27 июля 2018 года в27.07.2018 23:28 49 0 10 1

Just some thoughts.

I'm so freaking happy that you're here. That you're near me. That we share /barely/ everything with each other. That we spend all the sad, terrible, awful, and also fantastic, amazing and awesome moments together, always trying to support and make each other smile and feel comfrotable. I'm so happy that in spite of all the bad situations that we had, we're still together. And I really want to believe, that everything's gonna be the same way. I'm so afraid to lose you. I'm afraid that something can go wrong. I'm also afraid for you. You've gone through so many things in your life, that you deserve only the good things. Laugh, smiles, hugs, true love and right people around you. I want you to tell 'I'm happy'. That's the best thing I can get from you and in general too. Just let's be together despite everything and everybody. Let's cope with all the difficulties and tough moments. At last, let's be happy together.

I love you so much, I'm not sure that somebody can imagine, how. And all I want is to get hug from you and know that I'm at home, right where I'm supposed to be. In your arms.


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Just some thoughts.

I'm so freaking happy that you're here. That you're near me. That we share /barely/ everything with each other. That we spend all the sad...