28 февраля 2012 года в28.02.2012 20:25 2 0 10 1


Well, i think i am trapped not only by my own fears but by social net as well…it is late already and i am still awake. Whatever.

As the sun goes down the genuine thoughts arise in my head. I was thinking of my youth, which is gone already i think. In Japanese it is 'seishun', the 'age spring'.

I am sure that my spring is somewhere in the past covered with the mist of time. Probably it means that i am in my 'summer age'. Sounds optimistic.

I wish i could be 16 once again. Truly, as Americans say, it's the best age, co-called 'Sweet sixteen'. Whe you are young you are free to do whatever you want, you are so free and innocent and even naive, however, these are the best qualities we, unluckily, lose as we grow up, as we mature.

What is the price of this maturity? In oreder to become an adult and act as a wise person we forget about our ideals and even dreams sometimes. Our thoughts are dry, they lack of the color.

Although, i know that not all of the humans are like that. Many, many of them manage to save that young boy or girl inside of their souls.

And as long as those young us are kept, our own souls keep on living.


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