For the fall, Apple fans expect a new iPhone 7 or iPhone 6S. But what can the Apple smartphones? COMPUTER screen shows the current location of the rumor and shows a design exclusive design.

A new iPhone is--at the latest in September, fans of Apple-branded expect hardware with a fresh momentum. But Apple remains faithful to the design of the iPhone 6? Or is Chief Designer Jonathan Ive a solution for the irritating stripe on the back and the annoying lens, which protrudes from the housing?

Design design anticipates iPhone 7
While Apple in the secret laboratory tests certainly stumbled about in search, Cubot S350 image in collaboration with internationally renowned designer Martin Hajek on an own design, which redefined the standards of the Smartphone of the future. Here too, the stripes in the case have disappeared. The Editorial Board presents: the iPhone into the COMPUTER image Edition 7.

iPhone 7: confirm rumors COMPUTER image design

Now a key design feature of the COMPUTER screen mockup could come true: how the Korean DigiTimes report, Apple is actually working on a way to integrate the home button in the touch screen. The new home button will take over then all tasks in the future, that can be done about the current physical button so unlock of the iPhone, return to the home screen, calling the level of multitasking or start of Siri. All of this could do with a touch sensor, especially since Apple already offers an appropriate technique with force touch.

iPhone 7: waiting once again Apple with 'real' innovations?
A new iPhone is--at the latest in September, fans of Apple-branded expect hardware with a fresh momentum. But Apple remains faithful to the design of the iPhone 6? Or is Chief Designer Jonathan Ive a solution for the irritating stripe on the back and the annoying lens, which protrudes from the housing?

While Apple in the secret laboratory tests certainly stumbled about in search, COMPUTER worked image in collaboration with internationally renowned designer Martin Hajek on an own design, which redefined the standards of the Smartphone of the future. Here too, the stripes in the case have disappeared. The Editorial Board presents: the iPhone into the COMPUTER image Edition 7.

Now a key design feature of the COMPUTER screen mockup could come true: how the Korean DigiTimes report, Apple is actually working on a way to integrate the home button in the touch screen. The new home button will take over then all tasks in the future, which can be done also through the current physical button, so unlock of the iPhone, return to the home screen, calling the level of multitasking, or start of Siri. All of this could do with a touch sensor, especially since Apple already offers an appropriate technique with force touch.

iPhone 7 or 6S?
The iPhone 6S brings Apple 2015? Or it goes a step further in Cupertino and changes from the iPhone 6 directly on the iPhone 7? There were reasons enough, because since 2007, the market has grown enormously - and the pressure of competition is growing from month to month. The question whether a minor update with less strong incentive to buy from an economic perspective is still enough, should have arrived even when Apple CEO Tim Cook. Apple also still with the accusation that more to bring no "genuine" innovations - despite fights the Apple watch and the apparently successful course of the Group despite incredibly good figures.

What plans Apple so? There are rumours about the iPhone 7 (or iPhone 6 S) anyway, enough. Similarly like in the current iOS 9 count on experts and designers in an iPhone 7 more with subtle but important changes. So could Apple for example finally access to high-quality Sapphire, 2 gigabytes of RAM use, again strongly improve the image stabilizer thanks to novel mirror or introduce a fresh camera technology with three light sensors in the lens (see image gallery).

Apple watch technology in the iPhone 7
Apple will probably use the force feature of the Apple watch in the touch screen of the new generation of iPhone, reported the online magazine Apple-Insider. By using the according to Apple probably "main sensor technology for multi touch" recognize different pressures using the touch screen, performs the corresponding functions. So that the user knows that his input on the screen was successful, Apple integrated the Taptic engine technology may be below the display - so the user gets a vibrating alert. At the Apple watch, the technique is to provide direction to pedestrians by vibration on the wrist.

7 iPhone (or iPhone 6s): Design
The past has proven that the design by far is most important to the customers. If the exterior of the Smartphone does not change, interest wanes significantly - even if yet each S model was a success. For the successor of the incredibly successful iPhone 6 is three to four changing almost possibilities: the camera while ensures very good images, should protrude an iPhone but not out of the housing. This interferes with the feel and looks ugly. A solution to this problem would be a slightly thicker case, wherein not only the lens takes place, but also a larger battery. At the very least is to quickly empty the 4.7-inch model and intensive use. In addition, the outer buttons could be better placed: many users can press the volume button instead of the standby or vice versa, because they are directly opposite and the finger touch them at the same time. Would the standby button for example on height of the SIM card, Apple would have solved the problem. Also, Apple has already requested a patent in a full metal housing non-conductive areas to create some areas with targeted overlay of metals and metal oxides, which could thus replace the current plastic strips. Outside, the impression of a continuous metal casing would thereby result.

Perhaps the Group surprised but with a completely new concept. Even 2013, he patented, for example, a new production method for mobile devices. The patent describes how extremely flexible glass enclosure for the recording of the components can be merge. Or is Apple a road similar to Samsung with the new Galaxy S6 edge and turn the glass on the sides? Designer Grisha Serov has taken on the appearance of also a few thoughts and shows impressive proposals on Behance.

7 iPhone (or iPhone 6s): Hardware
As for the hardware, saddle to probably traditionally Apple on a new processor, for the upcoming iPhone on the Apple A9. The exact figures are unknown as well as the amount of installed memory. 2 gigabytes are in the conversation - the iPhone but never topped in the RAM. It is also interesting that glass is used: long before the publication of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus was already sapphire glass in conversation. But the implementation for the current iPhone failed due to unknown circumstances, the partner company filed for bankruptcy. It cannot be ruled out that Apple has found a way to make the high-quality material suitable for Smartphone and sets 2015 on the new technology--is the Apple watch's. As well, it would be conceivable that the Apple SIM make the breakthrough and is iPad not only in the U.S., but also in the iPhone 7. And what happened to innovation? Of course, there are wild rumors that make it through but probably not in the finished product.

