27 сентября 2016 года в27.09.2016 20:25 5 0 10 2

The other woman \ english classes

I am not that young anymore. I mean, that young.

I ignore my classmates, I have my own ''sex in the city" in the buffet, I wear hat with cat ears. I hope I won't ever wear that teenage stuff. And when a 16 years old lady is passing me by, dressed in Vans or Manolos, whatever, I feel kinda old. I mean, that old when on Friday night you are lying in your bed and watching "The Simpsons" with your boyfriend and couple of drinks.

But, maybe, I take it too fast. I saw some irreal 35 y.o. women's lives a lot, I heard about them a lot. I knew a lot. Now I know - I'm not that old to fall apart and broke and then be ok again.

Old is the new sexy(?)

The other woman has time to manicure her nails
The other woman is perfect where her rival fails
And she's never seen with pin curls in her hair anywhere

The other woman enchants her clothes with French perfume
The other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each room
There are never toys that's scattered everywhere

And when her old man comes to call
He finds her waiting like a lonesome queen
'Cause to be by her side it's such a change from old routine

But the other woman will always cry herself to sleep
The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by the other woman will spend her life alone, alone



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Антихрупкость: февраль

Год начинается. Когда? 1 января, 10 февраля, мой, личный — 5 мая? Год начинается, и никто еще не знает, что он нам принесет. Год начинает...


Привет. Спишь? Старый Новый год? У меня все по-старому. Работа забирает основное время и жизненные силы, и мне нравится этот мазохизм. ...


@lili2029 привет и спасибо!



Забудьте всё, что я писала ранее. Всё это было до ужасающего количества ужасающего коктейля из водки, льда и ананасового сока. Всё это бы...