
Пение птиц

Дата регистрации: 28 октября 2011 года

Торгую оружием, наркотиками и розами… Шучу, шучу… какие к черту розы!

1. When was the last time I told myself “I love you”?

2. Am I a better person today, than I was yesterday?

3. Are my actions guided by love, or by fear?

4. Am I a good example for those around me?

5. Is the life that I am living the life I want to be living?

6. What would I do with my life if I knew there were no limits?

7. Do the people I surround myself with add any value to my life

8. Am I a Human Being or a human Doing?

9. Am I following the crowd or am I listening to my own heart and intuition?

10. What would I do differently if I knew nobody would judge me?

11. Do I treat myself with the love and respect I truly deserve?

12. Why am I so uncomfortable with talking to people I don’t know?

13. What is one thing I could start doing today to improve the quality of my life?

14. When was the last time I told myself “I am enough“?

15. When was the last time I heard the words “I love you”?

16. When was the last time I did something nice for myself?

17. When was the last time I learned something new?

18. When was the last time I did something fun?

19. Am I a happy person?

20. Am I a source of inspiration for my friends and family?

21. Who inspires me the most in this world?

22. If I were to give one piece of advice to a newborn child, what would it be?

23. Am I holding onto something I need to let go of?

24. Is there someone who has hurt or angered me that I need to forgive?

25. What can I do today to live a better life tomorrow?

26. When was the last time I read a book that had a major influence on me?

27. When was the last time I said “I love you” to someone?

28. When was the last time I made a new friend?

29. Does my presence add value to those around me?

30. Am I a pleasant person to be around?

31. What parts of my life don’t reflect who I am?

32. What has my heart and intuition been telling me that I might be ignoring?

33. Am I on the right path?

34. Where am I not being honest with myself and why?

35. Who is that one person I can talk to about just anything?

36. Am I comfortable with being uncomfortable?

37. Do I enjoy my own company?

38. Can I be alone without feeling lonely?

39. What is one thing I love the most about myself?

40. Do I take things personally?

41. What makes me happy?

42. What do I think about when I’m alone?

43. What am I most passionate about?

44. Where will I go after I die and what’s going to happen to me?

45. Who are the people that believe in me?

46. What do I want to be remembered for?

47. If I were to die tomorrow, would any of this matter?

48. If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?

49. Do I love myself as much as I expect others to love me?

50. What am I most thankful for?


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