11 февраля 2016 года в11.02.2016 19:48 18 0 10 1

1) Personality – is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. Personality means what a person is, what kind of character, nature he has., I agree with proverb, because nobody can`t deny that all people are different. It`s isn`t a secret that we choose people in our life, resemble with us. Best friends, of course, have common interests. I have much in common with my best friends.

2) The good examples are Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who had a lasting influence on psychology and society. He studied medicine at the University of Basel, specializing in psychiatric medicine. His influence on our society and psychology. Carl Jung developed ideas about personality types which still interest and influence people today. He identified two personality types which he called introverts and extroverts.

Another famous psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna and graduated it as a Doctor of Medicine. In 1907 Jung was introduced to Freud and together they formed the International Psychoanalytical Association. Jung was its first president.

3) Extroverts find meaning outside themselves, in the surrounding world, and introverts are introspective, they look into themselves and find meaning into themselves. Extroverts are very easy-going, it’s very easy for them to form close relationships. They enjoy the excitement of crowds. Extroverts tend to be assertive, self-confident and energetic; they’re often leaders in groups and lead busy lives. In general, they’re very talkative and sociable.

Introverts, from the other hand, fell comfortable alone. They avoid large crowds; they’re relaxed, thoughtful and reflect before they act. They’re often very quiet, cautious and have good powers of concentration.

Besides, people divided on optimists and pessimists. Optimists tend to see all the events in their lives in a positive light. Everything seems positive to optimists. Even negative events may still be viewed as having the potential to be positive.

In the other hand, Pessimists generally focus on the negative potential of everything. They believe that one mistake means more will come (stable), and mistakes in other areas of life are inevitable (global), because they are the cause.

4) I think that all types of personality measuring are partly effective. I don`t believe in zodiac. I`m sure that is false. Horoscope isn`t science. But I believe in personality tests. Because, I think, these tests can help understand yourself and your personality type. For example: two well-known tests are Myers-Briggs and David Keirsey are based on theory of personality types. And i`m sure Personality tests is the most effective.

5) Charisma is a kind of magic and is relatively. Charismatic personalities are able to draw people to them, and people feel happy in their company. However, they have other qualities such as sensitivity, self-confidence, eloquence and vision. There is a sense of “togetherness “when a charismatic person is with other people. People often misunderstand what charisma is and think of it as a kind of fame, but it`s not the same as fame. Unlike fame, charisma doesn`t fade and disappear over time. A good example of this ability, some say is the famous American, Oprah Winfrey. She is a highly-successful businesswoman and is probably best known as the presenter of a very popular talk show.

6) I want descript my classmate. That`s Ann. She has black hair and green eyes. She is reliable, friendship and open-minded. All time in my study, she helps me and I think she also helpful, honest person and easy-going.


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