The hair industries across the world are depending heavily on the "hair from China". (75% exported from China; 25% exported from India and Vietnam). As the phrase says it has to be China and not others where the high quality hair can be procured from due to the technique issues. This industry is different from others. Quality product comes at a cost due to the raw hair can’t be mass produced as textile. Actually to say, many companies who had mixed animal hair / synthetic fiber into bundles, and sell it as real hair. This is why and how the hair from many of companies is far cheaper and different grade i e 6a 5a 4a. These cheap hairs stand is poor quality. Use it once and…Throw it off. The worst is most of companies are following for the pricing methods. So this human hair industry is much more complicated than it looks. Now only a few companies still stand and deliver the genuine virgin hair and they are rare. The real challenge for client and hair distributors is to find the real virgin hair suppliers who could give you the high quality hair consistently. Very few sellers have faced and conquered this challenge - Rest all; start up, procure, sell and vanish in few months…..
Fortunately we know the truth quickly since we are selling hair, and decided our products positioning only focus on premium hair. Now we had full range of products such as Aunty Funmi hair; Brazilian virgin hair; Peruvian virgin hair; Malaysian virgin hair; Hair closure & wigs etc. All relative hair has corresponding resource that has been passed all kinds of quality test and official certification, so we can say that we have top quality virgin hair in the market! This hair had owned many positive feedbacks from thousands of clients. In spite of this we still inspected hair quality strictly bundles by bundles when dispatched to customer. Last element is the price, it is reasonable and attractive for all. Now we have 3 wholesale customer in USA;UK, and had set up good partnership during the past.
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