09 октября 2009 года в09.10.2009 20:15 14 0 10 1

What's the difference

What is a difference between being a good person and a bad person? Where does that subtle line that separates one from another lie? Can you be a good person if you hurt other people on purpose? How can you be good if you can see the consequences of your actions very well, you know that at least someone will be hurt, may be even everyone will be hurt and you still keep doing what you did before? You do not care too much about their possible pain, not even about your own pain as you've already been hurt beyond extent, broken beyond repair and you know that it won't hurt any more than it did before. You do not actually deceive but still you do not tell the whole truth. You prefer to be quiet and get what you want by any means. You do not believe in compromises, it is your way or no way. Why is there no one on your way who can say: 'That's bad! Don't you ever do it again!' And even when you get what you want you don't know if you will be happy as you do not know if you can ever feel happy again.


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What's the difference

What is a difference between being a good person and a bad person? Where does that subtle line that separates one from another lie? Can y...