7 iPhone (or iPhone 6s): 3D without glasses?
A report in the economic daily says that Apple is working on an iPhone with a new 3D view. To see the images with depth, users probably need no glasses. According to the sources, comes also a new software ecosystem that provides three-dimensional content for the monitor. To realize such effect, Apple must change the display technology according to the report, but - and thus also the suppliers. The apparently aimed at 3D technology is in no way new: Amazon already offers such effect with the fire phone, Nintendo has a corresponding game console on sale with the 3DS. Ultimately not the technical implementation of the success, but above all the added value resulting from the additional dimension to the user decides so well.

7 iPhone (or iPhone 6s): Fuel cells as energy supplier
Another rumor resulted from the cooperation with the company intelligent energy. The British manufacturer of fuel cells probably provides the energy for the Apple Smartphone: the technology allows most significantly longer battery life. in an interview several days are up to one week. Thereby, fuel cells to work eco-friendly and very efficient. The rumor proved true, it is obvious that Apple uses the technology in other products. Time, there were first attempts with fuel cells already 2011 for MacBooks – but managed the technology on the market. Whether Apple long time decides the battle for the best battery life with the 7 iPhone (or iPhone 6 S) for himself?

7 iPhone (or iPhone 6s): Release and price
Of course, it is almost impossible to predict accurately the exact price or the sales start. The tradition is but a guide: Apple keeps the course, should the idea of the coming iPhones are made in September at the latest, the sales begin in October. Price Apple has remained mostly located in the past. It remains to be seen whether the new luxury clientele, who will find their way to Apple by the editions models of Apple watch further must rely in the future on third-party, when an iPhone made of real gold.

Größte Elektronik Hersteller Foxconn, auf iPhone-Produktion nach Indien, um Kosten zu senken und konkurrieren in dritt-größte Smartphone-Markt zu bewegen.

iPhones könnte bald in Indien sowie China, so die indische Regierungsbeamten gestellt werden.

Apples Fertigungspartner Foxconn, wodurch das iPhone, iPad und mehrere andere Apple-Produkte in Fabriken in China, CUBOT X12 ist in Gesprächen zu Fabriken in Indien iPhones zu öffnen.

Bewegung würde helfen, Foxconn, die Lohnkosten in China beschleunigen zu mildern, potenziell niedrigere Preise für iPhones verkauft in Indien und Ortsbild des Bau näher an Käufer in der weltweit drittgrößte Smartphone-Markt zu bewegen.

"Foxconn sendet eine Delegation ihrer Offiziere, für Standorte in einen Monat Zeit, scout", sagte Subhash Desai, Industrie-Minister des indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra.

Fabriken und Daten-Zentren
Niedrigere Produktionskosten könnte auch helfen, Foxconn halten halten Apple Aufträge inmitten der Intensivierung des Wettbewerbs mit flinken Fertigung Rivalen wie Quanta Computer Inc.

Foxconn, der weltweit größte Vertragshersteller von Unterhaltungselektronik, hat gesagt, es ist mit dem Ziel, 10-12 Einrichtungen in Indien, einschließlich Fabriken zu entwickeln und Daten-Zentren, 2020, aber hatte kein Detail.

Die Taiwan-gegründete Firma zurückgegangen zu kommentieren Detailpläne am Donnerstag, unter Berufung auf kommerziellen Empfindlichkeit. Apple reagierte nicht auf Kommentar. Desai, sagte, dass Foxconn noch feste Verpflichtung zu diesem Zeitpunkt machen mussten.

Harte Konkurrenz
Indien hat die zweithöchste Anzahl der Handy-Konten hinter China. Je nach Netzwerk Firma Cisco Systems werden 650 m Smartphones im Land bis 2019. Bis dahin steigt die Zahl der Tabletten auf 18,7 m 9 %.


Apple hält 10 % der Smartphone-Markt in Indien, nach Angaben von Kontrapunkt und Gesichter harten Konkurrenz von den Erzrivalen Samsung und lokalen Marken wie Micromax, die entsprechend angegebenen Smartphones für rund die Hälfte der Kosten als ein iPhone 6 oder weniger produzieren.

Foxconn ist kein Fremder in Indien. Es lief Operationen in Indien bis zum vergangenen Jahr, die Produktion von Nokia-Geräten. Seine Rückkehr in das Land wäre ein Segen für die Fertigungsindustrie Indiens, die Prime Minister Narendra Modi hat ein Ziel für einen Neustart mit China konkurrieren.

Eine gute Infrastruktur und Lieferanten sind die größten Hürden, Technologieprodukte im Land, zwingen die meisten Indiens mehr als 100 verschiedene Telefon-Unternehmen, ihre Produkte von den reifen Märkten China und Taiwan zu erhalten.

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Apple iPhones könnten bald in Indien gebaut werden

Größte Elektronik Hersteller Foxconn, auf iPhone-Produktion nach Indien, um Kosten zu senken und konkurrieren in dritt-grö...


Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 6S: features, rumors, release

For the fall, Apple fans expect a new iPhone 7 or iPhone 6S. But what can the Apple smartphones? COMPUTER screen shows the current locati...