16 октября 2014 года в16.10.2014 19:23 8 0 10 1

Let's turn back and have a look at the history and see how many people fell on the battlefield, how many are listed as missing. Practically all countries in our world have suffered terrible casualties. And what for? What does the war give to us? Destruction, rivers of our brothers' blood, broken homes and families, lost fortunes, dead heroes and respect. Nevertheless, do the last two things cost so high? Too many heroes’ names we even don’t know and the respect after war goes away after some countries' mistakes.

All parents want their child to be happy. But if there is a war will they be that happy? Children who grow in such conditions, are not even helpless kids, they are young adults. Who wants it for one's own lovely kid?

There is a great proverb: ‘Wolf never wars against wolf’. Even an animal can understand it, shouldn't we be worse? All of us are brothers and sisters, why can we fight and kill each other? We must realize the cost of human life. Every of us is a unique person, when we kill humans in some way we kill the progress of life. If there is no progress will we be able to live and survive?

So, are you still sure that the war is necessary?


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