А я еще буду, той от которой у тебя мурашки будут идти по телу, я еще снесу тебе крышу.
А я еще буду, той от которой у тебя мурашки будут идти по телу, я еще снесу тебе крышу.



точно точно!
—Мам, он ревнует.
-А чего ревнует-то?
-Боится уведут меня.
-Даа…тебя уведут, потом назад принесут…да ещё и денег дадут, что бы обратно забрали.
-Ну мам…=D
Берёт одеяло, накидывает на неё и говорит:
-всё, мы в домике, бабайка не страшна.
1.ты оставляешь свой ноутбук в гостиной с членами своей семьи, чтобы сходить на кухню.

2. Нелепый момент, когда ты облизываешь губы, потому что они сухие, а кто-то подумал, что это сигнал:
3.Я буду ходить на учёбу, где. . Он мой учитель английского языка: 
Он мой учитель истории:

И он мой учитель физкультуры:

4.- можно я тебя никому не отдам?
- нужно.

5.Стоишь и пялишься на красивого парня:

О чудо! Он тебя вдруг замечает и такой:

Ты сразу типо ни при чем:


6.Влюбилась в такого:

Стал он таким:

7.Звонит тебе знакомая:
" - Прифетики, как делиффки? "

Люблю такие вот приколы) Посмеялась от души)

