04 февраля 2017 года в04.02.2017 17:47 37 0 10 1

i'll just leave it here.

Hello, dear Sam and Dan. I'm not even sure you'll read this "letter". You see, I attend many concerts. Lots of concerts, lots of musicians. But. There are SO few of them who affect me as much as you do. Last year is a bit strange for me, because I don't know what I want to do with my life. However wishes appear sometimes. Yesterday I wanted to meet you at the airport but I failed. I meet band very seldom, I hate behaving myself like a stalker, hate everything about it. But I tried to guess when and where would you arrive. I even asked Edward, but he said that the best way to see you was after the show. I failed. I felt that maybe you would landed at 10 o'clock, but then I decided that It was too early. And I failed, because you'd arrived at 10. But I didn't lose hope (Hope is prison, yes?). I thought maybe I would be able to see you after the show as Edward had said. No. Fail. So he texted me that your train was at 12. Ah. I was running. Well.. We thought you had already left, because there was a train at 12. But we decided to stay there… And you know what? You arrived minutes after we had left. Minutes. After. I was actually crying on my way home and I still can't wrap my head around it because what the fuck is going on in my life. There was one wish. One strong wish. To meet you. To say thank you. I've never thought I would write such a stupid letter and hope that you would read it.

Last time when you were here in Moscow, I took a photo of you, Sam, added "so repeat this line: everything everything is fine", posted it on Instagram and then printed and carry it: I look at this photo every single day because it's either on the shelf or in my wallet. It helps me. Thank you.

I'm not really good at making speeches but I want to tell you very simple ordinary things: thank you for all that you and other members of Architects do. Thank you for all those lyrics. Thank you for your voice, Sam, that comes(sorry, I can't find a good word) to the core. Thank you all for moving forward, keep going and singing and playing to us. I can only imagine how difficult it is.

If you ask why I wrote this story of my unluckyness(hope there is such word in english vocabulary): you always share something very personal with us. I decided to do the same. Moreover.. I suppose this letter will help me to let it go, to stop thinking about not good aspect of yesterday.. because it's not easy to.. fail.

Anyway. Thank you. All our gods have abandoned us, but we won't abandon you. Our love is always with you. I'm so happy and proud to be a member of Architect Family.

Your dedicated fan, Victoria.



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