22 сентября 2013 года в22.09.2013 08:14 8 0 10 1

Sylvia Plath

`i`d never known a girl like Doreen before. Doreen came from a society girls` college down south and had bright white hair standing out in a cotton candy fluff round her head and blue eyes like transparent agate marbels, hard and polished and just about indestructible, and a moth set on a sort of perpetual sneer . i don`t mean a nasty sneer, but an amused, mysterious sneer, as if all the people around her were pretty silly and she could tell some good jokes on them if she wanted to.`

A bell jar


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Sylvia Plath

`i`d never known a girl like Doreen before. Doreen came from a society girls` college down south and had bright white hair standing out i...