12 ноября 2016 года в12.11.2016 21:31 20 0 10 1


The perfect state is to be sure that no time is wasted, no energy repressed and no fear hidden.

Time can be a tool, a liberator or an oppressor. When we claim time back for ourselves we are at last learning to be free and effective. Control needs time like a junkie needs junk. To escape control we must re-embrace our given time.


With the passage of history, society’s control over individuals has been so progressively subtle that it has becoum imperceptible, perhaps even genetically inherited. Its very power lies in the fact that even its figureheads and leaders do not know its processes. Control is invisible. Time is invisible. Control is so able to shroud an individual’s perception of reality in trivia as to becoum a uniform reality in itself. A reality that cannot ask itself questions. That cannot even formulate a language capable of setting questions that might reveal the truth.


Our tendency is always to be busy. But behind the busyness there is no particular point. Similarly, our tendency is also always to be lazy. We don’t make any effort unless we are certain it will be for our benefit, no matter how illogical or self-destructive the action might be. We are impatient but also uncertain. A problem with many “spiritual” disciplines is that we add a layer of abstraction obscuring this basic process. We want to solve the problem, but we are ignoring the fact that it is we who stated it as a problem.


Accuracy comes from two things: clear perception and uninhibited action. These two are linked, and in fact are not really different. Clear perception is receiving without hesitation and uninhibited action is the response: giving back without hesitation. We are acting in experience, not on it.


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