02 сентября 2011 года в02.09.2011 11:54 0 0 10 1

GQ Style: Are you at the most important point of your career at the moment? You can chose the Jon-Hamm-path to become a famous series actor. Or the one of James Franco and become an unusual Hollywood star. Which direction do you chose?

Alexander Skarsgard: I have no master plan. I’m just convinced you can do both. Productions in Europe and then again blockbusters, and with the money I earned there I will get a warehouse somewhere in the desert only for my clothes.

GQS: When did you actually stop correcting Americans with the pronunciation of your name?

Alex: Right from the beginning. It’s hopeless. I’m not even introducing myself right. It’s only important to me that they write the little circle above the a.

GQS: And how do you correctly pronounce Skarsgård?

Alex: Skarschgoord.*

*Translator’s note: That’s the German version, it’s Skarshgoard.

(Source: GQ Style Germany F/W 11/12, Scans: Lotti /The Library: Translation: Bagberry13 /The Purse Forum)


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