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In the power of her will
Shall stand alone as darkness falls
Well cross the worlds with cursed words
Shall raise may head before i stear
By the power of her will
I shall be embraced
I shall feel no thrill
Rotted wind blows in the face of
one who stands alone
Cresent moon contains the power
to invoke the sins that awaits in my
darkest dreams
You shall fall
In the line of my sight
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SHADE277 — Котоактус в отаке
в голове моей...
Убивай, калечь, жги - огнём галактика гори!
Ещё одна бессмертная фигня пала...
Я убил неубиваемый антивирус. Во имя Иштар, безусловно.
In the power of her will
Shall stand alone as darkness falls
Well cross the worlds with cursed words
Shall raise may head before i stear
By the power of...