

Дата регистрации: 08 июля 2011 года

Персональный блог KATELENGL — Kate...

He looked at two tombstones. One with name Daniel, it was three years old boy. Other hadn’t name on it, only name. It was Daniel’s sister, Melody. Their mother just told him that she’s pregnant with that monster’s child. That man killed their children! He couldn’t stay with her for very long. He comforted her until he could leave her with their friends and went to his children. She didn’t remember what the man she loved did, she didn’t remeber his love to her and their children. And now the man who destroyed their life destroyed her life again. But he can’t tell her what else he did, looking at his children’s graves he just couldn’t cause her so much pain. But it wasn’t his only pain now. they were geniuses, they experimented. He could have a child with her without her. And he felt guilty for his try. He thought that man got wild because he did it. He wanted to have a child, little blessing from her, like a final gift. He made a mistake and that man prooved that he was wrong. He just killed that kind woman who agreed to help, but also killed women like her. And that was what ruined his love’s life again, that caused her a lot of pain. And he felt that it all was his fault, he thought he destroyed her life and that’s why he was going to help her, he was going to do everything she asked to try to make her happy. Even without him and their children, He wasn’t going to tell her their life, even though her father asked him many times to do it, he just wanted to make her happy. He was going to wait for her, to come back to him, to love him, to be his love again.

Like a fairy tail? With bad end…
It happened long ago. Well, maybe 100 years not that much, not for them. Man and woman happily lived together for several years. Not so long ago they changed themselves along with their three friends. He became a vampire, but not a vampire you know for many books and movies. He was genius, and he couldn’t turn into bat. He also wasn’t affraid of garlic and sun. He was something really different, and at the same time still that bloodsucking beast. She gained part of vampire legasy too. But she wasn’t vampire. She just gained longievity. She could die, but she couldn’t get older. They were a couple. A happy couple that loved to cross scientific borders with their friends. They had a child, son. They weren’t married, but her father didn’t mind, he knew they will get married sooner or later. Actually they planned their wedding already. And they were very happy. They were going to be parents again, nothing bad could happen. But they were wrng. Very wrong.
One day, when they didn’t expect anyone to come, their friend came. He was in his labaratory while she was outside in the garden with their son. When their friend came she didn’t notice that something was wrong with him. He said something to her, she answered with smile. And then… His eyes fell on her stomach, on that evidence of her pregnancy. Something evil appeared in his eyes as he gave her metal box. She looked at this box and sent her son to bring her love before accepting it. Boy haven’t left garden when she screamed and electricity ran through her. He turned around to see her and then ran inside the house to find his dad. When he reached hall he saw his father running to him, but before they met that man came and hit little boy with his knife several times in chest and head, and then teleported. When father reached son he couldn’t do anything. When he started to wonder where his son’s mother she appeared in the doorway, blood on her dress. I won’t start explaining what’s next, but several months later she was engaged with the man who killed her childred not remembering anything about her life with their father at all. It didn’t end well though… But that’s the story for another time.

When I was little I loved to fall asleep in my father's arms. 2 years old. It's cold outside, wind howls. Diane is there too, but she's busy and asked him to look after me. He stands and cradles me while she's busy. I'm very sleepy and slowly falling asleep. Even though I dressed in warm dress I'm cold, but he warms me, he won't let me get cold. When Diane finish what she's doing I'll be asleep. They lay me to bed, someone will stay with me, to sit or to sleep in that room. They always did it. To not be worried. If they're not staying in the same room as me they staying in closest to mine, they never left me alone. It's calmer, many things could happen, and they are close. I just fell asleep in someone's arms, and for them it was another day with me, day when they could just smile because they don't have any reason for it without me.

