
Это просто Вьюи блог

Дата регистрации: 03 декабря 2013 года

Персональный блог PEKOCHKA — Это просто Вьюи блог

I waited for an hour to allow the paint to dry and than i covered it in nupkins.I used a different colour and design for the roof and different one for the 4 sides.

My original idea was to design a birdhouse made out of pumpkin. There for i selected a fat pumpkin and i removed the interior seeds from it. After i washed it and left it outside to dry. The following day I put the hook on the top part and hand it on a branch on the tree.

Unfortunately, this idea failed because time and weather conditions worked against my design because it become bad, it was rotting slowly and it was not safe for the birds since it could be easily destroyed by the strong wind.

Before i choose to do a birdhouse i have made a research on the internet trying to make up my mind about what to do.

I was fascinated by the way birds build their houses and i have also seen a lot of man-made (like mine) birdhouses. Therefore i decided to create a man made birdhouse just like those we see in a zoo in order too protect birds and help them leave with their families in harmony.

Beautiful creatures that live on our planet! Interesting, long, powerful legs can run a long kilometers and miles! Beautiful bending the neck, slender body and gave them beauty. A lush mane and tail, just give the horse pride! Each breed of horse in its unique! Every breed has its pros that are born to be free, it's the same Mustangs! Who used to show that the same Arabian horses, Andalusia horses, they also act in dressage, where they show its splendor and beauty! Use horses in work, it's the same Friezes, Shire, and Heavyweights, they carry carriages, carts, pull heavy loads. These horses were used in war; horses carried heavy guns, dragged in the mud stuck military technology! There are horses that day DCL in training, this horse racing. It's like Truckee, Hanover, Orlov trotters, Russian trotters, etc. All of them are designed for sport major sports: Jumping is a contest where horses jump over blockages (from 6 to 18 pieces!) extending the special jumping field. Dressage is a sport where participants perform special exercises, demonstrating the beauty, flexibility and elasticity of movement horse. Triathlon - equestrian sport consists of dressage, show jumping and field trials. They go on rough terrain with fixed barriers!

In the 19th, and early 20th century people without horses was difficult to do. Horses and worked in the fields and urban - transported goods and people. Then rural horses pushed tractors, cars in the cities. No one goes to the theater or to visit horse-drawn carriage, not plow the ground, going for a horse that pulls the plow. Of cavalry armies of the world disappeared. It seems a person's attention to the horse should be reduced. However, this does not happen. We still admire horses, looking at their performances in circuses and hippodromes. The point here is probably not only in the fact that horses became world modern luxury. If used in almost every peasant farming was a horse, but now have their own horse can afford not poor. Millions of years of nature “sculpted” from horse being capable of carrying through space prairies and steppes, easily over come huge distances. Any same perfect creation pleases eye with its forms and adjusted proportions. Horses are beautiful, and we do not stop to admire them!!


Самые популярные посты


For this reason i decided to build a bird/dove house using wood that can not be destroyed by bad weather or time.


My failed product...

My original idea was to design a birdhouse made out of pumpkin. There for i selected a fat pumpkin and i removed the interior seeds from ...


Step 2

Then using my drill and my screws i assembled the floor with the 4 sides. At the end i put two sides of the roof on top.


Required material for the birdhouse:

Such as: Wood panels Wood stick Glue (for wood) Spray (gold colour) Napkins Drill Screws Newspaper


Understanding of design steps:

STEP 1 After measuring the wooden panels i started cutting them up acording to my birdhouse measurements.


Before i choose to do a birdhouse i have made a research on the internet trying to make up my mind about what to do. I was fascinated by...