08 января 2013 года в08.01.2013 16:41 1 0 10 1


So my starting weight this morning was exactly 60.3 kg - which is a lot for me. Since I'm 169 cm my ideal weight should be between 54-64. And as you see it is. BUT. I have always considered that being slim all the time is better than trying to balance your weight between "chubby" and "ok"…

But my greates discovery today is called " NOOM ". It's an app for Android (and maybe iPhones too) powered smartphones. It's the app that acts as your coach. You can log anything you eat and the app calculates your available calories for the day depending on your weght, height and age. My parameters let me eat 1200 calories per day which is a lot considering that for example today I have only used up 200 calories for my breakfast and my lunch.

The app also helps you train physically by counting the calories you use doing physical tasks. This app has so many great features that I can't even count them all ! Plus, each day you have new tasks to do and as you complete them you earn points and level up :)

Try it ! You'll love it as much as I do!


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