Yep, many bad times to come in my notes. Well, it didn't take all of it. There were good times. Like this for example. It's not my memory, it's Helen's. But it's clearly one of her happiest. Ash was about 4 I guess. Henry was about 10-11, happy family. Kids playing outside with their father. He is their father and she's very grateful for having such family. And she's very happy about other thing too. I won't tell how it ended, not now. It will ruin happy moment. But for now… She was happy because she was going to have another daughter. Their daughter. She was very happy at that moment and somehow quite sure that everything will be alright. She was just happy to have this family and not being bothered by her work. So simple happy moment and so short, still it's an endless moment that warms her heart.

Hi, I'm Nicky. Well, I have lots of names, but there already is a girl with my name in this story so I'm Nicky. How old am I? 8 years younger than that sweet girl everybody loves. I used to call her my sister. But she's not. Not like that. I'm an orphan and she has a mother. Had. This girl called dead. But not for me. She also has a father, but he wasn't with them. He left long ago. He didn't know he has a daughter. I know their story, I can see in mother's mind. Not that I'm doing it all the time but… I just know her story and I'm always there when she needs me. Mother… She's my only mother for some time now. And I never called my mother "mother". She died before I could do it. My father died too… With my mom. Father… I have a father, like mother. I wish they were together… Sometimes I think they were. Before me. With my sister. I hope so… Well, I started to tell you about me. What else can I say? I want my parents to be together. I'm tired of her lovers and his pain. He would never show it, not to me, not to her. But they can't hide from me. I can feel his pain. Sometimes it seems he can't see her anymore. Well… I guess it's something for another time. As for now… Let's begin this story.

I'm 4 years and three months old. December. 11th or 12th. It's cold outside. I'm going to sleep with Helen today. Ashley is not here today, she's 8 years older than me. I'm cold and scared. I still remember how Charles and Diane fought couple of weeks ago. Snowstorm outside. I'm afraid. Usually I'm not scared of such things but this day and after all of this… I lay and wait for Helen. She hasn't gone to bed yet, and now she isn't in the room, someone has called her. I am cold and I curl under the blanket and I'm scared and I wait for her to come and take my fears away and warm me with her warmth.

One year passed. He was 7 than, and he's 8 now. A lot changed in this year. He doubted that his aunt was so loving at all. It seemed that she hated him forever. And it seemed that his cousin, her son, spent time with him only because of his little sister. With her leaving, everything changed for him. He loved her with his whole heart and missed just as much. His baby sister. She's younger than he only one year, and she's actually his cousin, but he still missed her. She was his only connection to his parents. They died. Just like hers, only later. She lost her parents much earlier than he did. In some way. They both got second chance, but with her leaving his chance was destroyed. He was walking along railway and thinking about all this. He just wanted to run. He wanted to find his little sister. He just hoped she wasn't dead. She often seemed gravely ill. He didn't know where she was, he knew she has someone abroad, two someones. He so much wanted to be with her, far away from this place. He walked for about two hours after school, he had to go home. Oh, how much he didn't want to… But he had to, and he has no choice.

He slept restlessly that night. He was scared. He had nightmares. He woke up screaming "Katie" and repeated it over and over again. Something bad was going to happen with his little sister. She wasn't so little though… His loving aunt came rushing into his room and pulled little boy ina tight hug, rocking him in attempt to comfort him. She was his beloved aunt, the one who loved him as her own son. It was one of the last times she did that to him.

It's, uh, let's say I was insane my whole life :) Posting one a day for now…

" Hi Katie. "
" Hi Harry. "
" You came to play? "
" I can't say that… "
" Something wrong? "
" I won't be able to come to you after this time. "
" Why? "
" I just can't. "
" Something happen to your family? "
" You know, I don't have any. "
" Just like me. "
" You have your aunt. "
" And you have people to call them parents. "
" Not anymore. "
" They died? "
" She… "
" I haven't seen you for a while. "
" I was busy. "
" With what? "
" Nevermind. "
" Play with me. "
" Just a little bit. "
" And then you'll go? "
" Out of your life. Forever. "
" I'll miss you. "
" I'll miss you too."


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