02 февраля 2012 года в02.02.2012 19:26 0 0 10 1

what a bad guy

— I'm a guy, so expect it that when I talk to you there will be some "sweet talks". but don't think that I'm attracted to you or what. It's just normal for me.
- don't fall in love with me. I'm not capable of it.
- don't send me relationship request, it will make me look at you in a bad way.
- flirt with me, call me baby/darling/sweetie, I won't care. but when you tell me, "baby I'm feeling horny tonight", trust me, you'll regret it --;
- you say I'm cold? Yeah, my "sweetness" depends on my mood.
- I'm not into DRAMA, I f*ckingly hate it. You said I rejected you? You said we broke up? Deal with it, it's natural.
- I don't play with girls' hearts, they hurt it themselves coz firstly I would never tell "I love you" to anyone. So don't expect anything.
- unfriend me if you don't like what you read, don't send a friend request if you hate what you read. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
- love me or hate me, up to YOU :) I'm a BAD BOY, and you have just been reminded.


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