The buckwheat diet is very simple in application, does not demand financial expenses, and provides a sense of fulness. This buckwheat diet to loss weight and is ideally suited when after holidays, long holidays or for any reasons you have typed 5-10 superfluous kg.
For 1- 2 weeks it is possible to lose 4-10 kg. Especially actively loss of weight goes to the first days when the organism gets rid of a superfluous liquid: from 0,5 to 1 kg a day. Then process is braked, but superfluous fat continues to disappear.
The buckwheat diet can be repeated in a month, but the result will be not so obvious. However, stability is guaranteed – the kgs dumped as a result of a buckwheat diet, still for a long time will not return yet.
If you are ready to eat week only buckwheat and kefir the description of a buckwheat diet further follows. It, in general, simple enough – without knowledge. For achievement of the maximum effect from a buckwheat diet it is necessary to use raw groats. That buckwheat has kept all useful properties, it is necessary to prepare it correctly.
To cook groats it is not necessary – it is necessary to fill in it with boiled water and to leave to be drawn for the night. It is important that it is impossible to use any seasonings and spices because they will brake a conclusion of water from an organism, however, it is possible to fill in buckwheat with 1% kefir.
To abuse a buckwheat diet, as well as any other diet, it is not necessary. The diet is limited buckwheat and kefir, and such restriction deprives an organism of many vital substances.