
Это просто Вьюи блог

Дата регистрации: 09 мая 2013 года

Персональный блог MMILK — Это просто Вьюи блог

она не сможет, она боится, в ее груди заводная птица тихонько шепчет: не уходи. в лоне её золотая змейка тёплыми кольцами вьётся нежно.

что ты, не бросит тебя, конечно, так что придется всё самому.

знаешь, я пережила чуму, голод и разных бед до хрена, и я умею ценить живых, пока отзываются на имена. но когда мы ляжем в одну кровать, подумай, стоит ли отогревать мое бедное сердце, чтобы потом с этим покончить одним звонком. а впрочем, поздно: пока ты занят, девочка с ледяными глазами, та, что зовется зимним цветком, плачет от страха крутым кипятком.


выкашливая со слезами колкий гортанный ком.

there was… there was a girl who could only live on lemonade, or her parents were really old and rubbish and just kept givin' it to her til the point where she couldn't have anything else, or they were really nice, and only gave it to her coz they really liked her - i can't decide that bit. she could only live on lemonade; if she didn't have lemonade, she'd die and her parents were gonna die soon too coz they had something wrong with them like… their blood was blue or something like that… and she had a invisible sister - alter ago but she was really hidden in maself, so no one really cared about him, they just wanted their little girl to live.

the only trouble is… no one thought about her… she was in a bottle. she was on his own, and no one thought about that… they just left her. so she sat by her, her sister. she sat by her in the bottle and coz lemonade helped her eye sight she could see her really clearly through the sides, even though the glass was… as think as a skull. and coz it was the countryside, there was nothing for her to eat, nothing for her to buy… and she was starving, and she could see that… and there was no one looking after her, and coz sister was a bit stupid she couldn't really look after herself, and it kept on raining, so she was getting a bit rusty.

she was having an amazing time in the lemonade but, she knew she had to help her… so she swam to the surface, but she couldn't get out - it was too far away, this bottle was too big. she knew she had to do something, sister was getting worse and worse, and he was really hungry and thirsty, and she started eating grass and puking up all the time. so she tried to think of some plan (?) for it, all she knew is that he needed her with her. all she could do was watch her puke his guts up on the other side of the glass.

[something i can't get properly]… she knew… she started to drink. she drank and she drank and she drank… and this was a lot of lemonade… enough to last until she died. coz her parents wanted her to live for ages, but she drank… every last drop, until she was in an empty bottle, but that was no good - she still couldn't get out. but that was okay, coz she just waited until she had a big one stored up… coz she drank all the pop, - she drank all the lemonade - she started to fart. it was slow at first, but then it was really loud and hard, and she blew her way out of the bottle, straight through the top like a rocket.

then she stopped her sister eating grass, and they went and found a nice little house to live in together, her and her alter ago. and it turned out that drinking all that lemonade had cured her, coz she never wanted it again… she was orange for the rest of her life.


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there was… there was a girl who could only live on lemonade, or her parents were really old and rubbish and just kept givin' it to ...


она не сможет, она боится, в ее груди заводная птица тихонько шепчет: не уходи. в лоне её золотая змейка тёплыми кольцами вьётся нежно. ...


— after all this time? — always