15 мая 2012 года в15.05.2012 02:26 1 0 10 4

I don't know English, I know it. But I'll try to correct it.

So, I have the desire. But I can't tell you anything until I'll be confident that it will come true. Or won't. I just afraid of it be like a dog. Do you remember, yeah? I still want a dog. So, I fear that I tell you about my desire and it won't come true, like it was few month ago.

Of course, I want to tell you. Fuck it! I want to tell all people all over the world about it! No. I cann't. I must shut up.

Well… What should I do? So, I have an idea!

I swear I'll do all I can do to be there that day. I swear I'll do all I can to make it real, to make it come true.

And it'll come. Cause I want it. Cause I want to see it, to hear it, to feel it. Cause I want to be there that day.

Hah, it is interesting… The word "swear" has two very different meanings. First - swear to do smth. It means that you give a promise to God. And second - swear… Damn, I don't know how to (to or not?) explain this. Swear - to call something with bad words. :D I think it is very interesting, cause only one word has such different meanings. So, like a blasphemy in one case and may be goodness in another case. But, if you didn't keep your promise… Is it blasphemy too? I think, yes, it is. Moreover, it is worse than blasphemy. It seems you defeated in front of God and yourself.

So, I want to know if someone read all of this. Please, let me know, just write any comment. May be, any character, please, just let me know.

Thank you.


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Еще вчера все было хорошо, а сегодня я чувствую, что гибну. Сколько раз человек может погибать и все же оставаться в живых? Мне трудно ды...


Больше всего расстраивает то, что о многом нельзя написать в твиттер или куда-то еще, а тут посты уже с трудом пишутся.


Ну вот и конец очередным отношениям. Полегчало.