08 сентября 2014 года в08.09.2014 16:33 19 0 10 1

Take a step back. You're human. You are beautiful. You are so beautiful. & you can be anything. You can be everything. Don't hate because someone broke your heart. Or because your parents split. Or because your bestfriend betrayed you. Or because the kid down the street called you fat, ugly, stupid or worthless. Cry when you want too, let go when its time. Don't hang onto painful memories because your afraid to let go. Let go of things that are in the past. Forget things that aren't worth remembering. Stop taking life for granted. Live for something. Live for yourself. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Question things. Tell someone how you really feel. Sleep under the stars. Create. Imagine. Inspire. Meet new people. Make someones day. follow your dreams. Live life to the fullest. And one day when your old, look back with no regrets.


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