anything… I gave her my soul… my virginity. The one gift that you can never get back. So we stayed together and when I returned home from Iraq in 2008, we married. Once we married she swore that she would never be untrue to me ever again. I believed her. She swore before God that she would be faithful to me.
Well, up until July of 2012, I thought that she was faithful. We have a three year old daughter together. My daughter's name is Keelie, that is what the tattoo is on my arm, and the rose represents her beauty and uniqueness.
So in July I found out that my wife had been having sex with my best friend… I do not make friends very easily. I have found that many people will hurt you just to hurt you, many people do not care anyone but themselves… but this one man was a friend that I thought that I could trust with my life… so I thought. It turns out he was having sex with my wife right behind my back. So after this… after all the times that she had been unfaithful to me before, after she swore she would never do it again, I found out that she was still. Then I found out that she had been doing it the entire time that we had been married. She had been doing it to me while I was over in Iraq in 2008, fighting for my country and for the world. She was doing it to me in 2009 when I was in Afghanistan, fighting even harder for my country and for the world… fighting for her and my daughter, fighting so that I could live to see them again.So this time it completely crushed my soul. It ruined our marriage and I could not look at her the same. I could not be intimate with her without thinking of all the other men that she had been with. So she left me. Two months ago she left me, and took my daughter.

That is my story..


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