I had a really good talk with my father tonight. Lately I’ve been feeling as if I’m in limbo, not sure what I want to do in the future, or where I want to go.
"Who says you have to go to school? You should only go to school if you really want to go! And if you don’t, it’s because you didn’t need to. Not everyone needs to. I know you love to learn but don’t feel like the only way to be a respectable human being is by having a university degree. You’re talented enough to do whatever you want to end up doing even now. You just have to figure out a plan. And if it includes college, that’s wonderful. And if it doesn’t, that’s okay too. You’ve never done what everybody else does anyways, I’m not sure why you would start now. If there’s one thing you’ve taught me, it’s go big or go home. And you’re gonna go big."