24 февраля 2016 года в24.02.2016 03:49 2 0 10 1

The Groundhog Day

On Sunday I watched a movie called "The GroudHog Day".

This movie is about a man, Phil Connor, a weatherman for a Pittsburg TV station. He arrives to Punxsutaway, Pittsburg to make a report about the annual Groundhog Day festivity. He doesn`t like this city, but he has to work. When he and his partners were making their trek to Pittsburg, but a blizzard started. So they decided to go back to Punxsutaway for a night. But when Phil woke next morning, it was again February 2nd. At first days he is confused, doesn`t know what to do. Then he understands, that February 2nd repeats again and again, he starts to seduce women, steal money, get drunk, drive recklessly, and get thrown in jail. He even tries to get closer to Rita, his charming producer. Eventually, Phil becomes depressed and tries to stop the time loop; he gives ridiculous and offensive reports on the festival and after that kidnaps Punxsutawney Phil and, after a police chase, drives off a high overlook into a quarry, killing both himself and the groundhog. However, Phil wakes up and finds that nothing has changed. His next attempts of committing a suicide also fail to break, and he continues to find himself waking up at six o'clock on February 2nd. Next day, when Phil explains the situation to Rita, she spends the day with him and into the early morning hours they fall asleep together. However, he awakens again, alone, still in the time loop. Eventually, Phil tries to improve himself. He begins to use his knowledge of the day's events to help as many people around town as he can, and uses the time to learn, for instance, how to play the piano, sculpt ice, and speak French. In the end, Phil becomes a friend almost for everyone he meets during the day, using his experiences to save lives, and to impress Rit. His report on the Groundhog Day celebration is so eloquent that all the other stations turn their microphones to him. After the town's evening dance, Rita "buys" Phil at the event's bachelor auction. Phil makes a snow sculpture of Rita's face and they kiss, then go back to his room. He wakes the next morning and finds the time loop is broken; it is now February 3rd and Rita is still with him. They walk outside and Phil proposes that they move to Punxsutawney together.

I really like this movie because it teches us that every day can be the last in your life and you should do as many good things for people and yourself as possible.


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