08 января 2015 года в08.01.2015 17:13 1 0 10 1

Apparatjik - Datascroller

The precious time that they had left was down to forty-five,
He knew that he could say to Beth that it would take a while.
She was sleeping in an office beneath a store
Broken by Compliance-Agent Packet four-o-nine.
He was starting to believe that he was paranoid,
How could something so beautiful be a humanoid ?
Meeting in the rubble, piling up since back in '39
Looking for a way to make it sure he didn't blow her mind

I'm not gonna datascroller.
You evil redeemers dwell here, you're getting nowhere.

The precious time that they had left was down to forty-five,
He knew that he could say to Beth that it would take a while.
Meeting in the rubble, piling up since back in '39
Looking for a way to make it sure he didn't blow her mind

I'm not gonna datascroller.
You evil redeemers dwell here, you're getting nowhere.

You're standing around her sentence in the story,
Do they really know how it feels to be that lonely?
Do they really know how it feels to be that lonely?

I'm not gonna datascroller.
You evil redeemers dwell here, you're getting nowhere.

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глядишь и я сюда писать начну Х А


HUFFLEPUFF коллекция: [ х ]


- ̗̀ тип личности ̖́- Увидела у Алины пост со ссылкой на этот тест , а я такие штуки люблю, поэтому не удержалась и сама прошла :D ...


but the real question is: does viewy is dead??


Шёпот сердца // 耳をすませば


почему все подписчицы "ты на понтах я на каблуках" и пабликов по типу перебежали на вью, а люди с мало-мальски интересным контентом слили...