12 марта 2015 года в12.03.2015 20:33 3 0 10 1

Let's go for a drive
And see the town tonight
There's nothing to do but I don't mind when I'm with you

This time's so strange
They built it to change
And while we're sleeping all the streets, they rearrange

And my old friends, we were so different then
Before your war against the suburbs began
Before it began

And now the music divides
Us into tribes
You grew your hair so I grew mine
You said the past won't rest
Until we jump the fence
And leave it behind

And my old friends, I can remember when
You cut your hair
I never saw you again
Now the cities we live in
Could be distant stars
And I search for you
In every passing car

The night's so warm
Yeah, the night's so warm
I've been living in the shadows of your song
Living in the shadows of your song

In the suburbs I,
I learned to drive
And you told me we would never survive
So grab your mother's keys we leave tonight

But you started a war
That you can't win
They keep erasing all the streets we grew up in

Now the music divides
Us into tribes
You choose your side and I'll choose my side

All my old friends, they don't know me now
All my old friends, are staring through me now

All my old friends, they don't know me now
All my old friends, they don't know me now

All my old friends wait


how could they write this so right..?


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Антихрупкость: февраль

Год начинается. Когда? 1 января, 10 февраля, мой, личный — 5 мая? Год начинается, и никто еще не знает, что он нам принесет. Год начинает...


Привет. Спишь? Старый Новый год? У меня все по-старому. Работа забирает основное время и жизненные силы, и мне нравится этот мазохизм. ...


@lili2029 привет и спасибо!



Забудьте всё, что я писала ранее. Всё это было до ужасающего количества ужасающего коктейля из водки, льда и ананасового сока. Всё это бы...