17 января 2015 года в17.01.2015 12:41 60 0 10 2

M узыка — самая тесная связь с народом. Она может изменить его взгляды, подарить новое мировоззрение, заставить любить что-то новое, наставить на другой путь. Проникает в самые глубины сознания.
- A. Моцарт

З има — медленное время года, занятое сидениям у огня, чтением и стихами.
-Джессика Брокмоул

Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes. Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of, disappearing when you wake up, but there’s nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes. It will never change me and you

Sous le ciel de Paris jusqu’au soir vont…Chanter l’hymne d’un peuple épris de sa vieille cité

And I want to wake up with the rain, falling on a tin roof, while I'm safe therein your arms. So all I ask is for you to come away with me in the night… Come away with me

Beautifully broken in Your eyes, you see the man my sins disguise. You took my place. You saved my life. Miraculous love, sweet sacrifice. Beautifully broken, you were beautifully broken

I feel it everyday it's all the same. It brings me down but I'm the one to blame… I've tried everything to get away, so here I go again Chasing you down again. Why do I do this?

Your name's like a drug And I can't get enough. And it fits like glove. I'm addicted to your love

I've been around the world And never in my wildest dreams, would I come running home to you. I've told a million lies but now I tell a single truth There's you in everything I do

Do I wanna know? If this feeling flows both ways.Sad to see you go. Was sorta hoping that you'd stay.Baby we both know. That the nights were mainly made, for saying things that you can't say. Tomorrow day..

You never brought me flowers, never helped me in my darkest hours, and you left it so late that my heart feels nothing nothing in towers… Once we were made like towers, everything could've been ours, but you left it so late that my heart feels nothing nothing at all…


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