20 июня 2015 года в20.06.2015 19:56 0 0 10 1

uttered jhonn…

"gabriel Booyd is not homophobic.I cannot support Death in june anymore.I still talk to Boyd.He lets America reflect in himself.It IS complicated.He is the ultimate prankster.Social Dawinism is a dead end as far as I am conc3erned.I d o not like Dawin or his classification system.It is Victorian and wrong.Nature is a language.To qoute one of Morrrisssy/Smiths more profound lyrics.He probably stold it from somewhere else.ee.cumming at a guess.NEO nazism.Boyd winds people up.He is a really intelligent, fuuny and angry person.He hates it when people get rewarded for doing stupid things.So do I.He is a misthapropist.Doug is repeating learnt behavious again and agin. When I worked with him was a long time ago.I wish he would not be so hateful and stuck in the past.Then agin I have just repeated very stupid and dangerous behaviors agin.2 bottles of absinthe in a day.So I CAN SEE THE MODEL.ARE YOU GABRIEL the artist who writes to Simon Norriis.If you are your work is equal to Hans Belmer and I love it.Sory about typo's.I havn.t been to bed and its 11aqm.Due to more silly reactive behaviors.Sleazy and me split up 3 weeks ago.My new boyfriend is as crrul and boossy as me. Poor Sleazy.Im getting a taste of my own foul medecine.I have 20 years of apologies to atone for. HELP. John and Peter, "


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