(via flury)
Cheers to the freakin weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get ya down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody putcha glasses up and I drink to that
I drink to thaaaaaaaat.
Life’s too short to be sittin’ round miserable
People gon’ talk whether you doing bad or good, yeah
Got a drink on my mind and my mind on my money, yeah
Looking so bomb, gonna find me a honeyyy
Got my Ray-Bans on and I’m feelin’ hella cool tonight, yeah
Everybody’s vibin’ so don’t nobody start a fight, yeah-ah-ah-ah
Cheers to the freakin weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh, let the jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get ya down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody putcha glasses up and I drink to thaaaaat
I drink to thaaaaaaaat.
Bout to hop on the bar, put it all on my card tonight, yeah
Might be mad in the morning but you know we goin hard tonight
It’s getting coyote ugly up in here, no tyra
It’s only up from here, no downward spiral
Got my raybans Ray-Bans on and I’m feelin’ hella cool tonight, yeah
Everybody’s vibin’ so don’t nobody start a fight, yeaaaahhh
They are the ones who made history classes interesting.
1. Queen Olympias in Alexander, 2004 - Angelina Jolie
2. Queen Elizabeth I in Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007 - Cate Blanchett
3. Empress Catherine II in Catherine The Great, 2000 - Catherine Zeta-Jones
4. Queen Victoria in The Young Victoria, 2009 - Emily Blunt.
5. Queen Anne Boleyn in The Other Boleyn Girl, 2008 - Natalie Portman
6. Queen Anne Boleyn in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Natalie Dormer
7. Queen Catherine Of Aragon in The Other Boleyn Girl, 2008 - Anna Torrent
8. Queen Catherine Of Aragon in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Maria Doyle Kennedy
9. Princess Margaret Tudor in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Gabrielle Anwar
10. Queen Jane Seymour in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Anita Briem
11. Queen Anne Of Cleves in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Joss Stone
12. Queen Katherine Howard in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Tamzin Merchant
13. Queen Katherine Parr in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Joely Richardson
14. Princess Mary Tudor in The Tudors, 2007-2010 - Sarah Bolger
15. Queen Cleopatra in Cleopatra, 1963 - Elizabeth Taylor
16. Queen Cleopatra in Caesar and Cleopatra, 1945 - Vivien Leigh
17. Queen Marie Antoinette in Marie Antoinette, 2006 - Kirsten Dunst
18. Roxane in Alexander, 2004 - Rosario Dawson
19. Queen Sibylla in Kingdom Of Heaven, 2005 - Eva Green
20. Queen Mary Stuart in Mary, Queen of Scots, 1971 - Vanessa Redgrave
21. Princess Isabelle in Braveheart, 1995 - Sophie Marceau
22. Lucilla in Gladiator, 2000 - Connie Nielsen
23. Princess Ka'iulani in Princess Ka'iulani, 2009 - Q'orianka Kilcher
24. Lucrezia Borgia in The Borgias, 2011 - Holliday Grainger
25. Queen Gorgo in 300, 2006 - Lena Headey
26. Julia in Caesar, 2002 - Nicole Grimaudo
27. Queen Elizabeth II in The Queen, 2006 - Helen Mirren
28. Helen in Helen of Troy, 2003 - Sienna Guillory
29. Helen in Troy, 2004 - Diane Kruger
30. Queen Hadassah/Esther in One Night With The King,2003 - Tiffany Dupont
31. Queen Isolde in Tristan + Isolde, 2006 - Sophia Myles
32. Queen Clytemnestra in Helen Of Troy, 2003 - Katie Blake
33. Princess Cassandra in Helen Of Troy, 2003 - Emilia Fox
34. Princess Adromache in Troy, 2004 - Saffron Burrows
35. Princess Briseis in Troy, 2004 - Rose Byrne
36. Queen Guinevere in King Arthur, 2004 - Keira Knightley
37. Queen Guinevere in Merlin, 1998 - Lena Headey
38. Queen Guinevere in Camelot, 2011 - Tamsin Egerton
39. Queen Guinevere in Merlin, 2008 - Angel Coulby
40. Queen Guinevere in Knights of The Round Table, 1953 - Ava Gardner
41. Queen Igraine in Camelot, 2011 - Claire Forlani
42. Queen Morgana in Merlin, 2008 - Katie McGrath
43. Queen Morgan Le Fay in Camelot, 2011 - Eva Green
44. Princess Andromeda in Clash of The Titans, 1981 - Judi Bowker
45. Princess Andromeda in Clash of The Titans, 2010 - Alexa Davalos
46. Pope Joan/Johanna von Ingelheim in Pope Joan, 2009 - Johanna Wokalek
47. Persephone in Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, 2010 - Rosario Dawson
48. Empress Phoenix in Curse of The Golden Flower, 2006 - Gong Li
49. Xiao Yan Zhi in My Fair Princess I & II, 1998-1999 - Zhao Wei
50. Xiao Yan Zhi in New Princess Returning Pearl, 2011 - Li Sheng
51. Xia Ziwei in My Fair Princess I & II, 1998-1999 - Ruby Lin
52. Xia Ziwei in New Princess Returning Pearl, 2011 - Hai Lu
53. Ching Er in My Fair Princess I & II, 1998-1999 - Wang Yan
54. Ching Er in New Princess Returning Pearl, 2011 - Zhao Li Ying
55. Han Xiang in My Fair Princess I & II, 1998-1999 - Liu Dan
56. Han Xiang in New Princess Returning Pearl, 2011 - Madina Mammat
57. Princess Pei Pei in Shanghai Noon, 2000 - Lucy Liu
58. Rajput Princess in Jodhaa Akbar, 2008 - Aishwarya Rai
59. Gusti Putri in A Legendary Love/Puteri Gunung Ledang, 2004- Tiara Jacquelina
60. Princess Cheung Ping in Perish in The Name of Love, 2003 - Charmaine Sheh
61. Princess Ja Myung in Princess Ja Myung Go, 2009 - Jung Ryu Won
62. Princess Ra Hee in Princess Ja Myung Go, 2009 - Park Min Young
63. Lady Thiang in Anna and The King, 1999 - Deanna Yusoff
64. Tuptim in Anna and The King, 1999 - Bai Ling
65. Princess Ok-Soo in The Myth, 2005 - Kim Hee-sun
66. Empress Wan in The Banquet, 2006 - Zhang Ziyi
67. Princess Lee-Sul in My Princess, 2011 - Kim Tae-Hee
68. Situ Jing in in My Bratty Princess, 2005 - Jang Na Ra
69. Princess QingCheng in The Promise, 2005 - Cecilia Cheung
70. Queen Amidala in Star Wars I, II & III, 1999-2005 - Natalie Portman
71. Princess Leia in Star Wars IV, V & VI, 1977-1983 - Carrie Fisher
72. Queen Galadriel in The Lord Of The Rings 1, 2 & 3, 2001-2003- Cate Blanchett
73. Queen Arwen in The Lord Of The Rings 1, 2 & 3, 2002-2003 - Liv Tyler
74. Éowyn in The Lord Of The Rings 2 & 3, 2002-2003 - Miranda Otto
75. Princess Tamina in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, 2010 - Gemma Arterton
76. Princess Ann in Roman Holiday, 1953 - Audrey Hepburn
77. Ella in Ella Enchanted, 2004 - Anne Hathaway
78. Danielle in EverAfter, 1998 - Drew Barrymore
79. Mirror Queen in The Brother's Grimm, 2005 - Monica Bellucci
80. High Queen Susan in The Chronicles of Narnia, 2005-2010 - Anna Popplewell
81. Queen Lucy in The Chronicles of Narnia, 2005-2010 - Georgie Henley
82. White Queen in The Chronicles of Narnia, 2005-2010 - Tilda Swinton
83. White Queen in Alice in Wonderland, 2010 - Anne Hathaway
84. Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, 2010 - Helena Bonham Carter
85. Paige in The Prince & Me, 2004 - Julia Stiles
86. Buttercup in The Princess Bride, 1987 - Robin Wright
87. Princess Mia in The Princess Diaries 1 & 2, 2001-2004 - Anne Hathaway
88. Snow White in Snow White, 2001 - Kristin Kreuk
89. Princess Arya in Eragon, 2006 - Sienna Guillory
90. Nasuada in Eragon, 2006 - Caroline Chikezie
91. Princess Marie in The Princess of Montpensier, 2010 - Mélanie Thierry
92. Princess Mary in Gulliver's Travels, 2010 - Emily Blunt
93. Princess Giselle in Enchanted, 2007 - Amy Adams
94. Queen Yvaine in Stardust, 2007 - Claire Danes
95. Princess Nuala in Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008 - Anna Walton
96. Princess Yue in Avatar: The Last Airbender, 2010 - Seychelle Gabriel
97. Princess Lyssa in Krull, 1983 - Lysette Anthony
98. Princess Luisa in Fire & Ice, 2008 - Amy Acker
99. Queen Akasha in Queen of The Damned, 2002 - Aaliyah
100. Xena in Xena: Warrior Princess, 1995-2001 - Lucy Lawless
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