So now I'm looking through the phrasebook and first thing you can find out is that there are a lot of word, looking like russian ones. But of course you can be confused by words, only looking this way. They are: "pozor" means attention, "sleva" means discount or "stůl" means table. Btw Czech alphabet has 42 letters and some of them are just the same symbols with a different sounding.
Today I'm trying to learn some greeting phrases, I can use in everyday life.
They are:
- Dobrý den / Good afternoon
— Dobrý večer / Good evening
— Dobrou noc / Good night
— Ahoj / Hi
— Jak se daři? / How are you?
— Jak se máte? / How are you getting on?
— Děkuij, dobře. A vy? / I'm Ok. And you?
— Přeji pěkný den / Have a good day
— Pěkný víkend / Have a good weekend
— Přijemnou cesty domů / Enjoy your getting home
— Je mi líto ale už musím jít / I'm afraid, but I have to come back home
— Na shledanou / Good bye
— Brzy na shledanou / I'm looking forward for our nearest meeting
— Na shledanou zítra / Let's have a meeting tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll write down some needful phrases for tourists