04 октября 2014 года в04.10.2014 17:18 3 0 10 1

fka twigs

"Vulnerability is the strongest state to be in. How boring would it be if we were constantly dominant or constantly submissive?

She goes on to talk about another of her songs, Papi Pacify, the video for which shows twigs wrapped in a perpetual embrace of ecstatic submission. "Everyone's like, 'Oh, it's so shocking', but you were doing it last night, " she says. "If I was a mother, I would rather my child watch a video like that and not understand it and be inquisitive about what it means. Be curious about something that's so complicated, rather than watch something really crude and overtly sexual." She says that we live in a culture where "being sexy" is a mendacious, exhausting bind for many women. "You have to be a size zero, but real women have curves. But when you're curvy you need to watch your BMI and your cholesterol, so you need to lose weight, because strong is the new skinny. It's so confusing. I'd rather be experimenting with intelligent sexuality, which I don't know yet, I'm only 26. I've had two or three serious relationships, I haven't been married, I haven't had that ultimate relationship where something clicks and I'm like, 'I get it now!' I'm still learning."


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